5- "Monster" Hunt

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       Y/n's POV
I rushed into the living room, grabbing my bag. "So, where am I staying?" I asked Dipper, all my stuff in hand. "Well, I preferred taking my Grunkle Stan's room, since it was the main room. You can either have the attic or my Great Uncle Ford's room. Which one?" he asked, grabbing my bag out of my hand. "Let's go with your Great Uncle Ford's old room," I responded. "Okay. Follow me," he said, leading me down a hallway on the right side of the stairs, leading me to a door with intricate carvings in red wood with a gold doorknob. He opened the door, revealing a dusty room with a few cobwebs, but all in all, it was a nice enough room. There was a couch over on the right side of the wall, a dresser on the opposite wall, shelves, a bathroom, a lamp, and a window. I set my bag down on the floor and walked around a bit. "Sorry it's so messy. Nobody really stays here," he apologized. "It's fine! I can clean it up," I nodded, looking around the room.

Dipper's POV
"Want some help?" I asked, setting down y/n's bag I was holding for her. "Thanks! Where's the vacuum?" she asked. I pointed a finger to the hallway. "Hall closet upstairs by my room. I'll go get it!" I said, heading out the door and up to the closet.

Y/n's POV
Once he left, I turned on the lights and the bathroom lights. Finding a feather duster in a drawer of the dresser, I began dusting off the room a bit, ridding it of dust. "Found the vacuum! Hidden behind my uncles' old junk," he announced. "Thanks," I laughed, taking it from his hand. "No, you unpack and I'll vacuum!" Dipper laughed, taking the vacuum back. "Fine," I shrugged, but I flashed a smile. Grabbing my bag off the floor, I placed it on the couch and pulled out the contents, placing my clothing in the drawers, toiletries in the bathroom, and everything else on top of the dresser. As I arranged everything to my liking, I heard the vacuum run. Turning to face Dipper, he looked up and flashed a smile at me, which I returned.

He turned off the vacuum. "Got your bag ready?" "No, only got the giant duffle-bag. Do you have a backpack?" I asked. "Yeah. One in my room. I'm done with the vacuum, so let's go pack!" he said enthusiastically. "Great!" I smiles, swinging my arms. "Let's go," he said, leading the way to the stairs. "Bags are in the attic,' he huffed, not sounding as happy. Dipper opened the door to the attic, which, surprisingly, wasn't that messy for an attic and bigger than I expected. There were two beds, one on each side of the room, a closet, and one part of the room was where all the junk was, including a giant pawn. "Bigger than I expected," I marveled aloud. "Used to sleep up here during the summer. This was mine and Mabel's room," he explained.

Dipper's POV
I took a step towards Mabel's side of the room, feeling around. She's only seventeen and she's going through what Ford did, but he prepared himself for what was on the other side. Mabel only had a crash course going on adventures with me. "Bill," I scoffed. Y/n walked up next to me. "It'll be okay," she soothed, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Besides, how bad can this 'Bill' be? I mean, he's not at full power and we know how to handle him!" she continued. "You don't get it, y/n," I laughed grimly, shaking my head. "Then explain," she responded.

"He's a trickster! The portal was created because he tricked Ford into building it for him. Then he threatened my family's lives! I don't want you in danger, but I need help to save my sister!" I shouted, shaking y/n by her shoulders. "Dipper, calm down! You're so close! Maybe we should go on the monster hunt to get your mind off things," she laughed, grabbing my hands and keeping them held. "You're right," I sighed, pulling away. I walked over to Mabel's bed, grabbing her bag off of it and tossing it to y/n. She caught the bag and slid it on her shoulders. "I'm going to go pack," she said, heading to the door. "Be down in a minute," I called over to her.

I heard the pounding of stairs, letting me know y/n was going to pack. I put my hands on Mabel's bed, hovering over it. My tears started coming out after so many years of holding it in. I refused to cry, but our birthday was coming around the corner. "Another year without my twin. How could I even consider staying here when she would need me. When I need her," I sniffled. My tears all landed on her bed, staining the covers. "This is all my fault," I growled. I punched her bed, furious at myself. "What did I do to you?!" I exclaimed louder. My mind wandered back to y/n. I still have the monster hunt. But, what about Bill?

Y/n's POV
I walked down the hallway to my bedroom, Mabel's bag in my hands. I walked in the door, grabbing everything I would need. Walking over to the couch, I found Journal 3 lying there. I picked it up, flipping through it. "Hmm? 'Beware Bill. The most powerful and dangerous creature I've ever encountered. Whatever you do, don't let him into your mind,'" I read aloud. The picture was a shadowy triangle with one eye, black limbs, and a bow tie. "Y/n? Watcha reading?" Dipper's voice asked me. I looked up in fright and shut the journal. "Just... looking," I answered. "Looking for what?" he asked, sitting on the couch next to me. "Nothing in particular," I shrugged. "Ready then? You can hold onto that, if you'd like," Dipper said, standing up and grabbing his bag.

