Chapter 13

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I sat on the stairs listening to the thumping of the music, which only made my head ache worst.

I was about to get up before I felt an arm on my shoulder,


I heard a thick British accent behind me say. I turned around to see Harry.

"Oh uh, I'm so sorry about crying, I just-"

He sat down next to me and shut me up with a hug,

"There's no need to be sorry, I'm just so sorry that Louis did that to you sweetie."

I cried in to his shoulder and he ran his fingers through my hair,

"Look Jenny, I'm going to talk some sense in to him."

I let go of Harry,

"I'm just gonna go home. I'll be fine trust me."

Harry raised his eyebrow uncertain of what to do.


"Yeah, but thanks-"

Before I could walk away, he grabbed my hand.

"Give me your phone for a minute."

I took out my phone, he started typing something, he gave it back to me.

"If you need me, you'll know what to do."

I smiled



I got home, I didn't see my dad anywhere, I looked at the kitchen table and saw a note

"Gone out with the boys for a round of beers, see you in the morning. -Love Dad."

I decided to go upstairs and just jump in to bed, today has been stressful enough to stay awake to keep reminding myself about it.


"Jenny, I'm so sorry."

I heard someone say as I opened my eyes, I saw someone on the laptop screen,


I asked unsure of it was a ghost or someone in my house... Did I lock the door..?

"Come to the computer."

I walked over and sat in front of my laptop, I saw Louis sitting there with his hair ruffled and his clothes ripped.

"Looks like you had fun last night."

He started to protest,

"Jenny, I didn't-"

"I don't want to know."

I said as I shut my laptop.

My phone started ringing.

"What in the world do you want?"

I answered furiously,

"I just wanted to make sure you were alright."

I automatically felt bad when I heard Harry's voice.

"Oh sorry Harry, I just thought you were Louis."

"No problem there sweet heart."

I laughed, do all British people hate calling people by their names?

"It's Jenny."

I said with a little giggle.

"I know that sweet heart."

My giggle turned in to a loud laugh.

"I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out today."

Harry said very slowly.

"Sure, but promise me something."

"What is it?"

"I don't want to be anywhere near Louis."

Harry let out a deep breath,

"Sure thing sweet heart, just give me your address and I'll be there right away."


I said and gave him my address.

We said our goodbyes, I got ready for whatever we were doing.

Pushing Me Away {A Louis Tomlinson Fan Fiction}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя