Chapter 29

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On March 2nd, Mom got a call from the DA while she was at work. When she got home that night, I was asleep. I had started trying to get to the hospital by 8:30 every morning, which meant that late night reading sessions weren't happening. I usually was wiped by ten and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I woke early the next morning to the smell of frying bacon. I found Mom and Seth in the kitchen. Mom was stacking blueberry pancakes fresh from the stove on a plate.

"Good," she said when I walked in. "I need to talk to you."

"Whassup?" I sat down and helped myself to the eats.

"The DA called. He said that they have decided to try Jake and Marlow together after all. Marlow's public defender was in a boating accident. He has bowed out for now. Jake's lawyer got together with the DA because Marlow and Jake want a speedy trial. They aren't happy with their living situation. The two boys are using the same defense. They had separated the cases to try to get them to roll on each other, but once you agreed to testify, that was a moot point. The judge has an opening on his docket. I guess a defendant had a heart attack. Anyway, all that to say that the case will probably start the week of March 13th."

I almost choked on the drink of milk I'd just taken to wash down my pancakes.

"March 13?" I sputtered. "But ODWG is on the 18th. Will I have to miss the camp?"

Mom laughed. "Don't get all bent out of shape, CW. The camp is on Saturday. Trials don't usually extend into the weekend."

"Oh. I guess I wasn't thinking."

"Anyway, the DA wants to see you for prep on Monday. You'll have to let BJ know that you may be out a lot the next couple of weeks."

"No, problem. Our joint tutoring starts next week. He can use the mornings to study. He's behind me in all the classes anyway. He can do catch up while I'm in court. I'm sure the tutor will understand if I have to miss some classes."

Seth spoke up. "You do realize that court is not going to be easy. Jake and Marlow are going to be sitting there staring at you while you testify. The jury is going to be analyzing your every move and facial expression. The defense lawyer is going to try to make you look like a juvenile delinquent who's trying to get away with breaking the law by fingering his comrades in crime."

"So I've heard." I tried to look unconcerned. "I'll just have to take it as it comes."

"We'll be praying for you," Mom said.

"That God will give you the words you need, wisdom, and strength," Seth added.

"I hope He's listening and willing to lend a hand," I said ruefully.

"Just believe," Mom said.

"Easy for you to say."

"How about we pray right now," Seth said. I looked down at my half-eaten pancakes. "By right now, I mean once we finish eating the wonderful pancakes Patsy made," he amended.

We all dug in. When the last morsel was swallowed, Mom held out her hands. Seth took one hand and held out his other hand to me. I reluctantly took both their hands. It was one thing to talk to God when I was alone, but I wasn't sure I was down with this holding hands and praying out loud thing.

Seth started. "Father," he said. "We're all your children here. You said that when two or three of us agree on something in your name, then it will be done. Now, I know that by in your name, you mean things that are in your will. And I believe that you want CW to tell the truth in court without fear. So that's what I'm asking. Take his fear away. Bring the facts to his mind and help him to articulate them clearly."

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