~Chapter 5~

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"Fuck you." She hissed. I gave her a confused look. I was playing the dumb card.

"You know, I thought you loved Me. Turns out I was wrong. You love Miranda. You know what forget you! I knew I shouldn't of-“  I cut her off.

"I don't love Miranda." She laughed with tears in her eyes

"Alex. You two made out in the locker room! And I know for a fact you two had sex last night." I looked down. I didn't want to look in her eyes.

"Look at me!" She screamed. I looked up into her eyes. Her face covered in tears. "Don't you see I'm hurting? Why didn't you just break up with me?" She yelled.

 "Because I love you." I didn't realize I was crying until everything got blurry. I blinked letting the tears fall. I looked at her dresser. It had 8 packs of cigarettes on it.

"You're smoking again? I thought you quit!" I yelled

"AND I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME.." She paused. "I guess we were both wrong. You know what I was wrong to fall in love with someone like you! Someone who picked popularity over me! Someone who I never trusted? Why do I even love you?" Those words felt like someone stabbing me.

"I'm sorry." With that I climb out the window and back into mine and got ready for school.

 Rachael POV:

 After Alex left I felt a lot worse. I made him cry! But yelling all those things at him made me feel better. I put on a black t shirt and jeans. Then I looked at myself again. What could I wear to make Alex jealous? I looked at my closet to find a pink dress with a black belt and a pair of flats.

 "Well I guess I'm gonna wear this." I said to myself. I put the dress and flats. Then I curled my hair and put a pink headband on. I ran downstairs. "Hi mom." I say enthusiastically.

"Hey sweetie have fun at school." She said with a smile. I walk outside to see Chase.

"Whoa..." he says as he looks at me in awe.

 "Can you stop checking me out? Can we just go?" He laughed. We walked to the school and everyone was already staring at me. Was I really that hot?

"Hey Rachel I'm sorry for calling you s slut." A girl said. "I like your dress." She continued.

"It’s fine and thanks."

"Me and a couple of girls are going shopping wanna come?" She said giving me a smile. I nod my head yes then we exchange numbers. I turned my attention to Chase.

"It’s probably going to be like this all day" Chase said. I laughed. Chase put his arm around him as a friendly gesture. We walk into the school and I instantly see Miranda and Alex kissing in the hall.

"Oh my gosh Miranda! Hi I haven't seen you in forever!" I yelled getting her attention. Alex glared at Chase because his arm was around me. "I see you're dating Alex. Wow I'm gone for a week and I miss the player getting pinned down. Wow" Chase laughed.

"Yeah, He's my boyfriend and is this yours?" Miranda asked. Alex looked at me with hurt eyes. He's eyes were still a little puffy from crying earlier.

"No he's not." I said simply. I could see the look of relief of Alex’s face. "But maybe we should. What do think Chase?" I gave him a look telling him to play along.

"Are you asking me out?" Chase asked.

"I guess."

 "I don't buy it you two have to kiss." Miranda chimed. I could see Alex's eyes widen. I shrugged. Chase removed his arm around me and out it around my waist. I could feel a crowd forming around us. I put my arms around his neck. He leaned and so did I. Our lips finally touched. I didn't feel anything but his lips W\were soft. I pulled away.

"Happy now?" I turned asking Miranda. She looked mad. Little does she know she ruined me and Alex's relationship and I could easily kill her. I then look around for Alex. He was nowhere in sight. Where'd he go? 

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