2- Dipper Pines

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          Y/n's POV
"H-hi!" I awkwardly waved. "I know you!" I finally exclaimed, finally getting over my nerves. "I wish I could say the same about you!" he laughed, making me blush a bit. His laugh was a kind and gentle laugh, making his arms bounce a bit. His hands were shoved inside a dull blue sweatshirt covering up his arms, which appeared to have tattoos, a dull orange shirt underneath his sweatshirt, a blue and white hat with a blue pine tree on it, a brown backpack, black and white sneakers, and a dog tag with the words "Dipper Pines August 31st 1999" engraved on it, with a picture of a pine tree. "No, I mean that you're Dipper Pines!" I exclaimed, still excited that I was meeting a guy who I read all about. "Oh, you've read my blog?" Dipper asked, a gentle smile on his face.

"Love it! Those people who call it fake are kidding themselves!" I laughed. "Thank you! Every time I walk by somebody outside this town, they keep calling me crazy! You wanna know crazy? An old guy named Old Man McGucket," Dipper exclaimed. I just kept blushing like an idiot.

Dipper's POV
I couldn't help but laugh around this girl. She was the first person from outside of the town that truly believed me. That's why I now took over the shack in the forest. "So, what's your name?" I asked, feeling my cheeks go a little red. I was glad Mabel wasn't here right now. She would have started making fun of me about my crush on this girl I didn't even know. I had bigger things to worry about, though. "Oh, it's y/n. Hey, where'd you get that book?" she asked, pointing at where I shoved the journal into my sweatshirt. It was really hot out, but I wasn't gonna show her any of those tattoos until I knew her better. "Oh, just, started keeping it when I started investigating this town," I lied. I was still upset about Stan and Ford and I just couldn't bring myself to tell the truth just yet.

"So, want me to show you around the town?" I asked, trying to change the topic. "Actually, I was just about to head for Greasy's Diner. Last thing I had was a few hours ago and I need something other than a snack," she said, her stomach beginning to growl in agreement. "Want me to come with you?" I asked. "Sure! Could use a familiar face," she shrugged. Her h/l h/c hair brushed my cheek, causing some part of me to try and push its way to the surface, but I tried to shove it down again. "You coming?" she asked, turning around from about two feet around. "Y-yeah!" I called, snapping back to reality.

Y/n's POV
Gosh, I was blushing hard! I really hope he couldn't see it. I could feel my hair brush his cheek a bit, so I looked down real quick to hide my red cheeks and started walking faster. I looked up about a second later to realize he didn't move at all. "You coming?" I laughed. "Yeah!" he called, running a bit to catch up. "Where you from?" he asked me, but I just looked away while we kept walking towards the diner. "Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to offend you," he said quickly, placing one of his hands on my shoulder. I looked over at him and sighed. "No, it's fine! Just don't want to talk about it yet," I said with a sigh.

We kept walking in silence a bit until we made it to the diner. I realized I still had my bag, so I tried to shove it out of the way from people who were walking past us. He opened the door to the diner and I walked in, seeing how slow it was. "Not a very big town, is it?" I said, looking back at Dipper, who quickly pulled his sleeve back down. "Big forest, small town," he said, leading me to a booth by the door. When he sat down, his journal tumbled out again. This time, I picked it up and looked through it. It seemed so familiar from his blog, but... "Dipper, what's this about?" I asked, flipping to a page of what looked to be a piece of a blueprint.

Dipper's POV
I was looking at the menu, not noticing that Ford's journal fell out of my sweatshirt again. I was so used to slipping the journal in a pocket inside my old vest when I was twelve. Y/n picked it up and started flipping through the journal, but I was still a little slow on what she was looking at, then I realized the blueprints for the portal were still there. "Dipper, what's this about?" she asked, looking at the piece of Ford's blueprints. I reached out and yanked it out of her hand. She just raised an eyebrow towards me. "Come on, Dipper! You gotta be working on something!" she urged.

"I-I can't tell you when I don't know you," I muttered, shoving the journal back into my sweatshirt. Y/n just started giggling a bit. "You wanna put it there again?" she laughed. I pulled off my brown backpack and shoved the journal in there. "So, what did you come to town for?"

Y/n's POV
"So, what did you come to town for?" Dipper asked. "Hello, Dipper! Who's your friend here?" a waitress with blue eye shadow with one eye closed, blue hair, and wearing her uniform asked. "I'm y/n. I just got here. And you are..." I asked. "Lazy Susan," Dipper responded. "Great to meet you, y/n! So, you two know what you want?" she asked. I looked over the menu, finding f/f. "I guess I'll have f/d and an order of f/f," I ordered. Dipper just ordered a Pitt Cola and some pancakes. "Coming right up!" Lazy Susan said, walking away.

