Chapter 3: BARK BARK!!

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___(Y/N) PoV___
We talk and talk and laugh and talk more. The only time we weren't talking was when we were laughing. Then we stop outside some sort of apartment building. We get out and I see a dog. I squeal and run to the dog, noticing it's a stray. It looks like a husky/retriever mix (PICTURE ABOVE LOL). Then you realize it's a puppy.
"MAX GET ME SOME SORT OF TREAT!" I yell at Max. He came running back out with a piece of bread. He looks at me, and then looks at the cold scared puppy. He hands me the bread.
"Here girl, you can trust's okay..." You say calmly to the dog, holding out the piece of bread. The dog runs at you and jumps into your arms, eating the bread.
"Whatcha gonna name her?" I hear Max ask
"I like the name Sophie." I said staring at the puppy.
"I used To have a dog named Sophie, back in Louisiana." He says.
"Let's go back!" I say
"Ok." He says walking towards the apartment. He opens the door.
"Why didn't you guys come in straight awa- PUPPY!!!!" TimTam yells running to me.
"(Y/N) found this little girl outside." Max says, looking at the dog.
"I WANNA NAME IT SOPHIE!" I squeal while kissing the dog's forehead.
"We can buy stuff for it tomorrow, if you like." Max smiles at me
"YAY! Sure!!!" You say, still looking at the puppy. Then you look at Max and smile at him. You walk to the guest bedroom and set the puppy on the bed. You lay down and pass out, without changing into pj's. You just too lazy. The puppy snuggles up next to you under the blanket. You hold it close to you smiling. YOU PASS OUT AND NOW ITS MORNING CUZ I SAID SO I HAVE POWER!!!
"(Y/N) wake up." Ross says
"Why?" I say snuggling closer to the dog.
"Because you are coming to the offices with us." Ross says
"Uuuuuugh FINE! But can I bring Sophie...?" I ask
"Who's Sophie?" Ross says. Sophie was under the blanket so he couldn't see her.
"My baby..." You pick up Sophie and show her to your brother.
"Awwww! Yea sure why not..." He replies. You smile super wide, extremely happy. I walked out of the room, still carrying Sophie, and grabbed some breakfast.
"You haven't let go of her ever since she started trusting you." Max says
"Oh uhhh... I've always wanted a dog and I just really love her." I say, Max muttered something under his breath. TimTam walks in.
"Wait wait wait, didn't you guys say TimTam was on vacation???" I ask
"OOOOH yea! I cancelled it. Wanted to finally meet Ross's sister." TimTam explains. I nod my head showing I understand.
"Didn't have to do that for me..." I say
"I want to be good friends with my friends sister." He says smiling at me. I smile back a finish my breakfast. I changed into some new clothes and ran out the door, with the dog. I went to the building next to the apartment, conveniently a pet store, and start buying Sophie all the basic dog essentials. Some food, a food bowl, a purple collar, a dog tag thingy whatever those are called, some toys, and some of those pad things you put on the ground so the dog doesn't pee straight on the floor. You get what I'm talking about, right? Then I go up and pay. Then you run back to the apartment.
"Where did you go?!" Ross screams
"Shopping." You reply
"I see that now." He says pointing to the bags in your hands
"I thought you were going with me!" Max says
"Sorry couldn't wait. But we can still go shopping together later. I need to buy some things still." I say smiling at Max. He smiles back.
"Girls and there shopping." He laughs
"HEY!" You yell. Then you shrug it off and put the collar on Sophie, and realize you forgot to buy a leash. You set her down and go looking for a leash, and realize she just follows you.
"Can I trust you not to run away from me?" I ask Sophie.
"Yup!" She barks back.
"Good girl!" I say, petting her head
"You can talk to dogs? And understand them?" I jump back since Max sort of startled me
"Uhh.. Yea... If you volunteered at a humane society, and worked with the dogs, and finished early, you would understand them too." I smile at Max
"Well let's go then." He says
"Let's go Sophie!" I say to the puppy. I hear Max chuckling. "Don't laugh at me!" I say as I run off with Sophie chasing me. We hop in the car, waiting for the rest of the guys to come out. They finally walk out and hop in the car. I'm sitting in the backseat, and TimTam sits next to me this time.
"I wanna see that puppy! Let me pet it!" He says
"Ok go ahead! But you need to know, her name is Sophie and she's not an 'it'" you say
"Whatever" he pets the dog and I realize we pull into the Offices parking lot
"Well that was fast." I say
"You were busy playing with your dog." Max looks back at you from the drivers seat.
"Can't help it if I love puppies. Sorry!" I say, giggling.

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