Good Intentions

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  Harry awoke on Sunday morning, April sunshine streaming through his window.

He smiled widely, Manchester had been nothing but rain and clouds for two weeks; It was so nice to finally see the sun again.

Rolling towards the window, Harry let the warmth wrap around him, the sun in Manchester was nothing like it was in LA but to Harry it felt like home.

Memories from the night before flooded his mind. Louis dressed in a lovely wine red, eyes shining, making him laugh in a way he never thought he would again.

It felt so right.

On the other side of the hallway, the chestnut haired boy was waking up with a smile that matched Harry's.

All he could think about was his laugh. He had missed that so much.

Harry with his chocolate curls framing his face, pink silk, and his beautiful smile.

Louis missed him more than he could put into words.

The feeling of Harry's hand against his own, the sound of his voice on the train as the sun went down, everything about last night reminded Louis of the past.


"Hazza, we're almost there," 19 year old Louis whispered, brushing the stray curls out of the sleeping boy's eyes.

"Already?" Harry mumbled tiredly, turning around to face Louis.

"Yes sleepyhead, you were out the entire time, see?" Louis pointed towards the train windows.

Harry blinked twice, realizing the midnight sky had turned into hues of orange and pink.

"What time is it?" Harry smiled, eyes wide with wonder as he hopped down and drifted towards the row of windows.

"Six o'clock in the morning," Louis joined him, watching the city zoom by.

"Too early," Harry complained, leaning his head against Louis' shoulder.

Louis wrapped his arm around Harry's waist with a laugh.

"We can sleep in when we go home next month," Louis promised.

"Sounds perfect, oh Lou I think we're here!" Harry looked up as the train stuttered to a halt.

The five boys stepped off the train, immediately surrounded by a sea of fans.

Harry looked up at the sherbet colored sky, streaks of blue beginning to paint over the sunrise.

Seeing the doe eyed boy, Louis instinctively touched The back of Harry's arm lightly, leading him from behind.

When Louis held the tips of Harry's fingers, he knew he would be lying if he said he didn't feel his heart beat a little bit faster.


The oldest member has had feelings for Harry as long as he could remember.

Harry, so gentle yet so full of excitement. His bubbly personality and huge heart, how could anyone not fall for him?

Because Louis did and when it happened, he fell hard.

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