Chapter 19

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I opened my eyes in surprise, I saw Harry looking back at me with his green orbs,

"What just happened?"

Ivory screeched, 

"I would much rather kiss Jenny then you."

Harry said while looking at Ivory with a huge smirk on his face,

"It's just not fair!"

She said and stomped off,

I looked towards Harry who got up and took my hand, we got up and left the restaurant.


In the silence of our car ride, the only thing that kept going in my mind was ,"Why did you kiss me when I'm in love with your best friend?" I looked at Harry he was focused on the road, I looked out the window, the weather fit my mood perfectly, cloudy skies with a hint of sunshine and crazy winds, the confused state of the environment.

"Your awfully quiet this ride, what's the matter?"

He asked me in his thick accent,

"What's the matter? You don't kiss a girl and not tell her why Harry."

I said and looked outside my window,

"I kissed you because I wanted to prove to Ivory that any guy would want you over her."

I sarcastically laughed,

"That's nice, now you've hooked up with two Jenny's go brag to the rest of the boys."

"Why are you mad?"

He asked annoyed,

"You don't kiss someone with a stupid reason like that, feelings could be mutual or the butterflies might start, you just, don't do that!"

"They haven't started, and plus, you're in love with my best friend!"

Oh no, I thought to myself, whats Louis going to do if he finds out about this? What is going on, was Louis not playing me? Was Harry the real player in this game? I don't know what to do anymore.

"You're right."

He looked confused, 

"What do you mean?"

"I am in love with Louis."

He stopped at a red light,

"Let's just, not tell him."

I looked at him confused,

"What do you mean?"

The light turned green,

"You love Louis, so let's not tell him, it would be our little secret, just between us."

"But Harry-" 

He interrupted me,

"Do you want to hurt Louis?"

I shook my head,

"I know you don't want to do this, but we'll tell him when the time is right and besides, you guys broke up, so I don't think he'll be mad-"

I looked at my phone and cut him off,

"That bitch!!!!"

He looked at me concerned but kept his eyes on the road.

"What's wrong?"

He asked,

"Pull over."

He pulled over, I showed him the picture on twitbook, it was a picture of me and Harry kissing. I'm sure that Louis saw this, we can't keep it a secret.

"What are we gonna do?"

I asked anxiously,

"Well, there's nothing else we can do. We have to confront him about it, only if he asks us questions though."

I nodded my head


We got to Harry's house, we saw Louis sitting on his front porch, his eyes were puffy and red. He saw the car and ran to us. Harry got out and before I could move, Harry was face first with the dirt, I ran out of the car and ran to Harry.

"Louis? Why did you hit him?"

I saw a different Louis when our eyes met each other, he looked pissed off, not his usual happy ego self, he looked like he could kill Harry if he had the chance,

"I didn't know that Harry would take you away from me. I never thought he'd turn on me."

I got him up, 

"Listen Louis, he did kiss me, but it was to prove a point to Ivory that no one would want her."

"Please Love, don't make any excuses. If you're in love with Harry, I don't know how I'll live with myself. All I know is that if I let you go, you'll realize that I truly love you and not him."

"Louis, I don't love Harry, he doesn't love me either."

He looked frustrated,

"Are you sure he doesn't love you."

I helped Harry up,

"I don't like Jenny that way Louis, you love her and I'm not taking that away from you. My true love will come one day and yours is standing right in front of you. Don't just stand there man, apologize to her."

Louis looked at me,

"I don't know what for."

I looked at Harry,

"Me neither actually."

Harry let out a deep breath, 

"Fine then. Jenny, apologize for not keeping your promise to give him a second chance."

He was pointing his surprising large finger towards me,

"Look, Harry, I'm not feeling all too well, Im gonna get home. You guys go bond or something."

I started to walk off on the sidewalk,

"Wait, Jenny!"

I ignored Louis and kept walking,

"She'll be back Louis."

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