Chapter 12

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My heads spinning, my heart is beating faster then it ever has in it's whole life as I lean in to kiss Louis tender lips.

His body pressed to mine in the heat of the moment, before we could finish our lovely kiss, my phone went off.

He slowly let go of the kiss and I grabbed my bag, I took my phone out, it was Tif,


"Hey Jen, there's a party on double street at 684, come on over, it's not a party if your not here! Oh and btw, bring Louis."

I looked at Louis who was looking at me with a confused face.

"Uhm, sure, see you there."

I hung up,

"Are you busy tonight?"

Louis looked concerned,

"No, why is everything alright?"

"Yeah, it's just my friend Tiffany told me about this party, do you want to come ... with me?"

He smiled widely,

"I'd love to!"

He took my hand and our fingers intertwined (once again).


When we walked in I saw a bunch of beer cans, cheetos, chips, weird powders everywhere. There were people dancing and grinding away like idiots. 

Louis grabbed my hand and lead me to the people dancing, we danced like crazy people but it was fun since he laughed at everything I did. I saw Izzy and Tif in the corner giving me googly eyes. Tif mouthed, 

"I told you so"

While Izzy just sat there giggling.


After a while, Louis was hanging out with the guys and getting to know them better, I noticed a curly headed guy walk in with 3 other guys... Oh, it was Louis band mates, Harry came over to me,

"Hey there, I'm Harry."

"Hi I'm Jenny."

"Are you Louis Jenny?"

I blushed at the thought of me and Louis together,



He held his hand out,

"It's very nice to meet you, GUYS!"

He said while shaking my hand, the 3 other guys popped out of nowhere beside Harry,

"Meet Louis' Jenny!"

"Vas Happenin'? I'm Zayn"

The rugged looking one said while giving me a huge hug,

"My name is Liam."

The smart one said and shook my hand,

"I'm Niall."

The blonde guy said and squeezed me,

"I'm Jenny but of course you all know that."

They all laughed,

"We should go find Louis, I wanna see his face when he finds out that we know you now."

Niall said while eating the whole bowl of cheetos,

"Oh Louis right-"

I turned around to see the other guys standing there but Louis was nowhere in site,

"Never mind, he's probably somewhere."

"Well, let's go find him Jenny, Just me and you."

Harry said while we walked around the hallways, in one room we found a couple.... You know.

"Now that's something I didn't want to see."

Harry said while closing the door quickly.

We went to the second door, there was a guy smoking pot, we closed the door and coughed from the disgusting smoke.

As we opened the third door my jaw dropped,

"Found him.."

Harry said nervously.

There Louis was, sitting on the bed, across from Ivory, kissing her so hard that I wanted to cry.

"How could you?"

They let go and Louis looked at me shocked.

"Jenny, I can explain!"

"Explain what? How your kissing the enemy when you told me that you loved me!"

I let the tears fall out of my eyes, Harry was rubbing my shoulder.

"Babe, I can explain, she was all over me."

I ignored his protest and went to my conclusion,

"You told me you wouldn't play me and I believed you. How stupid am I?"

I walked out of the room furious, all I could hear was Louis calling after me, but I'm not as naive as he thinks.

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