~Chapter 11~

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"Rachel hurry up! We're going to be late for school!" I heard Chase yell from downstairs. I grabbed my book bag and ran downstairs. "Finally!" He yelled. Me and my mom just laughed. My mom didn't know I was dating Alex or pregnant and I plan to hide it for long as I can. I waved to my mom goodbye and me and Chase walked out of the house and towards the school.

"Chase can I tell you something?” he nodded. "Promise not to tell?"

"Yes just tell me." He said.

"I'm pregnant." I said enthusiastically.

"Is it mine?" He said jokingly. We both laughed.

 "But in all seriousness congratulations to you and Alex." He said giving me a smile. Yes Chase knows everything.

"Thanks Chase."


"Does anyone have any chap stick I can borrow?" Elizabeth asked. We were in gym class getting ready to do a mile run.

"I do. But it's cotton candy." Miranda voice said.

"Thanks. So Miranda I heard you had a make out session with Alex last night." Elizabeth said wiggling her eyebrows. I was full of fire.

"Yeah didn't you break up with him though?" Melissa's voiced chimed in.

"I did. But you know he just can't get enough." She said cockily. All of the girls laughed and left to go to the field. I felt a range of anger inside of me. Next time I see him. Wait. I'm never going to see him again even if he's the father of my baby. He's going to stay away from me.

Alex's POV:

 When I was walking home I saw Chases arm around Rachel. I ran up to them. I could see Rachel wipe away her tears.

"Hey babe what's wrong?" I asked concerned.

“Fuck off." She hissed. Is this part of her pregnancy?

"Well I'm gonna leave you two to talk." Chase said awkwardly then walking ahead and then pretty soon out of sight.

"How could you! After I forgave you! You go make out with Miranda?! Why you have to lie about it! That's it Alex we're done Don't come near me again! I hate you Alex you're such a whore and I don't want my kid around that." She said, her voice was full of anger and hurt.  Tears were running down her face and she was touching her stomach

"I'm sorry." I said my voice cracking at the end.

"Sorry isn't going to fix it this time." She whispered.

"But I love you." I said. I could feel the tears in my eyes. How could I be so stupid! I love Rachel! What was I thinking when I kissed Miranda!?

"Bullshit" she said with venom in her voice. And with that she turned around and left.

 Rachel POV:

 When I was walking home tears were taking over my face. Why would he do that to me? Was I not good enough? Was I fat? Was I to ugly for him? Miranda was always prettier than me. I turned around and I saw Alex just staring at me. Then he let out a scream and stormed off the other way. When I Finally got home I saw my mom and Polly watching TV.

"Hey honey how was school?" My mom asked.

"Leave me alone" I said meaner than I intended it to be. I started walking up the stairs

"Don't talk to me like that. Tell me what's wrong." She said sternly. I turned around and walked down the stairs. She wanted to know? Oh she’s going to know.

"Fine, I'm pregnant and its Alex's baby. But wait no there's more he also got Miranda pregnant and she's having twins and when I thought everything was going so well he goes in makes out with her. He never loved me and it was my fault for believing that. And mom I saw dad and he said “go to hell.” I said. They were stunned. I couldn't imagine what they are thinking. 

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