6- Bill Cipher

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       Y/n's POV
I grabbed onto Dipper's shirt, feeling like it was my lifeline. A stranger just came out of nowhere and the only person I knew who can deal with someone or something like this was just as scared as I would. "Pine Tree, relax! I'm not gonna hurt you! You're doing exactly what I need and I'm glad you found someone!" the stranger laughed. My vision seemed to be going a little blurry from dehydration and a lot of running, but the stranger looked like a floating triangle with a black top hat, a black bow tie, black limbs, and his body was a bright yellow, glowing brighter with every word he announced.

I looked around a bit, noticing my surroundings became a dreary shade of gray, except for me, Dipper, and this creature. Suddenly, my mind went back to the journal and Dipper's tattoo. "B-Bill?" I uttered, still in shock. "Glad you know me, Petals! I sure know you!" he laughed. "What are you doing here?" Dipper asked, standing up straight now. I got off and stood next to him. "I can't visit my old puppet?" the demon asked with sarcasm. "Not under these certain circumstances, no," he shot back, arms across his chest.

"Okay, you caught me! I wanna make a deal!" he laughed.

Dipper's POV
"Are you desperate? You know as well as I do I'd never make any sort of deal with you!" I shouted at him. "Oh, calm down, Pine Tree! I thought you knew me better than that!" he laughed. I reached out my hand and grabbed y/n's hand, pulling her closer. I wanted to know she was there. I needed to know she was there! I knew Bill better than I'm sure Ford ever knew him! He's been around for a trillion years, so he's got every trick ever known. "Come on, kid! You know that's not gonna help your case!" he laughed, snapping his fingers.

My hand felt empty. I turned my head, seeing y/n's absence. I turned back over to Bill, who was in a human form with y/n on his right side, holding her at his side with his right hand, digging his gloved hand into her bare arm. "How did you do that?" I asked, my fist clenched. "Call it a trick up my sleeve," he shrugged. He flicked his left wrist, summoning a small dagger, but sharp enough to take a life. "NO!" I shouted. "HAHAHA!" Bill laughed, putting the dagger's blade at y/n's throat. Her eyes widened in fear, the dagger blade on her skin now. "Bill, DON'T!" I shouted again. "Pine Tree, you know as well as I do I don't value any of you mortal's worthless lives," he laughed, his wicked grin growing. The wind blew, tossing leaves around, leaving the three of us at a standstill, but I broke the silence after a minute or so.

"What deal do you want then?" I asked, my voice shaky.

Y/n's POV
My eyes opened even wider. I read enough about Bill and Dipper never wanted ME to make a deal with him! "I knew you'd come around!" Bill laughed. My fists clenched, but I controlled myself. I looked over at Dipper, my eyes begging him not to do it. "The deal is, you hand over any sort of rift created from the reopening of the portal! What you get is Petals here, unharmed! Well, physically! I may have just now scared her for life!" he laughed darkly. I dared not move a muscle, but I continued to plead Dipper not to do it. I have to, his eyes seemed to say to me.

I shook my head the slightest bit, but he clenched his fists and closed his eyes, uttering one word I begged he wouldn't say. "Deal," he growled. His eyes shot open, looking Bill in the eye. "Excellent!" Bill grinned. He tossed the dagger over at his right hand, keeping the dagger at my throat and pressed against his side. He ignited his left hand with a blue flame, extending it at Dipper. "Take it, Pine Tree! Or say goodbye to your girlfriend," Bill grinned wickedly, shown by the blue glow from his hand.

Dipper's POV
I hesitated, but I reached out and took his hand, sealing our deal. "Smart move," Bill said in a bored tone, tossing y/n over at me. I caught her and dropped down to one knee, gripping the startled girl. Her eyes were glancing around rapidly, trying to find something to soothe herself with. "It's okay. It's okay," I cried, gripping y/n tighter. Tears streamed down her face, terrified. What have I done? I cried in my head. I just put an innocent girl in danger.

