Chapter 4: Intruders And Bad News

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Error just stares at the intruders, annoyed. "I told both of you not to come in here without my consent." He says. "Come on Error! We just wanted to say hi!" Ink says, "And can I not visit my brother once in awhile?" He adds. "He's just upset because we could have been making out or something when you came by!" Blueberry says. "Well, this time I opened a sound only window and heard... well, humming, so I decided it was safe." Ink says with a small shrug.

Blueberry walks up to Ink and whispers, "He's submissive." Ink and Blueberry both giggle a little. "How much so?" Ink whispers back, grinning. "He's as submissive as I am lustful and cute." Blueberry whispers back. Ink snickers, "perfect." Ink whispers. Error stares at both of them, confused. Blueberry and Ink giggle as Fresh walks over to Error, "Yo! Waddup ma broseph?" Fresh asks. "My brother and boyfriend are talking to each other..." Error responds. Fresh raises his eyebrows in surprise. "I feel bad for ya broski, that's two worlds colliding and no brah wants that for another brahski, ya know?" Fresh says. Error looks at Fresh, "Can you please translate what the fuck that means?" Error asks.

"It means your life is ruined, broski." Fresh says. "And why is that?" Error asks, slightly worried. "There all up talkin about you behind your back brah, sharin them secrets." Fresh says. "Shit." Error says. "Look at em' gigglin like cats." Fresh says. And he was right, they were giggling and snickering. Error thinks for a second before he disappears, then reappears with three puppets in strings. One of Blueberry, Ink, and Fresh. They're surprisingly accurate. Nobody really seems to notice, Ink and Blueberry are still giggling, and Fresh is just watching, shaking his head. Error smiles a bit and strings up the puppets, who start to act like their real life counterparts. He chuckles a bit and starts to make the puppets move, which affects their counterparts as well. Ink starts poking Blueberry. Blueberry seems confused, till his eyes wander to were Error is. He narrows his eyes at the taller skeleton.a He knew what he was doing. Well shit was Error's only thought as Blueberry walks up to him. "What are you doing?" He asks, tapping his foot as if he were annoyed. Which he obviously was. "Just, hanging around." Error says, shrugging a bit. Blueberry doesn't laugh at the pun, just narrows his eyes even more. He points to Ink, "You're controlling your brother." He says. He then crosses his arms, he was CLEARLY not happy with Error's life choices. "He does this all the time." Ink says, "And sometimes I mess with him, we're brothers, we do stuff like this." He adds.

"That's... Weird. My brother doesn't take control of my body, he just annoys me slightly, okay very much. And I don't really do anything back... Well haven't done anything back yet." Blueberry says, smiling evilly now. Error smiles a little, "Got a plan?" He asks. "Of course I do, Erry! I'm a mastermind of evil, didn't you know?" Blueberry asks. "Mind if we hear?" Ink asks, grinning. "Oh, it's quite simple. I wait, and I wait. Till eventually, me and Error get married and have kids or something, THEN I go visit Papyrus." Blueberry says, smiling widely. At this, Ink and Fresh slowly turn to Error, grinning still.

"You... You really see us getting married?" Error asks, stunned. "Of course I do! I already trust you with my soul, it's only a matter of time." Blueberry says, shrugging. Ink starts shaking with joy and Fresh snorts, "Oh my funking god." He says. All of the sudden, Ink takes out the journal. All of the joy leaves his face As he walks up to Error and whispers something in his ear. Error has the same reaction. "Now?" He asks. "Tonight." Ink responds. All the color leaves Error's face, he turns around, a mouth over his hand, the other shoved in his pocket, tears welling in his eyes. "Wh...what?" Blueberry asks. Ink fakes a smile, turning around to face Blueberry, "Nothing... I just told him that something bad happened... Don't worry about it..." He says. "O...kay then?" Blueberry asks.

He then turns to Error, walking up to him. "Is there anyway I can help?" Blueberry asks. Error looks down at Blueberry and shakes his head. Blueberry frowns, then kisses Error, pulling him close. After a second or two, he pulls away. "Whatever it is, nothing will come between us. I promise!" Blueberry says, kissing Error's cheek. Error starts to cry as he hugs Blueberry tightly. "... Error?" Blueberry asks, he sounded so concerned for his boyfriend. "Error... Please. Please tell me what's wrong so we can fix it together!" Blueberry says. Error shakes his head, burying his face in Blueberry's shoulder. Ink walks over to Fresh and whispers what the problem is. Fresh quickly frowns, which he never does. "Error... Error why won't you tell me?" Blueberry asks. Fresh and Ink look at each other as Error continues to cry.

Blueberry eventually sighs, and just settles for hugging Error. "I'm here for you, even if you won't tell me what's wrong... I love you." Blueberry says. Error calms down after a very VERY long time. He starts to whisper 'i'm sorry' over and over again. "Sorry? Sorry for what?" Blueberry asks, he looks as if he's starting to get really worried for Error. Error shakes his head, starting to cry again. "Error, please don't cry! I don't like seeing you cry!" Blueberry says, catching on that this was probably about him. Error tries to calm down, but just hugs onto Blueberry tighter. "Erry... Please calm down." Blueberry says, rubbing circles into Error's back. "i'm sorry, i'm so so sorry..." Error says quietly. "It's o... it's okay...." Blueberry says, suddenly tired. "I'm... Tired... Maybe we could sleep this off?" Blueberry asks, smiling up at Error. Error nods, then looks at Ink and Fresh, who disappear.

Blueberry lays down and motions for Error to lay next to him. Error cuddles Blueberry, nuzzling the top of Blueberry's head. Blueberry soon falls asleep. Error knew what he had to do now. He quickly teleports away, crying as he looks down at his beloved Blueberry. He opens a portal from behind him, uttering the words, "I'm sorry." One last time before leaving Blueberry alone in the anti-void.

End of fourth chapter

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