Chapter 12

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Max's PoV
"The bullet is no longer in her throat, and she has a 50-50 chance of living. Right now, she is in a coma-like state and all we have to do is wait until she gets back. Patience is key." The doctor said, smiling at all of us.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN 50-50!? AND PATIENCE!? Are you KIDDING ME!?! THATS MY BEST FRIEND! SHE CANT DIE! I NEED HER! Please! Do anything you can I need her alive!" Onyx wouldn't stop freaking out. At one moment she would be angry and screaming her head off, at another moment she would be on her hands and knees crying her eyes out. I don't know what happened between them, but they were really close. Ross was staying silent, his expression completely emotionless. Except for his eyes. His eyes were filled with sadness.

"Miss, you are gonna have to calm down soon. I don't want to have to call security on you." The doctor said, trying to calm Onyx down. Red was sitting next to Barney, comforting him. Red was taking this oddly well. Barney had tears down his face. Me, I'm trying to be strong. Stay positive for (Y/N).

"Hey, Onyx. Stay happy. Stay positive for (Y/N). She won't want us moping around waiting for her to wake up. She would want us to be happy!" I say, in hopes of cheering her up. Onyx wiped away her tears and looked up at me, thoughtfully. Before squeezing me in a hug, which I returned. But she was too strong and she was squeezing me too hard. "Onyx.....air..........breathe...."

"Oh, sorry...but you are right. I need to go plan a party for when she gets well!" Onyx leaped away and was too excited. Ugh, this girl. She ran straight out of the hospital, dragging Barney with her. For some reason, Red stayed behind.

"Hey, if you guys want, you can go in and visit her now. She is still asleep though." The doctor said.

"Okay." Ross finally spoke, and the three of us follow the doctor to the room.

(Y/N)'s PoV
I heard footsteps and a door opening. I jumped up and looked around, but I was in a hallway. Behind me was complete darkness, but ahead of me was light. The light was at the end of the hallway, and there was no way I am going to the darkness. I'm terrified of darkness. But this hallway, it's so long.

I could hear voices. Max and Ross to be more specific. They are talking to me, but I can't see them anywhere. They might be at the end of the hallway. Then I notice. There is a small beeping sound. I take a few stores forward, and the beeping slows down. Maybe if I go to the end, it will stop. It's getting really annoying.

I make my trek down the long hallway, when a window pops up, by my right. I look through it, and see me and Max. To be more specific, it's when we were hanging out in the box room and he was being a butt knight and we were shouting and tackling people. That was fun. I miss Max.

But he doesn't miss me. He hates me. He would have tried to find me. But no one was there. Kane just killed me and is now living peacefully. What is wrong with him, why couldn't he have just let me live?

I continue my long walk ahead, and another window pops up. I decide to look through it, and see Max sitting next to a hospital bed...with what looks like me in it. But that's impossible. Someone has trapped me in a hallway, I'm not in a hospital, and I've never been in a hospital. Er, I have been in a hospital but only to visit. He is mumbling some words but I can't tell what they are. He's holding my hand in his, and what looks like tears running down his cheeks.

"NO! THATS IMPOSSIBLE!! MAX HATES ME! HE WOULD BE TRYING TO FIND ME TRYING TO SAVE ME! RIGHT NOW HES PROBABLY PLAYING SUPER SMASH OR SOMETHING! DONT MAKE IT SEEM LIKE HE LIKES ME! it's not true..." I run away from the window, not wanting to look at it. More Windows pop up, but I don't bother looking at them. Then I come to the end of the hallway, and there is a bright white door, and one last window pops up. This one, I can actually hear what is going on in there. Max and I are standing next to each other, and there is a little ginger boy running around.

"Mommy! When do I get to pway wit Jonny?" The ginger boy asked me.

"Oh Mike, you can play with him soon. Me and daddy just have to finish getting ready. Go clean up your toys while you wait, okay dear?" The little boy nods at, what looks like me but a little older, and runs off cleaning up toys. Then Max turns towards slightly older me and kisses my cheek.

"I love you. Know that, I always have and I always will." He whispers in my ear.

"I love you too..." Slightly older me says with a smile. And by slightly older, I mean 25 years old at least. The little ginger boy looked to be at least 3 1/2. Max looks to be at least 29 maybe. Can't be too sure.

"This is a lie. This is all a lie. HE DOESNT LOVE ME! HE DOESNT CARE! HE NEVER HAS AND HE NEVER WILL!" At this point, the beeping sound is really loud but really slow.

I have to open that door and get through it. Maybe it will release my pain.

Third PoV
Told you that you would see me again.

The beep of the heart machine thingy, forgot what it is called sorry, has slowed down drastically. Then all of a sudden, it stopped. Max stared down at (Y/N)'s lifeless body, more tears coming out. Ross has completely shut down, and Red is frowning.

"No no no no no no...this isn't supposed to happen THIS WANT SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!" Red screamed.

"Michael, what do you mean this wasn't supposed to happen, like, if it was her time then it was her time." I say, removing all emotion from my voice.

"She was supposed to live, and marry you. She wasn't supposed to die now I'm gonna disappear. I can't leave, I have too many things I need to do." Red wouldn't stop freaking out.

"What are you talking about!?" I yelled, wondering what this psychopath was going on right now. The love of my life just died and I don't really feel like having to deal with this idiot.

"She is my mom, and I'm gonna disappear soon. I'm from the future you idiot." Red said. What? He is from the future?!

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