"Sure. Let's go!" I said enthusiastically, shoving the journal into the bag and jumping up. "So, how do we find them?" I asked, heading down the hallway with Dipper. He hesitated opening the door, but finally did as he answered. "The magic part of the forest. We'll find a field with rocks carved with symbols. It'll just be a lot of walking." We stepped outside the shack, making our way into the forest. The deeper we went, the thicker the trees grew.

~Time skip

I looked up in the sky, finding it growing darker. "I didn't realize the girls had to walk this far!" Dipper laughed. The night breeze blew over me, causing me to chatter my teeth. Dipper looked over at me, noticing me shiver. "Oh! Here..." he exclaimed, slipping off his sweatshirt and placing it on my shoulders. "Probably should've grabbed another one for you," he smiled guiltily. I looked over at his arms, reminded of the demon. He noticed me looking at them and he just out them behind his back. "I-it's f-fine!" I chattered, pulling the sweatshirt under my chin tightly. "A-aren't you c-cold?" I chattered after a few more minutes of walking. "Na, not really," he shrugged.

Dipper's POV
We kept walking a little longer as I tried different ways to hide my arms every once in a while. I couldn't stand the fact about my Bill tattoos. In the summer, I never sweat and I wear a sweatshirt. I could run around the town naked during winter and I wouldn't be cold. It felt too... unnatural. I put my arms out in front of me, staring at my tattoos for a while. Y/n caught me looking at them. "Dipper, are you okay?" she asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. It started going down to the tattoo again. I looked up and gasped, seeing Bill's Weirdmageddon flash in my eyes. I pulled my arms away, putting them behind my back. "S-sorry," I tried to apologize. She just shrugged it off and looked at the path again.

What do you have planned, Cipher?

Y/n's POV
As the sun set over the trees, enveloping the forest in darkness, we approached the field with the rock formation. "Here we are! Now, according to Ford, 'the only way to summon the unicorns is to bellow this ancient chant droned only deepest voice druids of old.'" Dipper read aloud. "Let me give it a try!" Dipper said, stepping towards it. To me, it just sounded like nonsense, but his voice was a little high pitched. "Well, that was embarrassing," he murmured, rubbing the back of his head.

Dipper's POV
"Well, that was embarrassing," I muttered, rubbing the back of my head. I could feel my cheeks going red. Her usual cheerful laugh jingled behind me, making my face grow hot with embarrassment. "Let me give it a try!" she giggled, grabbing the book from my hand. I listened as her usual tone dropped down to the deepest voice I had ever heard from her. As she finished the ground began to tremble and the rocks were being raised by a raising ground, revealing a set of golden double doors with gems and flowers decorating the wall. "Not too bad for a newbie, huh?" she laughed, elbowing me in the side playfully.

She approached the doors and shoved them open. I jogged up next to her, finding the place full of butterflies, rainbows, a waterfall flowing into a roaring river, mushroom, colorful plants, and the unicorn laying atop a rock in front of the waterfall. "Hark! Visitors to my realm of enchantments!" the unicorn sang, her horn glowing and whipping her mane to face me and y/n. "Wow," y/n breathed out in awe. "What's your name?" she asked, stepping closer. "I am Celestabellebethabelle! Last of my kind!" she announced. "Come in! Come in! Just, take off your shoes!" she said, nodding the two of us in. I obliged, just as y/n did the same.

"What are we gonna get from her?" y/n whispered, slipping off her shoes. "Unicorn hair," I whispered back, pulling off my own. "It's great to meet you," y/n greeted, extending a hand. I walked up next to her. "Why have you come to my realm of enchantments?" the unicorn questioned, on her hooves. "We've come for some of your magical hair," y/n answered respectfully. "Very well! To receive a lock of my enchanted hair, step forth, human of pure, perfect heart!" the unicorn declared, her mane flowing in the wind.

Y/n looked over at me, a bit confused. I nodded with a small wink. She winked back, stepping towards the sunlight leaking into the place. "WHAT?! You?! A unicorn can see deep withing your heart! And you have done wrong. WRONG, I SAY!" the unicorn declared, meeting her eyes at y/n. "How so?" she questioned, hands on her hips. I smiled, impressed with her abilities.

Y/n's POV
"How so?" I questioned the unicorn. I remember skimming through the journal and I had put together on why Mabel talked about a "scam" in her sleep. I didn't plan on this hoof-bag getting the best of me. "Well-you-I-uh..." she stuttered. "Well, what have I 'done wrong?'' I questioned, using air quotes and raising an eyebrow. "I... uh... I... uh..." the unicorn stuttered again. "'I... uh... I...' Do it, liar! Do some 'brilliant' scam that knocks me down right now! Whatdaya got, hoof-bag? We're both waiting! DO IT!" I shouted.