"Don't forget about this deal, kid! Or, say goodbye to y/n," Bill reminded me. I looked over at him, glaring. "Later, sucker!" his voice echoed. He tipped his top hat, vanishing and leaving us only a few feet from the shack. "That was so scary," y/n cried into my shoulder. I pulled her up closer, gripping onto her. "He's gone. He's gone," I cried repeatedly, my tears staining her shirt.

Y/n's POV
I had a dagger on my skin and a mad demon ready to use it. I could feel my tears streaming down on Dipper's shirt, but I could feel his on mine. After a few minutes, we pulled apart. "What are we going to do?" I asked, more tears stinging my eyes, threatening to fall. "I don't know," he sighed. "What about a rift? Can we keep one from happening?" I asked. "I don't know," he sighed again. "Maybe I shouldn't open the portal," Dipper pondered aloud sadly. "No. We have to open that portal! What about Mabel? We can risk a rift. We can't risk a life," I answered. "Two lives are at risk," Dipper cried, tears streaming down his face.

Right as Dipper said that, my left arm burned. I held my arm tightly, trying not to scream at the agonizing pain. "Y/n?" Dipper said, a little confused on what was happening. My arms were shaking from the pain. His eyes widened and he picked me up, rushing me into the shack. He set me down on the chair in the TV room and ran to get a first aid kit. I risked a glance at my wrist, noticing blood spilling from the cuts I was getting.

"Got the gauze," Dipper panted. He wrapped up my arm and looked at my hands, seeing the blood. After the pain subsided, we decided to pull off the gauze. We unwrapped it, revealing a whole cut resembling the tattoo of Bill's wheel on Dipper's left arm. We put our arms together, causing both the marks to glow a bright yellow. We pulled our arms away, causing the glow to leave. "What did Bill do? What did I do?" Dipper questioned aloud, backing away.

"Dipper, don't blame yourself. I made the choice to come here!" I shouted at him, tears stinging my eyes again. "But I inspired you to come here!" he shouted. "I don't want anyone else getting hurt because of me," he cried. "This isn't your fault. This isn't anyone's fault but Bill's! I read in the journal and you told me yourself he manipulates people to get what he want! Don't you see? Everything that has happened is because Bill made it that way! Every deal he's made is to get him to this day! He wants to control us! We've let him do it now, you let him do it before, heck, your Great Uncle Ford let Bill manipulate him! You aren't aloud to feel guilty now because everything that has happened was out of our control! What's done is done and we need to keep moving from here!" I shouted at him, tears spilling from my eyes.

Dipper's POV
Once y/n finished yelling, tears were down her face again. I took a step closer to y/n, tears going down my face as well. I grabbed her left wrist and looked at the cut Bill left there, making y/n's words hit me even harder. I put a hand on her cheek, pulling her close to me, and pressing my lips against her. Our tears stopped flowing, each of us only caring about that moment. We pulled away slowly after a minute or so, staring at each other. I gripped y/n's right hand in my right. "We can get through this," y/n whispered. I nodded. "A long as you're with me when it happens," I grinned. "I love you, y/n," I whispered. "I love you too. That wasn't our first date, was it?" y/n asked. I smiled wider and soon started laughing. Y/n laughed as well.

"I think we've had a long day. Let's hit the hay," I said, letting go of y/n's hand. "Yeah," she sighed. "Don't worry! He can't get to us while we're in the shack," I said, heading up the stairs to Stan's old room. I slipped off my sweatshirt and shoes, crawling under the covers. It didn't change much. I didn't feel cold, but I didn't feel hot, either. I was stuck at feeling nothing but one temperature. It sucked. I laid awake all night, still remembering that deal and y/n's close death.

Y/n's POV
I headed down the hallway and made my way into my bedroom, kicking off my shoes and tossing Mabel's bag on the floor. I slid onto the couch and threw a blanket over me, feeling even colder by the looming threat of Bill's words. Don't forget about this deal, kid! Or, say goodbye to y/n. Those words had made there way deeper into my subconscious, making me shiver. I had to face the next day where we could either try our hardest to save the world or bring about the end times... again.

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