Next day...

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Amy woke up as she rubbed her eye.

Amy's P.O.V

I stretched and got dressed.... another day in misery... I looked in the mirrior and looked at my eye, i quickly got a pair of sun glasses to cover up my eye.

I walked out of my house, saying good bye to my mother.

As I was walking sonic was waiting for some one down the street. I was hoping I would walk past him with out him noticing me.

"Hey amy!", He smiled.

I flinched, and said hello.

"I was waitin' for ya!", he smirked.

I looked at him, why would he be waiting for a nerdy geek like me...?

"Because.....", he looked away with a red small blush.

I was surprised to see him blush.

"So... why are you wearing thoes ....sun glasses?", he questioned my doings.

"Well... I would be nice... to ... um..I....umm...- I THOUGH IT WOULD BE NICE NOT TO SEE THE SUN", I blurted out.

Im busted... totally busted...

"Oh...", sonic said convinced.


"Lets... just go to school...", I shifted my head down.

Sonic nodded and we walked in complete silence.


We walked in, I noticed some people giving me tge stink eye... more than usual... is it because im with sonic?--

My thoughs were inturrupted when someone bumped into me, kocking off my glasses.

"WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING YOU....", she stopped and noticed my eye.

"-'You EMO FREAK, ahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA", she evil laughed.

I look up to see who this girl was and it was, non-other then Sally Acorn herself.

I look down and reached for my glasses, but she stomped on them, breaking them.

My eyes started to water up till sonic butted in.

"SALLY THAT WASNT NICE....", sonic scolded.

"Sonic-kunnmn~♡ you still hanging out with HER?", she snapped like a twig.

"Yeah so what...", sonic grabbed my hand leaving sally alone.

"S-sonic...", I blushed. My eyes were a bit red.

Sonic let go of me and noticed my eye, he was worried.

"What happened to your eye...?", sonic questioned.


Flash back

I walk in my house, I notice my mom asleep on the couch, I sneak past her trying not to wake her up.

"Ohhhh Aaammmmyyyy.....", whispered a voice.


I turned to see HIM....

"What do you want... Jack?". I glared.

"Your home LATE", he snapped pulling me in the kitchen trying not to wake up my mother.

He punched me in the face.

"Oww--", he covered my mouth.

"Come home EARLY...", he snapped.

A tear sliped down my cheek and i nodded. He let me go and I charged up to my room and laid in my bed till I fell asleep.

End of flash back


Sonic put his hand on my shoulder and said " you dont have to say what happened...Im just worried... if you EVER need any thing or have a problem... come to me... please".

I looked at him... why cant other people be like him?... why do people have to be bullies and bullie me...

The day went on and I keept touching my shouldler with a smile. Throught the day was a pain getting harassed, teased pushed around, and ect. But With sonics words made me push throught the day....

To Be Continued...

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