Chapter 10: A Helping Hand

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Error seems to be alerted by this, "BLUE!!!" He shouts and quickly uses his strings to keep Blueberry's soul together, the bone disappearing. Tears stream down Error's eyes, "Oh god, oh god, T-Toriel, I need to get you t-to Reapertale Toriel, now, oh god!!" Error says, picking Blueberry up carefully and opening a portal quickly.

Error ran through the portal as quick as his feet would take him. "Hey E-" Reaper cuts himself off as he stares at the blue wearing skeleton, blood oozing out of his soul. "T-TORI!" Reaper yells loudly. Toriel rushes over and gasps. Error looks like he's about to go into a panic attack. Toriel takes Blueberry into her arms, quickly wrapping him in her healing magic. Error falls to his knees, starting to hyperventilate. His Blueberry Muffin was gone, his love, his hopes. He prayed that Toriel would be able to save him. Blueberry starts to stir a little.

Error was still in a panic attack, Reaper calming him down to the best of his ability. Blueberry opens his eyes, staring up at the ceiling. Alive, he was alive. Why was he alive? Blueberry turns his head a little, seeing Toriel. Oh, I'm being healed, great, Blueberry thought to himself. Error looks up, "Blue!!" He says, looking like he's overcome with joy. Blueberry turns his head, he seemed so un-Blueberry like. His entire being had no emotion in it. He looked lifeless. "Why didn't you let me die?" His voice sounded as lifeless as he looked, as he felt. Error's joy turns into sorrow again and he turns around, tears streaming from his eyes.

Blueberry's facial expression didn't change, he was so goddamn tired. He just wish Error had let him die there. Blueberry knew he was a burden, and he wished he could die. Yet Error wouldn't give him that sweet release, he must hate him. "WHY DO I EVEN TRY?!" Error shouts and falls to his knees again, sobbing, "I've been trying to help you! But I'm just making it WORSE!!" He continues. He gets up and grabs Blueberry, "I'M NOT READY TO LET GO OF YOU DAMN IT!!!" He practically screams. He lets go of Blueberry and just falls into a disheveled heap of sobs.

Blueberry felt a pang of sadness, Error loves him. Error really, truly does. Yet, all Blueberry was doing was making him suffer. He could try his best to give Error what he wanted, after all of his hard work. Blueberry jumps out of Toriel's arms, then walks over to the sobbing Error, bringing him into a hug. "I'm sorry." He says quietly. He honestly was, all of Error's suffering was his fault. Error jumps in surprise, he hadn't expected this of all things. But he quickly hugs back, tightly as he sobs onto Blueberry's shoulder. "For some reason, you chose me out of everyone in the multiverse you could love... I just..." Blueberry's words trail off, he hugs Error tightly. "I just can't live knowing you want to have him back so badly..." Blueberry whispers, his own tears starting to fall.

Blueberry realizes something then, all this time he was thinking of that he wanted to die, but in reality, it was he was willing to die for Error. Error just hugs Blueberry tighter, his sobs quieting to a soft crying, much like that of after a nightmare. "I'm so sorry Blue, I-I shouldn't-" Blueberry cuts Error off, "I love you." Blueberry says, sounding like he honestly meant it. Error's crying silences and he doesn't say anything, nor move, for a while. He pulls back from the hug, smiling so widely it looked like it hurt. He kisses Blueberry's forehead, "i love you more." He says quietly. "Error... Is the question still in the air?" Blueberry asks, smiling for once in a long, long time. Error nods quickly, taking out the small box. "Then... Yes I'd gladly marry you." Blueberry says, a wide smile spreading across his face. He had finally felt something, and god dammit was it a good feeling. Error looks to be ecstatic, his pupils are switching between stars and hearts.

Blueberry laughs for the first time in four months. He brings a hand to Error's face, the future seemed so bright. You don't deserve him, that thought runs through Blueberry's mind once more. You know what? I don't. I really, truly don't. But he wants to be with me, and I want to be with him. So... Shush! Blueberry retorts. Error kisses Blueberry on the mouth, smiling widely. Blueberry hesitates for a moment, but kisses back. A weird, forgotten sensation rushes over him. He recognizes it after a few moments. Ah, lust my old friend, nice to see you again, Blueberry thinks to himself. It comes in a strong wave of desire, all of which is pointed towards Error.

My Favorite Color Is Hot BlueOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora