Chapter 16

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I went over to Izzy's house,

"So what's happening with Louis?"

She asked as she scarfed down a big spoon of chocolate mint ice cream,

"He's nothing but trouble."

I put my strawberry ice cream down.

"The kiss with Ivory didn't make things any better, the jerk."

I cuddled up with a pink flannel blanket,

"I just hope that the next guy that I fall for doesn't play me like the others, so I'm done with that shit."

She put her spoon away from her mouth,

"Oh come on Jen, he's an asshole but don't let him be your main thought. There will be another guy but their not all the same."

She said in protest,

"Just the guys that I date are real players-"

We heard a knock at the door, Izzy got up, 

"What are you doing here?"

I heard her say in a worried tone.

"I need to speak to Jenny."

He doesn't stop doesn't he, I don't need an explanation, I don't need the heartache, I don't need anything from him, why won't he just leave me alone?

"You just missed her, she just left."

She lied for me, I decided to get up and hide behind the couch so he wouldn't see me if he walked in, which he did because I heard him say when he walked in,

"Isn't she right- no she's not here."

He scratched his head.

"Where would she be?"

Izzy shrugged her shoulders, 

"I don't know, but why would you want to talk to her after you told her that you loved her and hooked up with another girl not even 24 hours after that."

"I didn't kiss Ivory, she kissed me, she told me that she couldn't stand seeing me go out with Jenny because she doesn't want Jenny to be happy, but I do and I want her to be happy. I want to make her happy. I don't like Ivory. I don't even want to be near that girl."

Jenny crosses her arms,

"How did she get you in to a room then?"

"She didn't, I went in to that room because some people I met told me that Jenny wanted to see me there, I went up to see Ivory sitting on the bed, we talked 'cause I wanted to make sure that she leaves Jenny alone, but before I could defend Jenny, she grabbed me and kissed me and that's when Jenny walked in, I tried to let go but she kept biting my lip and I couldn't let go or she'd bite harder, see.

He showed Izzy the bite inside his lower lip,

"Ow, that looks like it really hurt."

"It did, but the day after that everything went fine with Jenny, I got her back in my life and then the next day Ivory rips her right out of my hands again and feeds her lies."

"Why should I believe you?"

"Because I need Jenny, I want Jenny, I love Jenny. Not any other girl. Just Jenny."

"Aw, please go find Jenny. Tell her what you told me. She'll love you forevs if you tell her that."

"Thanks Izzy."

"Get going, she could be at the theatre."

"What if she's not."

I heard whispering but I couldn't hear it. I could not believe that this was actually happening, my best friend and my ex (I think, I don't know if we were actually going out) planning something without me knowing about it.

"Ok then, I'll just go home."

He said, I heard the door close shut.

"He's gone."

I got up from behind the couch,

"What did you tell him Izzy?"

She looked at me confused,

"I didn't tell him anything that you couldn't hear if that's what your asking."

"Listen Izzy, if your just going to stab me too, go ahead, I'm done."

I walked towards the door,

"What are you talking about?"

I turned around to face her, i noticed her pupils widened in fear.

"Izzy, I told you, I don't want him, I don't believe him, and I don't need an explanation-"

"Come on Jenny, don't lie to me, you don't know anything because you didn't hear the full story, let Louis tell you his side of it."

I started to get angry.

"Yes I do. Ivory told me-"

"You told me not to communicate or believe anything that 'Irony' said, why are you breaking your own rules, you know she's up to no good Jen."

Izzy thinks she knows everything, well she doesn't. She needs to stop bossing me around.

"I don't need your opinion. I just need you to understand me."

"Understand what? Understand why you keep pushing Louis away?"

That was it, I couldn't take it anymore, my best friend finally broke me down, telling me what everyone tells me. I'm not pushing Louis away, I'm just protecting myself from getting hurt.

"You know what Izzy, I'm not pushing him away, you can't say anything either because you don't know what it's like to be in this position that I'm currently in."

"Why does everything have to be about you, I'm so tired of hearing about your plan, and if anyone gets you side tracked for just one minute you block them out. Your supposed to feel whatever emotion fate brings you and your ignoring that. I hate seeing you like this Jenny."

I put on my jacket.

"Well then, I'll leave so you won't have to."

I opened the door and walked out hearing Izzy call me back but I just ignored it and kept walking away, it's not her fight, this is mine.

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