"How do you know her?" I asked with a laugh. He shrugged. "Knew her when I spent the summer down here in 2012. Interesting summer..." Dipper said, dazing off into space. I looked down at his arm, still covered by his sleeve. "So, I was wondering," I began, getting Dipper's attention. "What?" he asked thoughtfully. "You're a monster hunter and I'm trying to BE one," I explained. He just stared back at me. "Not the best idea. I lost a LOT to start this," he explained, leaning back into the cushioning of the booth.

"I lost a good amount, too!" I exclaimed. Only then did I see everyone staring at us the entire time. I leaned back into the seat as well, blushing a bit from embarrassment. "I understand you may have lost a lot, but I gained something I didn't want to have," Dipper whispered, leaning across the table. "If I told you what I lost, will you tell me about your losses and the gains you've had?" you asked, leaning forward as well.

"Here's your food!" Lazy Susan said, setting down a plate of f/f and a glass of f/d in front of me. She took off Dipper's pancakes from her tray and a glass of Pitt Cola and set them in front of Dipper. "Enjoy!" Lazy Susan said loudly, walking away and leaving me and Dipper at the table with our food and drinks. I took a bite of f/f and soon pretty much inhaled the food and my drink. Dipper was just taking a bite of his pancakes. "You must have been hungry," he laughed, taking a sip of Pitt Cola. "To be fair, the last thing I had was a snack and I was asleep for a few hours," I said defensively. "So, is it a deal?" I asked, reaching out my hand, but he just backed up a bit, looking at me.

Dipper's POV
"So, is it a deal?" y/n asked, extending her hand towards me. I looked at it quickly and looked back into her e/c eyes. There were no hints of yellow and her pupils were normal, so I just shook my head. "Sorry, just a little uneasy," I said, looking at my left arm. It looked normal. "Let's eat, then we can explain it back at my house," I responded, beginning to eat my pancakes again and taking an occasional sip of Pitt Cola.

I finished after a couple silent minutes. Lazy Susan came by and I handed her a few twenty's, then stood up and headed out the door with y/n right behind me. "So, you have your own house?" y/n asked me after a little. "Sort of. It was my uncles' house, but they left it for me," I explained, not wanting to discuss it out in the open.

Y/n's POV
I kept quiet after that and just focused on the path in the forest. I soon saw a shack come into view. "This where you live?" I asked, pointing to the broken down shack. "Yeah. Home sweet home," he said, walking towards the building. "Mystery Hack?" I questioned, noticing the sign. Dipper laughed a bit. "That's what my Grunkle Stan called it. Was a way to get easy money while he was here. I still haven't found time to get rid of it. Tourists keep coming, so I occasionally do something for them for a bit of extra cash. I see why he had done that now," he said, nodding at the wooden shack. "Grunkle Stan?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows.

"Yeah! My Great Uncle! He preferred Grunkle, though," he shrugged. "Anyway, let's go inside," Dipper said, gesturing to the door. I followed him inside. It was nice enough for being an old shack. We entered the gift shop where there were a bunch of cheap knick-knacks at high prices on shelves. He led me into the living room next, pulling a chair out from the round table and sitting down. I sat at the chair across from him.

"So, let's just get to it then. Where are you from?" he asked me, leaning back into the chair. "Y/c," I answered simply. "That had to be a long time! Why are you here?" Dipper asked, leaning forward. I just shrugged. "My parents didn't believe in my ambition for monster hunting, so I left and got on the bus to get here," I simply said. "Could you go back? This is gonna get dangerous," Dipper replied. "Not gonna happen. I don't want to go to college to not do something like this. Now, come on! What did you lose and gain?" I asked, leaning on my elbows.

Dipper's POV
"Oh, fine!" I laughed. "First, I'll tell you what I gained, then I'll show you my lose," I began. I grabbed the third journal and flipped to the page about Bill. She pulled the book close to her, reading to herself. "So, is this what you gained? Dangerous knowledge of this town?" she asked. "No. This," I said, yanking up my left sleeve.

Y/n's POV
"No. This," Dipper said, pulling up his left sleeve to reveal his tattoo to me. His tattoo was a symbol of the demon himself with a wheel of symbols around him. "What the-" I whispered, pulling his arm closer and trying to figure it out more, raising my thumb over it and...

Dipper's POV
I yanked my arm away from y/n quickly, worried she would touch it. "DON'T!" I shouted, pulling the sleeve back down. "What happens if I touch it?" she questioned. "He-nothing. It still stings," I lied. She didn't seem to believe me, but she didn't push it. "Now," I breathed. "Let's show you my lose," I said lightly, standing up. She did the same.

Y/n's POV
Dipper led me back to the gift shop, walking over to the vending machine. "Hungry?" I asked. He turned back and forced a sincere smile. "Not exactly," he said, turning his attention back to the machine and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards it. "If you want to know about the beings of Gravity Falls and the supernatural side of things, you may want to know the mistakes made before you make them," he said, hitting the buttons 'A,1,B,C,3'. The machine opened, revealing a staircase down to an elevator.

"Let's start from the beginning."  

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