10- Party Crasher *Part One*

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     Y/n's POV
"Y/n, wake up! It's 11 o'clock!" Dipper said, poking his head into my room. I opened my eyes groggily, rubbing the sleep out of them with my palms. "That late?" I asked, still rubbing my eyes. "Yeah. We were up until 2:00 last night!" Dipper exclaimed. He rushed away from the door and I could hear the pounding of stairs, then a door closing. I propped myself up and swung my legs over the bed, pushing off to get dressed. I put on something nice,with black leggings, black flats, a small black purse, and a nice jean jacket. I slipped the purse over my shoulder and headed out the door, my flats clicking on the hard floor. I headed to the kitchen and grabbed a Pitt Cola, relaxing on the chair while flipping through the channels. I finally stopped on a show called Ducktective, which started out as an innocent cartoon, until an adult joke was cracked. I smirked and took a sip of my Pitt Cola, waiting for Dipper.

Dipper's POV
I closed the door and walked over to the dresser, puling out a pair of white socks. I headed to the closet, pulling out a suit I had bought, just in case. It was a classic suit with a nice black bow tie, black dress shoes, and I placed my blue pine tree hat on my messy brown hair. I flicked the rim of the hat up, smirking at myself in the mirror. "That ought to do the trick!" I laughed, remembering the day my Grunkle Stan let me have the hat. I slipped on the suit, making sure I covered up my tattoo all the way.

I opened the door and headed down the stairs, finding y/n on the chair in her outfit. "You look nice!" I commented. She looked over at me and grinned. "You too!" she said, standing up. "Ready?" she asked. I nodded. "Where's the party at, anyway?" she questioned, pulling her purse up. "The Northwest Mansion. Pacifica talked her parents into heading out of town, so she's inviting the entire town to make up for shutting out the town earlier this year," I answered. "Fun," she nodded. "C'mon. Time to go! We gotta be back in..." I paused, checking the watch my Grunkle Stan had used for tracking the countdown of the portal. "Eight hours," I finished.

"That works," she nodded. She spun on her heels and turned to face the door. I caught a glimpse of her mark. "Want something to cover that?" I asked, pointing to the mark. "That's why I have this," she smiled, holding up her jacket. She slipped it on, hiding the wound. I smiled and opened the door for her. "Thanks," she grinned, stepping outside.

Y/n's POV
I exited the shack, greeted by the cluster of trees. I smiled as a small gust of wind blew strands of hair out of my face. Dipper brushed by me and started heading to the woods. I followed. "So, who is Pacifica?" I asked once we walked into the woods. "This girl me and Mabel met on our first summer down here. We weren't friends. In fact, she hated us," he explained, chuckling to himself. "Are we just crashing the party then?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. He chuckled again. "No, we found out it was her parents that were always pressuring her. I met her when I went in 2012. It was fun! Minus us both almost getting killed by a Category Ten ghost." My eyes grew large. "Nobody died," he assured me. I nodded as we kept walking.

We finally made it out of the forest and into the town. "There it is!" Dipper exclaimed, pointing to a giant house on the top of the hill. "THAT'S their house?! I thought you said they were frauds!" I exclaimed. "Yeah. Frauds with tons of money living in a town where most of the townsfolk are clueless!" he laughed. "The party's about to start! Come on!" Dipper said, grabbing my hand and rushing to the party.

As we approached the entrance of the mansion, a large crowd was already gathered in front of a girl who looked like she was seventeen as well with long, blonde hair with front bangs, hot pink eye shadow, a hot pink dress with back fuzz in the shoulders and the end of the dress that showed her hot pink heels, and white hoop earrings. "Welcome everyone! I'm glad all of you could make it while my parents are out of town!" She paused and started looking over the crowd until her eyes landed on me and Dipper. She smiled slightly. Let's get this party started!" she shouted and pumping her fist in the air, causing the crowd to cheer in response.

She led the crowd into the mansion, revealing a grand room with room for dancing, a DJ station set up, a large rug covering the entryway floor, tables of snacks and drinks set up, a cider fountain, a stairway splitting into two separate directions, and a cabin feel with cobblestone pillars and log walls. The crowd marveled while Dipper just smiled. Pacifica walked up to us. "Hey Dipstick! This must be the new girl, y/n!" she exclaimed, extending a hand to me. I gladly took it and returned the smile. "You must be Pacifica," I replied. She giggled a little. Dipper looked a little surprised. "Well, the apocalypse sure changed you!" he said, raising an eyebrow. "What can I say? War can change lives!" she replied.

"What's planned for this party then?" Dipper asked. "Oh, ya know! Some karaoke, dancing, food, drinks, cider," Pacifica went on. "Cool. You going to sing then?" I asked. "Obviously! Oh, Dipper, I have something to ask you in private," Pacifica answered, turning her attention to Dipper. "Is it about that 'thing'?" Dipper asked, putting air quotes around thing. Pacifica nodded. "Oh, y/n knows about that! But, we do need to talk about that. The secret room?" Dipper suggested. "What secret room?" I asked.

Pacifica glanced back at the party quickly. "Let's go," she said, gesturing for us to follow. We stayed at her heels, heading down a long hallway with paintings. She finally stopped at the end of the corridor at a furry painting. I could notice a small tear at one part. Pacifica dived into the opening, Dipper following. I jumped in as well, seeing a messy room with more paintings and silverware littering the floor. "What is this place?" I marveled. I noticed a painting of what looked to be a Northwest crossing fingers behind his back while he was shaking hands with an Indian. "Just a room full of paintings of every horrible thing my family's done." She shrugged her shoulders.

