Chapter 15

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The crazy weekend was finally over, now I'm back in school, I went to my locker and heard some clicks come closer to me.

"Is your heart broken Jerry?"

I turned around to see Ivory and her clique behind her.

"So you brought the possy, you scared Irony?"

She crossed her arms,

"Of what?"

I got my english binder out,


I closed my locker,

"Wait you can't walk away, that's not how it works!"

"I don't play by the rules Irony."

"It's ivory!"

She screeched like a little girl,

"Anyways, your just jealous that I'm going out with Louis and that he's just using you. Don't worry, you'll thank me later."

I turned around so fast that she jumped,

"Your just jealous because Louis wants me and not you. Save your pride and look in the mirror and ask yourself, 'who the fuck am I?'"

She flipped her hair,

"Whatever, at least I'm gorgeous and your fat."

I laughed,

"That's right, I don't have to be on prescribed drugs to look natural and you my dear, good luck, may the best girl win."

I turned around to head to class when I heard her say.

"I have a video."

I turned my focus back to her

"What do you mean you have a video?"

She gave me a disk,

"I'm serious Jenny, this video shows that Louis actually kissed me, he's lying to you." 

Jenny? She never calls me by my name and she's never been that sincere to anyone but herself

"He actually hooked up with you at the party"

She shook her head.

"I didn't know you two were official, he told me that he didn't even want to have a serious relationship, he only wants to hurt you Jen." 

She said while looking at me right in the eyes, almost tears,

"I know that we've had our differences over the years, I've always wanted you to suffer, but not to the point where your scarred for life."

I couldn't help but let a tear fall out of my eye,

"I'm so sorry Jenny."

She said while coming closer to me to hug me.

"Thanks Ivory, for telling me the truth. I know what I have to do and I'm not letting him destroy me."

I let go of her embrace.

"Do whatever you think is best."

I nodded and went to class.


"Today class we have-"

I ran in to the classroom,

"Mrs. Fallon, you are late to my class."

Ivory ran right in to my back,

"Girls, would you care to explain to the class why you are late."

Mrs. T said while pointing to the class. Louis looking at me with huge concern in his eyes, I didn't know who to believe anymore, I just couldn't look him in the eyes.

"Girl problems." 

I said bluntly,

"Well, don't let 'girl problems' make you be late for another one of my classes again. Now take your seats."

Ivory grabbed my hand and we sat together on the other end from where Louis was, he looked at me confused.

"As I was saying, we have four new guys today, class meet Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik and Liam Payne. Also known as One Direction."

The class started to clap. So that's what One direction is. It's their band name, now I need to find out the reason why they decided to call themselves that, were they thinking dirty? Well, we'll never know unless we ask right? 

They all sat around Louis who was watching me like a hawk.

Ivory took my hand and whispered in my ear,

"He's not worth the risk Jenny."

I nodded.


"See you tomorrow class, remember, start researching for your essays."

Mrs. T said as we all walked out, I felt someone grab my arm, I turned around to see Louis. I jerked his arm off.

"Jenny, what's wrong?"

I looked him straight in the eyes,

"You know what's wrong, I'm done."

He looked at me confused,

"No I don't."

I took a deep breath.

"You did kiss Ivory, even my enemy is trying to help me not make a mistake with you. All you do is lie to me and I don't need that. If you want to hook up with someone, follow your note and go after 'your friends' Jenny."

I walked away from him but he followed me,

"Jenny, why are you acting this way? I thought we had everything sorted out?"

I stopped at the girls bathroom door,

"We did, but you lied throughout the whole thing so no, we didn't sort anything out."

Before he could protest, I walked in to the girls bathroom.

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