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Marilyn's p.o.v

I was sitting in my chair, I'm such an old man. Anyfuck I was listening to music when dita came in. I can't believe I landed her. She's so amazing. She came and straddled my lap and put her perfect hands on my shoulders. "Baby I love you." I heard her gorgeous voice say. "I love you too my dark dove more than I should." She giggled. "I want another baby." She said and looked to me. "Okay." She smiled at me. Hopefully this one can't teleport. That was hell when alex-ee was a baby. Every time dita went to change her or bathe her, she teleported to somewhere in this giant house or to twiggy's. "Brian...can we go to our room?"
"Yes we can dita." She got up and grabbed my hand. She led me through the black and red house to our black door. She opened the door and pulled me in. I shut and locked the door. I turned around and walked toward dita. She was sitting on the bed. I pushed her backwards and she giggled. I smiled and licked her neck, hearing a moan I smirked and kissed her soft spot. She gasped and tangled her fingers in my hair. I started kissing down her body till I got to her spikey bra, I quickly unclasped it and threw it. She was breathing heavily. I took my time kissing every Inch of her top half, savoring this beauty that was moaning my name. She kept running her fingers through my hair. She must be enjoying herself. Then she broke the silence. "Brian I swear to fucking Satan if you don't hurry up and fuck me I will fucking rape you!" I chuckled and tore the rest of her clothes off then mine. I got her in position and slammed into her as hard as I could. "FUCK!" I heard the angel under me scream. I groaned and sped up going as fast and hard as I could pounding my beautiful and sexy whore into the sheets. I watched as sweat dripped from her skin.-ring! Ring! Ring!- "FUCK!" I scream as I fill her up. ". " OH GOD! BRIAN!!!" She screams as she digs her nails into my back and cums. I pull out and answer the phone. "Hello, Marilyn Manson speaking." I say exhausted. Dita giggled. "Hello mister warner, do you have a daughter by the name of alex-ee warner?" I put the phone on speaker concerned. "Yes I do. Is she okay?" "Miss warner had an accident at work. She is currently at rikardia valley hospital."
"Okay. I'll be there soon." I hung up the phone and dita was already crying. "My baby! What happened to her?" I started crying too. We hurried to put clothes on and dita brushed hers then I brushed mine. We got in the car and got to the hospital in record time. We went in and rushed to alex-ee's room. We opened the door and saw a man with his forehead against hers. He turned and went wide eyed when he saw me. He turned back to alex-ee and she laughed. "Hi mom hi dad." I laughed. Then I got serious "Alex-ee Marie warner" she looked at me with wide eyes. "Why didn't you tell us you had a job

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