Chapter 13

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(Y/N)'s PoV
As I walked through the doors, I came into another room. There was a hooded man sitting on a chair in the room. He pointed to the other chair across from him, signaling me to sit down. And I decided to do what I was told.

"Hello, (Y/N)." He said

"Who are you?" I asked

"It wasn't your time to die." His voice was raised at this, but he didn't seem mad.

"What do you mean 'die'?" I ask, seeing as I have a ton of questions zooming through my body.

"I mean, you are dead. But you weren't supposed to. You pretty much welcomed death into your arms, when you could've fought to live." The mysterious man said.

"What do you mean? I have no one there who loves me anymore, and I am forever lonely. They all left me to die, didn't they?" I ask, not feeling too well.

"There, you are wrong. I'm not sure what Kane did to you, but they all still love you. Here, watch." He tapped the white wall next to him, and it showed a screen. He tapped it a few more times and a video type of thing came up. It looked like it was recorded by surveillance cameras of some sort. There was my body laying in a hospital bed, my hand in Max's. Max was sitting next to the hospital bed, crying. I didn't understand though, didn't they all hate me?

"I don't understand. If I'm dying, or dead already, why are you trying to make you feel bad?" I ask, which makes him chuckle.

"I'm not trying to make you feel bad, I'm wanting to see if you want to go back. If you want another chance."

Max's PoV

I shrugged off the fact that Red was from the future, and turned back to (Y/N)'s lifeless body. She looked so peaceful, except I knew that there was more beyond that. I kissed her hand one last time, and whispered 'I love you', and then got up to leave. Red and Ross already left, and so I was alone. I walked to the door, and opened it.

"You didn't miss me too much, did you?" And at hearing these words, I jumped and looked back to her bed, and sure enough, there she is smiling at me.

"(Y/N)!! You're alive!?" I yelled, I'm just too happy and excited. I ran over to her bed and hugged her.

"Heh, yea. I got another chance because I wasn't supposed to die. But anyways, how is life?" She asked.

"Why are you asking me that? We'll nevermind. I mean, life is better now. I met this super cool girl, she is really nice and beautiful and she is amazing at video games. What about you?"

"Oh...well.. I met this guy, he's really mad most of the time. But he is nice and plays video games. But he's stupid, so my life has been rather hard trying to deal with him." She said with a smile.

"Does this guy have a name?" I asked laying down next to her on the hospital. She turned into her side, so she was facing me. And I did the same so I could face her. She caressed my cheek, staring into my eyes smiling.

"Not one I'm telling you." She then gently slapped my cheek and burst into laughter. "Well, does this girl have a name?"

"Well, she does, and it's the prettiest name ever. But if you won't tell me, then I won't tell you. I'm gonna go get a doctor, okay? And also, everyone else thinks you are dead."

"Here, just click this button thingy. It calls a nurse or doctor to the room." She said, pointing to a button. I clicked it, and a few minutes later the doctor from before walked in.

"You're awake? I thought you were dead. Wait-you aren't her brother. Where did her brother go?" The doctor said as she walked into the room.

"He left when he thought she died. So did everyone else." I answered.

"Well, what relation do you have with her." The doctor asked. Me and (Y/N) looked at each other, and I had an idea.

"She's my girlfriend." I say, and the doctor nods her head and hands me some paperwork.

"She still needs some of these papers to be signed by a family member, so you can go and get them signed by a family member before she gets to leave." And then the doctor left.

"Seriously? Girlfriend? Why not cousin, or sister, or closest friend in the world!?" (Y/N) said.

"The first thing that came to mind was that. Sorry, not sorry."

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