dont leave me.

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Alex-ee's p.o.v

It was black. Every where. I was numb. Then my throat started burning. I screamed and the floor opened. I was being eaten alive by the dirty crust of the earth. I fell till I was in flames. I turned and saw large black wings. I choked back a sob and looked forward. I saw him. Daniel. I turned and ran. I ran till I saw morgue. I jumped to him and hugged him. "Morgue! Help me please! Help!" He pushed me back and bent down he put a finger under my chin. "Alex-ee, why didn't you tell me? Why did you leave me?" "I'm sorry! I'm sorry morgue! I was scared I'm sorry help me! Help me!" He looked at Daniel and laughed. I was shaking in fear. " I could help you. I could love you. But frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." Then I woke up to someone shaking me. "Alex! Alex! Wake up!" I opened my eyes and started crying. Morgue was above me, makeup streaked down his face. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Please don't leave me."

Morgue's p.o.v
I got alex-ee to the hospital. I really liked her and I can't lose her. After her surgery, she was sleeping then started crying, I sat up and wiped her tears. She arched her back and cried out in pain. Then she started thrashing. "Morgue help! Help me please! Help!" My eyes widened and I started shaking her. She kept screaming for me to help her and that she's sorry she didn't tell me. Tell me what? I kept shaking her. "Alex! Alex wake up!" I didn't notice I had started crying again. She woke up and wrapped her arms around my neck, crying then what she said made my heart explode. "Please don't leave me." I hugged her close to me and whispered to her "I would never leave you alex-ee warner. I need you." She pulled back and looked into my eyes. She then crashed her lips to mine and I kissed back. She tangled her fingers in my hair and I put my hands on her waist and she moaned. I pulled back and we were both breathing a little heavy and I rested my forehead on hers. How old is she? Oh well. I kissed her nose and heard her giggle. Then the door opened and I look back at the door and look at Alex with wide eyes. She giggled. "Hi mom hi dad."

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