meeting mister morgue

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Alex-ee's p.o.v

I stood in my spot bouncing nervously. I was a huge fan. I was standing there looking like a rapist with my smile. Then I saw him...mister morgue...I think I just pissed myself. Just kidding. I watched him go on stage and cringe at the amount of people. Then he spoke.
"Ladies and gentleman, I'm mister morgue. Because if you did what I do you'd end up there. Today I will do two stunts for you, my friend Asia will assist me as will Ali." He held up a meat hook. " I will be sliding this hook through my nasal cavity and bringing it through my mouth." I smiled even wider and tried to cover my face. He looked at me and smirked then did his trick. I giggled and he went on to his next trick. The scythe. He finished and I watched the rest of the show smiling like an idiot. Then after the show, twiggy grabbed my wrist and led me around people. I hate people. Once I saw where we were going I smiled. "Twiggy you're amazing." I stopped him and teleported us to where Todd stood. He looked at us and smiled. "Hello. How may I help you?" Twiggy looked at me then Todd. "My best friend would like to audition for you guys I know it's early, but she's amazing."
He looked ne over then smiled.
"Okay. Let me get phoenix and Asia."
I smiled widely and nodded. Twiggy smiled at me and hugged me. He whispered in my ear,"you get morgue guurl!" I laughed and kissed my best friends cheek.
He laughed and Todd walked back in with phoenix, Asia, jessa, and morgue...I smiled and blushed. "Alright umm...."
I told him my name. "Alex-ee."
"Right. Alex-ee, will you show us your talents?" I nodded. "Someone give me a spot in the room." Morgue walked to the back corner. "Over here" he called. I nodded and looked at twiggy. I looked at morgue and teleported. "Wow!" I looked back and saw Todd clapping, eyes wide. I looked at morgue and he had wide eyes as well I guess I just ruined his view. I can do the impossible. "Nice. You belong here." He said I smiled. "That's not all." I quickly said. "Oh?" Todd replied. I teleported to the car, grabbed some stuff then teleported back. "Sorry. I had to get some stuff." Everyone nodded. I grabbed the sword that had fuel on it and lit it on fire. I swallowed the sword and blew the fire out. I grabbed twiggy's arm and he nodded gave me a glass ball. I thew it and when it left my hand I yelled out "what once was glass is now the past!" The ball turned to water. "I'm done now.. " I said looking at everyone's shocked faces. Todd smiled so did phoenix and Asia. "Your in. Welcome to the family alex-ee." I smiled and squealed twiggy hugged me and we fangirled. Not caring that my new boss was watching.
"If I may ask, how do you know twiggy Ramirez?" Asia asked
"Oh um...he works with my dad..." I blushed they all were fans of my dad..."who is your dad?" "Marilynmanson." I rushed out but they still understood. They all froze even morgue...his and Asia's jaws dropped and I giggled at them.

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