Chapter 11

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"Why are you doing this to me? It was a highschool crush! Highschool relationships never last!" I shouted at the horrible man standing in front of me. When I was a Freshman, he was a Junior. He had a crush on me, and only knew of me because of his sister.

"Oh, dear, you should know that our relationship would have lasted. I would make sure of it. But, seeing as your still in highsch-"

"I got kicked out. Because of something someone else did." I snapped at him, not wanting to remember highschool.

"Oh, I see. Denying the fact that you are a killer. I used to be like that, but I accepted it. And now I enjoy it."


"Now love, you might want to keep your voice down. Don't want me to speed up the process, now do we?" He said, and I realized that I don't want a slow and painful death. I rather just get it over with.

"Just get it over with and kill me. It's enough torture making me stare at your horrid face." I rolled my eyes at him, he was always so annoying.

"And where is the fun in that? I at least want to give you a little love." He came over and tried to kiss me, but I bit his lip as hard as I could. Next thing I know, I have a ringing pain on the side of my face.

"Y-you slapped me. If you want to give me some love, then don't slap me." I said as I glared at him. My whole body was glued to an uncomfortable wooden chair, with my hands and feet tied. I heard a knocking sound, knowing someone was at the door. Before I could scream to announce my being kidnapped, he slapped a hand over my mouth and got out the duct tape. He then put it over my mouth. I just glared at him, silently thinking of the ways that I should kill him if I get out of this. I decided to listen in on their conversation, wanting to figure out who was there. My body felt numb and i couldn't feel the pain anymore, so why not distract myself with something other than pain.

"Onyx, why would you think I kidnapped her? I'm not stupid. I know if I did I would get caught." He said with so much innocence in his voice. I wanted to try to get her attention. But how?

"Hold on, can I come in?" I heard the familiar voice I pinned as Onyx. I need to let her know I was here. Currently, I was in the walk-in-closet in his room. He had a decent sized closet.

"Sure, do you want something to drink, or?"

"Could I have a water please? I just need to call some of my friends and tell them something." Onyx said.

"Yes of course, anything for my dear sister." I heard his voice say. Then I heard Onyx talking on the phone, but too quietly to hear. Next thing I know, there are more knocks on his front door, to which he answers. And I heard four more familiar words.

"Yo, bud, how are you?" I heard Ross' voice say.

"I'm good, who are these people?" I heard his voice ask.

"We are friends, now, who are you?" I suddenly heard Barney's voice, surprised by how harsh it sounded.

"My name is Kane, Onyx's sister." I heard Kane say.

"Okay, Kane, do you happen to know where (Y/N) went? She sort of disappeared." I heard Max say. I decided this was the best time to try and get there attention, so I leaned in the chair, which came falling to the ground with a big thud noise, my body banging into the wall.

"If you can excuse me, I'm gonna be right back." I heard Kane's voice say, hearing his footsteps leave the main room and come in his. "I thought I told you to be quiet! Are you stupid or something!?" He whisper-shouted, then he threw a knife at me. It landed dangerously close to my face, but I had an idea. He left the room, and I leaned forward to cut the tape so my screams would be heard.

"MAX! ONYX! ROSS! PLEASE SOMEBODY HELO ME!" The moment I screamed this, I heard a loud thud, and Onyx burst into the room. She quickly got the duct tape off of me and untied my hands and feet. I grabbed the knife, ready to kill Kane. And Onyx looked at me, shock on her face. Probably from all the dried blood and cuts all over my body. I stepped out of the room, knife in hand. Max and Ross were standing by the entrance of the house, ready to book it. I turned and saw Red holding Kane against the wall.

"Guess what, Kane. Bad guys don't win. And they never get what they want." I said. I shoved Red to the ground, and put the knife straight through Kane's chest. I heard everyone around me gasp, and Kane just smiled at me.

"And there, you are wrong. Sure, I'm dying. But I'm taking you with me." Before I could understand what he was saying, I heard a loud bang and a bad feeling in my neck. He shot me, in the neck. I collapsed to the ground, not being able to stand. Then, Max ran to my side, said something, and I blacked out.

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