"She's nothing like them now," Dipper added. "So, what do you need to know about the portal?" Dipper asked Pacifica. My eyes widened. "She knows?" I asked, stunned. "Yeah. I had to tell someone who wouldn't stop me from making the portal. She also stopped by too much after the resistance," Dipper explained, looking over at Pacifica. "I was able to keep my parents out of town while the portal was finished!" Pacifica defended. "You don't want them here with the risk of another Weirdmageddon," Dipper said, raising an eyebrow. "Never mind about my parents! Catch me up! How close are you to saving Mabel? When is it coming on?" Pacifica asked. "Y/n can answer those!" Dipper laughed, gesturing to me.

"Tonight," I answered. She grinned widely. "What time?" Pacifica asked. "8 o'clock," I answered. "Can I come?" she asked. "Actually, there are going to be some gravity anomalies. I need you to hide them while everyone in town is here," Dipper stepped in, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Oh," Pacifica answered sadly. "I'll give you a call when she's here," Dipper assured her. "Should we tell her about 'you know who'?" I asked. He nodded. "Bill," I said. Pacifica's eyes grew in fear and she spun around rapidly. "Dipper, I need to show you something," Pacifica said.

Pacifica's POV
I showed them out of the hidden room and headed back out to the party. My friends tried to have me sing or dance, but I waved them off. "Later," I replied. I led them towards another hallway and reached the end of the short corridor. "I noticed this after Weirdmageddon," I said, gesturing to the portrait. "How have you missed this for twelve years?" Dipper asked. I shrugged shyly. "Why is this here? Wait a minute..." Dipper paused. He slapped his forehead and gave a small chuckle. "McGucket led me here when he was warning me about the end times." He laughed to himself. "Hey, you were at the best party in town!" I pointed out. Y/n looked over my shoulder at the tapestry, then walked past me. Her eyes widened. "Hey, the apocalypse wasn't as bad as you might think! We know how to stop it," I assured her. I noticed a small glow on her arm. "Dipper, that looks a little like yours," I whispered. "Because Bill came by," he whispered back. I got a little nervous once I saw Dipper's arm glowing too. We stayed quiet for a few minutes.

"H-hey," I broke the silence. Dipper and y/n looked over at me. "Let's get back to the party. I'm gonna start the karaoke machine up," I suggested. They nodded slightly. "Come on!" I exclaimed, grabbing their hands and dragging them to the party. Dipper pulled us both to a halt, looking at his watch. "What time is it?" I asked. His watch beeped. "Play it cool," he whispered loud enough for me and y/n to hear. I raised an eyebrow, but then my feet were off the ground, as was everyone else's. We all landed a second after with a thud. All the townsfolk looked around confused, probably remembering the first time it happened. "What just happened?" Mayor Tyler asked, which caused the room to buzz about what happened. Everyone looked over at me and started asking questions. "Uh... it was..." I stuttered, not knowing what to say.

Y/n's POV
I looked through the crowd of people. Dipper had told me how oblivious the townsfolk were. Pacifica was just as scared as I was. "It was a little piece of the party Pacifica added!" I exclaimed. Everyone raised an eyebrow at me. "You know, giant fans are under the house for some nice surprises to keep the party going!" I explained. Everyone started smiling and went back to the party. I glanced around the stirring party, noticing the townsfolk start gripping onto anything solid every once in a while. "Thanks," Pacifica breathed in my ear. I grinned back at her. "I guess that takes care of our worries on the portal! When everyone's up in the air for a few minutes, tell them it's on full blast," Dipper laughed. "I gotta go fire up the karaoke machine," Pacifica stated, then headed to the staircase. I spun on my heels to face Dipper. Just then, my favorite song came on(choose your dancable song and forget this cheesiness! It's cute!)! "I love this song!" I exclaimed, humming along to it. "Wanna dance?" Dipper asked, grabbing my hand. I smiled at him. "Sure. But I can't dance," I admitted. "Neither can I," he laughed.

Spinning me around, my dress spun with me. I tapped my feet along with the tune a bit, moving my hips with the beat. I kept spinning, bumping into the crowd a bit on accident. They replied with smiles and clapped along with the beat. I grinned back, grabbing Mayor Tyler's hand and making him dance along too. Soon enough, the dance floor was full with the rhythmic beat of tapping feet. Pushing through the crowd, I found Dipper and shot him a grin. "Getting everyone in, I see?" he commented. I grabbed Dipper's arms and spun him a bit, pulling him back through the crowd. We both followed along with the rhythmic beat. I glanced over to the staircase, seeing Pacifica finish setting up the karaoke machine. She squeezed her way through the crowd and made it to me, just as the song finished.

"You gotta sing a song!" she exclaimed. "I can't sing," I admitted shyly. Dipper placed his hands on my shoulder. "Same as you can't dance?" he laughed. Pacifica started laughing as well. "Then you are DEFINITELY singing! I'm setting up a contest and I'm competing! Winner gets bragging rights for a week!" Pacifica exclaimed over the cheering crowd. "Fine!" I laughed, just as I noticed the mark glowing again, same as Dipper's. "Should we be worried?" I asked Dipper, facing him. Just then, the doors opened wide, revealing a familiar face, his golden hair sweeping over his right eye with his left eye a slitted pupil with a glowing yellow. "I might go with yes."

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