the freak show

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*Author note
Pic is alex-ee's.*

Alex-ee's p.o.v

Twiggy drove me to Venice beach to see a few shops, check out the beach and something else he wouldn't tell me. I turned on the radio and laughed at my father's voice pumping through the speakers. I started singing along.
"BABBLE BABBLE BITCH BITCH REBEL REBEL PARTY PARTY SEX SEX SEX AND DON'T FORGET THE VIOLENCE BLAH BLAH BLAH!!!-" I was cut off by twiggy taking over. we continued till we got to the board walk. We parked the car and got out. We walked around and went into a store called 'mister boo's body' (a/n I made that up so don't look it up.)
We walked in and went to the goth section. "K, so we has money. Pick out 1 outfit plus accessories." Twiggy told me. I did as I was told, grabbing black skinny jeans, a hoodie with shredded arms, black of course. A black cat hat, and black jewelry. Twiggy made me go change then he ushered me to the boardwalk again. He put a bandana over my eyes and took me in a building. He took the blind fold off and I blinked then jumped in a circle and hugged twiggy while squealing. "OH MY FUCKING GOD! THANK YOU SO MUCH TWIGS!!!" I smiled widely and we went to our places to watch the freak show.

Sorry short chapter. Update today.

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