Chapter 4: Shipping!!

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We walk inside, I'm still holding Sophie. But I'm cradling her like you would a human baby. We walk into a main looking room and there is a couch there. I run to the couch and sit there with Sophie. Then I see someone with an ACTUAL baby. Adam.
"OMG DJ BABY MASON!!!!" I squeal
"OMG NEW PERSON WHO ARE YOU!!!" Adam squeals right back at me
"Oh. I'm Ross's sister. He sort of kidnapped me." I smiled at Adam
"Then how do you know my baby?" He asks
"I watch a lot of YouTube. Like, a LOT." I smile again
"Oooh I see." He smiles back at me. I pick Sophie up off of the couch and cradle her like a baby
"You see, you have your baby, but I have my baby too!" I look at Sophie rubbing her stomach
"AWWWWWW PUPPY!" He squeals. Then Max came out of his office and sits next to me, petting Sophie. Adam smirks.
"Is Mad Max the father?" He says still smirking at us. I could tell my face was a little pinker than usual, and Max was Mad.
"Be glad you are holding a baby." Max says to Adam
"I ship it." Ross says poking his head around the corner. I set Sophie down in Max's lap, and get up. Counting down on my fingers while slowly walking towards Ross.
"EEEEEEK NO! nonononNoNonONONONO!" Ross squealed running off and I chased after him. After I tackled him and gave him a little talk and maybe knocked him out but no one needs to know, I came back and Max's face was red with anger. And I realized Adam and TimTam were talking about the ship. Great. I run in tackling TimTam and give him a slap.
"HA! Nice one (Y/N)!" Max laughs
"Thank you! And thanks for watching my baby as I killed Ross. He won't be able to record for maybe 30 minutes...?" I say. Everyone laughs.
"Wait what did you do to him?" Adam asked
"I tackled him, have him a little talk, and knocked him out." I smile at Adam
"Your smile is so innocent but you are so deadly..." Adam gives me a weird look
"That's why you always sleep with one eye open!" I say that as I exited the room, flipping my hair, Sophie follows me. I walk into the kitchens and sit on the floor, since I have nothing better to do.

<3 Stupid GingerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora