cult of dreams

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morgue's p.o.v

i shot up out of bed and alex-ee wasn't next to me like usual. i went looking for her and couldn't find her. then i heard the door and ran to it. alex-ee walked in. i hugged her and kissed her. she giggled and looked at me. "hello morgue." "hi." im so nervous. i know her father likes me and her moms happy for her, but its her. i love her more than my job. and thats a lot. i mean just imagine me, mister morgue, working in mc donalds. ORDER 233, HERE'S YOUR CHEESEBURGER! i laughed and alex-ee looked at me. "whats so funny?" "i was just thinking like what if i worked at mc donalds?" she started laughing hard, pretty soon she turned red and snorted. then she shot up and shut up. "whats wrong?" "i snorted." "and?" "it's embarrasing." "it's cute." then she crawled into my lap and kissed me, making my blood turn warm and move as she took my breath away.she pulled away and i looked into her eyes with the most loving gaze i've ever given anyone. "get dressed my beautiful bat." she giggled and put on a little girl voice. "okay." i flopped back and laughed. "your killin me." she giggled and ran to the closet. she grabbed one of my hoodies, and her skinny jeans. she put her bra on and then my hoody, then she slid on her jeans. i smacked her bum and ran out of the room. i was already dressed. i got in the car and then heard a thump, knowing alex-ee jumped out the window onto the car. she got in through the sun roof. i drove to her parents house and they got in. the ride was silent. then i pulled up to a fancy resturant. i turned to alex-ee. i grabbed her right hand and she looked at me. "alex-ee, my love, will you marry me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2016 ⏰

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