4- Backstory

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   Y/n's POV
He explained his entire summer to me. Every bit of it. "After we were able to stop Bill, I put this reminder to never trust him again. Unfortunately, I shouldn't of done that. He was able to get to me from the tattoo and he attempted to make another deal with me. He eventually was able to fool me again, but that was because he still had limited power in this world," he continued with a sigh. "In that second deal, he pulled me out of my body again and tried reactivating the portal for another rip to the Nightmare Realm. I got my body back, but my twin Mabel was down there to help. We were able to shut it down, but Mabel pushed Bill inside the portal. He grabbed her sweater and pulled her in with him. I began rebuilding this after the incident and the journals helped. They had been destroyed, but Ford was able to record them from memory," Dipper finished.

I was speechless. "But, who was the third key? You said there were three switches," I pressed on. "Mabel had one, I had the middle, and I just reached across. I couldn't risk anyone else's safety, so I refused for Ford's help. My sister kept pushing, wanting to try and make things right after the apocalypse began. It was already cracking, but she thought she was responsible for it. I didn't blame her, since she didn't know about it, but she didn't listen," he said sadly.

"But I need some help. I really shouldn't be trusting a stranger, but I need my sister back," he said, turning to face me. "O-of course!" I stuttered. "I do have to warn you that it is dangerous. My Grunkle Stan almost got arrested for it and he still almost lost his brother! But that was my fault," he sighed. "Dipper, everyone makes mistakes!" I said, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder. "I wish Mabel had known that when she convinced me to let her help me," he laughed harshly.

"We WILL get her back! If this was opened before, then it can be opened one more time," I reassured him, putting a hand on his shoulder. He looked up sadly, but his frown curled up into a gentle smile. "Now stop feeling sorry for yourself! We aren't gonna get Mabel back by sulking!" I said sternly. His face went strict. "You're right!" He said firmly. "Mabel needs us!"

Dipper's POV
"So, where do we go from here?" y/n asked. "I just need to cross a few wires, then get the toxic waste," I said calmly to her. She raised an eyebrow to me. "Why do you sound so calm about doing all of this?" she asked, growing angry by the tone of her voice. "Because I need her back!" I shouted, shaking y/n. "I-I need my twin. I can't go against Bill without her and he's after me!" I said, my eyes becoming blurry. She stepped towards me, her own eyes started shining a bit. She grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a hug. "You're not alone on this," she cried near my ear. I could feel tears on my jacket. She pushed away and faced me. "I can tell how important this is to you, but how are you just going to steal toxic waste?" she questioned, clearing her face of tears.

"Simple! With this!" I said, pulling out the mind erasing gun from my bag. "What's that?" she asked, looking at it closely. "a mind erasing gun! If anyone sees me, just aim and fire!" I laughed. She stepped back. "Inside joke. Had to use this a few times to get out of a jam," I shrugged. She relaxed a bit. "Anyway, let's see what we can get done!" I said, walking past her.

Y/n's POV
He walked into the room with the portal, kneeling down in front of a panel. I was eased a bit, but still a little worried. My phone buzzed. I pulled it out and saw my mom's number. I answered it. "Hello?" I asked. "Oh, hello Pe- I-I mean y/n!" my mom's voice came through. "Uh, hi mom! What are you up to?" I asked a bit awkwardly. "Oh, nothing! Just found your note and wanted to wish you luck! You hadn't written yet," she said sadly. "Oh, uh-I-uh..." I stuttered. "I may not write much. I met Dipper Pines and it's all true! I also found something... interesting..." I said nervously. "Oh! Well, what did you find?" she asked. "Can't talk about it," I sighed. "Y/n! My face is on fire!" Dipper shouted. "Gottagobye!" I said quickly before hanging up.

Bill's POV
"Blast that Pine Tree! I got lucky when the force field to keep me out went down, but now he put it up again and I can't get to him! Might as well leave this meat sack..." I flew out of my vessel.

She looked around frantically, dazed until she saw me. "W-what are you?" she stammered. "And where's my daughter!" Petal's mother exclaimed. I sighed in annoyance at the woman. "You already forgot our deal?" She was confused, I could tell. "I let 'you' talk to your daughter and I get something!" I exclaimed, getting agitated at the woman. "Where is she then? When do I talk to her?" she said frantically. "You DID! You already forgot that too? Anyway, you still owe me something..." I said, hoping that I could still get this. "What is it?" she asked, fear in her voice. "Oh, just NO GOING TO GRAVITY FALLS!" I exclaimed, watching her shrink in fear. My eye curled up in it's usual smile.

"Glad we're at an understanding! I've got big plans for Petals and I don't need her to have any more distractions than Pine Tree! He's the only distraction she needs," I laughed. "Who's 'Petals' and 'Pine Tree'?" she asked. "No time to explain! And remember: Reality is an illusion; the universe is a hologram; buy gold; BYE!" I said quickly, vanishing back into Gravity Falls.

Y/n's POV
"Dipper! Are you okay?" I asked, sliding into the room with the portal. "Oh yes, I'm fine! I just said that to make sure you'd come in here quickly!" he said, turning around to show his face emitting smoke. "But, your face is smoking..." I said, pointing at his left cheek. "Yeah, just an activation mishap. And by that, I mean I accidentally turned it on and it sparked, hitting my face," he said simply. "Okay then," I shrugged, coming over. "I need you to connect those two wires right there," he said, leaning on the panel. I did as I was told, it sparking and coming close to contacting my skin. "May wanna wear these," he said, handing me a pair of gloves. I slipped them on, repeating the process until I heard the machine roar to life.

"What now?" I asked. "That's it for today! I'll get the toxic waste tomorrow while you keep it steady," he said, gesturing to the buzzing portal. "Okay. Anything planned for tonight?" I asked, walking to the elevator with him. "None. Especially since I just met you," he said simply. "Wanna go on a monster hunt?" I asked. Dipper stood straighter at the mention of a monster hunt. "Sounds great! Which one you wanna go for? A gremloblin? Gnomes? Barf fairies?" he asked frantically, pulling out his journal, flipping through the pages. "Which one's the best for beginners?" I asked.

Dipper's POV
"Hmm..." I pondered. "Maybe gnomes? I started with that," I answered. "But, they kidnapped my sister to be their queen. Maybe not that one..." I said, flipping through them again. "Unicorns?" I asked, pulling out the first journal and finding the page. "Whoa, I didn't know you had ALL the journals!" she marveled. "Didn't until Ford came out of the portal," I shrugged. "So, why are unicorns monsters?" she asked. "I don't know! My twin, Mabel, went to get unicorn hair with her friends to keep Bill out, then she came back all bruised and messy. They gave them treasure to get rid of them, but I never got the full story. She did talk in her sleep about a 'scam', but I never got the details," I shrugged.

"Well, fighting a unicorn does sound fun as a beginner, so let's do it!" y/n said, punching a fist into her other palm. I laughed. "Okay then! Go get a bag together for you and I'll pack mine!"

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