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I waited for an answer... hmn maybe sonic gave me the wrong address....

Just then the door opened to a rabbit that was smiling she looked like cream but older.

"Why hello Dear..!", she spoke with a delicate voice.

"I-is cream home...?", I hesitated to ask.

She looked concerned, "Why yes, would you like to come in?".

I slowly nodded and walked in with her.

She lead me to a living room the was bigger than mine, she told me to sit on the couch.

"Cream is well, um....", she couldn't say what had happened to cream.

"Cream... has... um... a.....", she was unable to speak, which concerned me.

"A fever...".

My heary stopped for a second, then I immediately calmed down, I thought something terrible had happen to my dearest, most precious friend.

"Oh...", I spoke.

"She wont be coming to school for a week or so...", she crossed her arms.


"Oh and sorry for my asking whom may you be?", she questioned me.

"Im creams friend from school, Amy Rose".

She smiled, "thats a lovely name, pleasure to meet you".

I smiled and the asked if I could see cream.

She nodded and lead me up the stairs to cream.


As we walked infront of her room, I heard coughing and sneezing.


I walked in and said, "God Bless you".

She smiled and said hello.


She sounded sooo sick, poor cream.

I walked next to her and held her hand.

"Im so sorry for your sickness...", I bowed my head.

She sniffed her snot uo her nose and smile lightly, "Its not your fault...".

I looked at her woth concern.

"Ill be ffuuu--fuuu- AAACCCHHHHOOOOO, -fine...", cream sneezed out.

"God bless you", I blessed her again.

She thanked me again.

"I hope you feel better....", I spoke sincerly.

She smiled.

"Well... I have to go... I hope you feel better...", I spoke walking off.

"Buu-bbuuu- AAACCCHHHHOOOO,-bye....", she snezzed out once more.

"God bless you", I spoke leaving the room and out of her house.

I hope cream feels better soon.

To Be Continued...

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