Chapter 1: ...Glad Max...?

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___Your PoV__
I look at my phone. Ross is texting me.
R: Hey Sis, what r u doin right now?
Y/N: Editing...why...?
R: I'm coming to pick you up.
Y/N: You live halfway across the country tho
I heard a knock on my door...what the heck? Who is visiting me at this hour? I opened the door and Ross picked me up.
"What the he- MAX!" I look past Ross and see Max "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?!" I shout, confused. Then I run to give Max a hug.
"We want to bring you to WASHINGTON!!!" Ross squeals. Me and Max laugh.
"Why exactly...?" I ask still confused.
"Because..." Ross has the most evil look on his face. Then I look to Max who rolls his eyes. I giggle.
"We haven't seen you in forever and wanted you to come hang out with us!" Max says....was he blushing...? Oh gosh no too early in the fanfic. Wait what...? Ross waves his hand in my face.
"SLEEPING BEAUTY WAKE UP!" Ross screams in my face. Max chuckles. I glare at him. Then I playfully slap Ross.
"If you are taking me to Washington, do I have to pack my bags?" I ask. Max nods while Ross is running around being the idiotic sloth he is.
"I can help you pack!" Max suggested. I nodded and he helps me pack my things. He put my bag in the trunk of their car and Ross grabs my hand and shoves me into the car.
"Thanks for making me feel kidnapped..." I say. Ross gave me a twisted grin and I just stare back in confusion. Ross lets out a maniacal laugh and I just think nothing of it.
"Hey, (Y/N), TimTam is on vacation. So you will be staying in his room," Max says. I look down sadly and he realizes why. "Oh yea I forgot you are in love with our couch. You can sleep there if you like." I look up and smile at him.
"YAY ME AND COUCHY WILL BE REUNITED!" Max and Ross give me a confused look. "Whaaat? If YOU were in love, but separated from your love, wouldn't you be excited to be reunited with them?" I ask. Max mumbles something under his breath. I ignore it. He mumbles a lot from what I remember. We arrive at the airport.
"Everyone will be waiting for us in the other airport in Washington." Ross says
"Wai-WHAT? What do you mean EVERYONE!?" I pause and wait for an answer. He opens his mouth but nothing comes out.
"The SkyMedia offices." Max says
"Ohh I see. Why are they waiting?" I ask
"You really think we took this car on a plane? We rented once we got here. Searching around town till we found your house. But come on!" Max grabs your hand and pulls you into the front seat. Ross comes back and whines since he doesn't get to sit in the front.
-~Magical Time skip of Magicalness~-
Everyone hops out of the car and Max grabs your bag. Then you guys head into the airport, and get on a plane back to Washington. You are still confused about all this, your brother and you best friends kidnapping you. But you get an idea in you head. It's almost my birthday... Is that why..? We board the plane and you sit by the window. Max sits in the middle and Ross on the edge. Halfway through the flight, you lean over to Max and whisper "Mad Max" in his ear. He was asleep and having a good dream (you could tell cuz he was smiling). Then his smile goes quickly into a frown. And you giggle lightly. Max opened his eyes and blushes, when you realize you lay your head on his shoulder. Staring up at him. He was much taller than you. Hotter? Maybe. But that is your choice. Ross was fast asleep. Few seconds after you realize what you are doing, you move your head staring out the window blushing really hard. Max turns his head towards you.
"I didn't mind it..." He says, while he grabs the shoulder further away from you, and pulls you close. Next thing you know, you hear Ross talking to himse- wait no. He doesn't do that. He's talking to a camera. CRAP! You open your eyes slightly to make it look like you are still sleeping. Yup. He's filming. You jab you hand into his stomach.
"What was that for...?" Ross whisper-yells.
"For recording me sleep!" I whisper-shout back. I grab his camera and put it in my bag. You looked up at Max and realized he was mad at Ross. Was he awake at that moment? Did you wake him up? Did Ross wake him up? DID HE EVEN FALL ASLEEP?! Then he points out your window. You see something quite confusing.
"Is that a.....WYVERN!?" You whisper-shout.

___Max PoV___
I hear someone whisper "Mad Max" in my ear. Then I feel something on my shoulder. I look at Ross, who was fast asleep. Then I look at (Y/N). She was resting her head on my shoulder, staring up at me playfully. I feel my cheeks heat up. Oh god was I seriously blushing!? She moved her head and looks out the window. I could see her reflection through the window...was she blushing...? OH GOD MAX NOT AGAIN ESPECIALLY THIS EARLY IN THE FANFIC!!! I grab (Y/N)'s shoulder that is furthest away from you. I pulled her back so her head was on my shoulder.
"I didn't mind it." I say. An hour later, the flight was 4 hours long you are on you last hour, you open one of you eyes slightly and hear Ross. Oh god Ross, please tell me you aren't recording.
"Look what we have here! A cuddle party with my sister and Max!? And Max looks like he's having fun. I guess you could say he's a-" you open your eyes and glare at Ross.
"Don't. You. Dare. Say. It." I say
"You can't do anything because you don't have the guts to wake her up!" He replies
"Can't do anything now, but we aren't on this plane forever." I give him a evil grin. Then I place my head back to lean on (Y/N)'s head.
"...Glad Max...?" I hear Ross say. I just ignore it for now. Until we get off the plane of course. I shut my eyes and a little while later, I hear Ross whining in pain.
"What was that for...?" I hear Ross say
"For recording me sleep!" (Y/N) replies. I look towards Ross, who still had his camera out. Me and him had a little fight. Nothing to big. Then you look out the window. You can't believe your eyes.
"Is that a.....WYVERN!?" Magia whisper-shouts. I don't even know how that's a thing. But whatever...

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