Dipper's POV
As I listened to y/n shouting at the unicorn, my smile dropped. I felt a little bad doing this to Celestabellebethabelle now. Looking over at y/n, I started seeing a yellow glow around her like Bill's. I hated thinking of her a Bill, but it was just the was she was yelling at Celestabellebethabelle. It reminded of me when I tried to stand up to Bill, but I could only think y/n as Bill and Celestabellebethabelle as me. My guilt started to fade a bit when I realized that y/n wasn't trying to sound like Bill. Now, I'm even more worried of y/n helping me. It's too big a risk on her meeting Bill now.

"Okay, fine! So you know our kind's secret! We're liars, okay? We have more hair than we know what to do with and we keep it to ourselves just to tick you humans off! What are you two lovebirds gonna do about it? Huh? Huh?! What are you gonna do?!" the unicorn gloated. Y/n's hand was clenched into a fist, then she let it swing right into the unicorn's snout, causing rainbow colored snot drip out of her nostrils and drip off y/n's fist.

"Oh, so it's a fight you want! Well, then it's a fight you're gonna get!" Celestabellebethabelle shouted, clearing her snout of rainbow snot. "Guys, get in here!" she shouted. Just then, a blue unicorn and a pink unicorn came out. "Guys, THEY'VE LEARNED OUR SECRET! ATTACK!" Celestabellebethabelle shouted. The other unicorns nodded, aiming their horns at the two of us. "Oh, we're not leaving without some of your hair!" y/n shouted with glee at the unicorns.

"Y/n..." I tried getting her attention. "What?" she asked, still facing the unicorns, ready to fight. "Never mind. We'll talk later," I sighed, walking next to her. She slid off my sweatshirt, dropped it on the ground, pulled off her bag, and got in a fighting position. I slid off my own bag and got in a fighting position as well, my fists clenched. We charged at the unicorns, them doing the same. Raising my fists high, I slammed it down on the blue unicorn's head, right behind the horn. I guess I hit a sweet spot, since it just dropped down unconscious. I kicked him for good measure, figuring out it was down.

Y/n's POV
The pink unicorn pinned me on the ground, head down to level with my face, horn pointed at me, and his hooves holding down my wrists and ankles. I looked over at Dipper, noticing how the blue unicorn went down. I put my attention back at the pink unicorn and grinned. I headbutted the unicorn, throwing him off balance. I slammed my hand down behind his horn, knocking him to the ground. I grinned and looked over at Dipper, seeing him wrestling with Celestabellebethabelle. His hands were on her hooves, trying to push her away, but her back hooves dug into the ground. I ran over to them, tackling her to the ground. I grabbed her mane and yanked out a handful. She screamed in agony.

I slammed my hand behind her horn, knocking he unconscious. I pulled myself up, noticing my ripped clothing, my tangled hair, and my clothes filthy with mud, grass, dirt, and some unicorn blood and tears. "Whew! That was fun!" I cheered, waving around the unicorn hair.

Dipper's POV
I looked over at y/n, noticing how much of a wreck she looked after the unicorn fight. I looked down at my own, noticing my orange shirt and pants torn and dirty. I walked over to our bags and tossed y/n her's. She shoved the unicorn hair and my sweatshirt into the bag. As I grabbed my bag, I noticed a strange yellow glow from my arm. My eyes opened in fright and I tried backing away, but it was my tattoo. I couldn't run from that. "Y/n, we gotta go," I whispered. "What?" she asked. "NOW!" I shouted, grabbing my bag. I ran out with y/n at my heels. "Dipper, what are we running from?!" she panted. I noticed her slowing down, so I grabbed her wrists and pulled her along with me. "Come on, not now!" I groaned, picking up the pace.

I shouldn't have been pushing either of us so hard. My legs were burning, my throat was dry, and every bone in my body was urging me to stop, but I pressed on. "Dipper!" she shouted, pulling my arm back to stop me. "WHAT?!" I snapped, turning to face her. "Dipper, what are we running from?' she asked firmly. "Can I explain later?" I asked frantically. Now that I stopped, I couldn't start running again.

Y/n's POV
"Can I explain later?" Dipper asked quickly. "But why are we running?" I pressed on. My gaze wandered to his tattoo, noticing a yellow glow fading away. "Is it something about that?" I asked, pointing at the tattoo. His eyes grew in even more fight. "We gotta go," he whispered, looking at the tattoo. "Okay," I panted, not refusing now. He was still standing there, leaning on a tree. I grabbed his wrist this time and started pulling him down the path and getting closer to the shack. "We're almost there!" I exclaimed, looking over at Dipper. He looked up, eyes wide. "But we're too late," he said fearfully. "What do you mean?" I asked, stopping.

"He's here," he groaned, leaning against a nearby tree. "Where?" I asked, but a voice answered for me. "Right here, Petals!" a strange voice echoed through the forest. I backed away into Dipper, still leaning on a tree. I stumbled over, falling into him. He caught me and I turned my attention over to the stranger. "Who are you?"  

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