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A... boy? I only know one...

My eyes opened wide. Thinking my thoughs that it was sonic. I didn't have the courage to speak to him...

I'm not ready to see him...

My eyes were staring down at my hand. My eyes were wavering till I hear knocks at my door.

My spine got a cold chill..

"C-..come in", my words were at a loss...

My door opened, the shade of blue appeared from it. I looked away, I knew it was him.


"Hey... I heard you werent feeling good.. so I brought your home work".

Home work? He doesn't have any of my classes ... does he.. I cant.. seem to rember (no seriously I forgot if i put them in a class together)

I looked at the papers, not at him.

Sonic walked over to me. My eyes were still on the paper.

"Why have you been avoiding me...", he asked.

I opened my mouth, only to close it.

"What did i do wrong.. I though we..", be fore he could finish I looked at him woth a bit of tears in my eyes.

"We what!? Make friends with me only to break my heart..", I screamed.

He looked pained.. but so was I.


Anger built up inside me, I did some thing i never though I could do...

I stood up and looked him straight in the face... and said,

"You broke my heart... I thought you were ACTUALLY my  friend.. And I sorta...", I but my lip as a tear dripped down my face.

"I sorta.... fell..."

He looked me in the eyes. My confidence faltered a bit.

"I sorta.. fell..", my eyes stared at the ground. My fist were squeezed.

"Fell?", he said confused.

The sound of his voice made me anger...


I yelled at him. His eyes shot open.

"But now... I...", I said crying a bit.

"Amy...", he said about to touch my shoulder.

I slapped it away, "Dont touch me".

I was crying in the palm of my hands.

He looked at me...then down.

He set the papers on my bed, and walked away.

"I hope you feel better..", he mumbled, before closing the door behind me.

To Be Continued...

Sonamy Shy Girl -Editing-حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن