Chapter 1: Heat Of The Moment

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Error entered the antivoid, happy to see his best friend once more, "Heya Bl-" he was cut off by being tackled to the ground by Blueberry. "What the-?!" Error exclaims, surprised. Blueberry doesn't say anything in response, just stares down at Error as if he were restraining himself. After a long while, he finally speaks. "I feel hot all over... Can you help me?" He asks with all the innocence in the world in his voice. "How do I help with that?" Error asks, "Do you need a fan or something??"

Blueberry smiles a little bit, "I'll show you!" He says. Blueberry leans down and clanks his and Error's teeth together. Error shivers a little, but kisses back, still confused. Blueberry soon pulls away, a look of pure lust in his eyes. "I need you." He whimpers. "holy jesus fucking christ." Error whispers under his breath, staring up at Blueberry. Blueberry whimpers once more, he seemed so... Needy. Blueberry starts to grind his hips against Error's, going in for another kiss. He moans quietly, sending a shiver up Error's spine. Blueberry licks Error's teeth, asking for entrance. Error pushes Blueberry away. He didn't want Blueberry creeped out about his weird tongues.

Blueberry whimpers, almost as if not continuing this was physically hurting him. "Error please... I need you..." Blueberry whimpers. Error cringes, then sighs and nods, "Fine..." He mutters. Blueberry goes back to kissing Error. Error this time opens his mouth when Blueberry requests, and to his surprise, Blueberry moaned when his tongues met Blueberry's tongue. Error blushes darkly. He tenses when he felt something hit his thighs, Blueberry had a boner. Blueberry whimpers quietly, Error seems unsure of what the fuck to do. Blueberry soon pulled away once more, he removes his shirt this time. He looks down at Error's now dark blue face, Blueberry's face is filled with even more lust than before. Error gulps, looking up at Blueberry, knowing he needed this... now they both did.

Blueberry quickly removes Error's jacket, followed by his shirt. He whimpered upon seeing the exposed bones in front of him. He seemed to be having so much trouble to not just dive right in. He whimpers a little, then quickly removes his and Error's pants. "Blue." Error says, looking up at Blueberry. "D-Do you not want me to?" Blueberry asks, he sounded distraught at the idea of that. Error shakes his head, "Do what you need to, I won't stop you." Error says, looking like he meant it.

Blueberry's eyes light up, "Thank you..." He says. He flips Error over.


Blueberry lies next to Error, panting. "S-Sorry about that... While you were *pant* gone I went into heat..." Blueberry says. So did he fuck the first thing he saw? Does he actually love me? Did he even care that he fucked me? A million questions start zooming through Error's mind. Blueberry wrapped his arms around Error, bringing him close. He soon fell asleep. A few of the questions disappear after Blueberry does this, but he still wondered many things.

Error couldn't even sleep from so many questions going through his mind, and he planned to ask the main one in his mind the second Blueberry woke up. Which he did after a hour or so. Blueberry looks up at Error and smiles. "Heya!" He says happily. Error looks down at the excited Blueberry and smiles a little, he loved seeing Blueberry happy. But he still couldn't get that question off his mind. Did you only fuck me because I was the only one here? He thought. Error then looks away from Blueberry. "Blue... I... I have a question for you." Error says. Blueberry smiles, "Shoot!" He says happily. "Did... did you fuck me, because I'm the only one here?" Error asks, sounding rather sad. Blueberry tenses at the question, but answers after a few seconds. "Kinda, but it helped that I have a huge major gigantic crush on you!" Blueberry says. All of the color in Error's face vanishes in the split second after Blueberry finishes this sentence.

"... Error?" Blueberry asks, staring up at Error. Ohmygodohmygodohmygod AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! Was the only thing going through Error's mind. "Error, are you okay?" Blueberry asks, sounding extremely concerned. Error starts to blush darkly and he faints. "ERROR!" Blueberry exclaims, instantly rushing by Error's side. "Oh no no no no no... I messed up! I shouldn't have said that! I'M SOORRRYYYY!" Blueberry says starting to cry a little.

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