19- Threats, Best Regards, And Sadness

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
I woke up feeling a deeper warmth than I normally did. My eyes slowly fluttered open, and I found myself directly facing the sleeping visage* of Dipper. He was snoring the tiniest bit, to a small enough degree where it was cute and irritation free. At least he didn't snore like my dad, who was loud and obnoxious, waking up everyone in the household. I sighed and pulled myself out of his arms, slowly tip-toeing out so that I could go and take a shower. After getting completely clean, I threw on some sweats and a tank top, then went downstairs to eat some food. However, I got sidetracked when I saw the pile of old and new mail sitting on the table. There were a few piles, but one in particular caught my interest: the one with the letters, still left in their envelopes, addressed to (y/n).
They were all from my mother.
With shaky legs and hands, I sat down and slowly opened each letter, accumulating from a week after I left until now. The first one scared me, but as they went, they got more and more desperate.
You ran away? How dare you? I've given you a week to come home on your own, but you haven't. Now I'm requesting that you come home, and if you don't, I will make sure that someone there sends you home.
I expect to see you back in a week.
-Your mother.
I sighed. Had Dipper opened these? It would be the only explanation for why I was still here. I would have been sent home in any other scenario. I opened the next one and a rusty knife of guilt struck my chest.
I'm sorry if my last letter came off as too harsh. I'm just very worried about you, being off in a town where you don't know anyone. I know you want more than anything to be a monster hunter, but those creatures just don't exist. Please, if you're going to stay in Gravity Falls, take up a more stable profession, like a doctor or a lawyer. I want you to be happy, but I also want you to survive.
Please write back soon,
She was really worried about me, but at the same time, I scoffed. Monsters do, in fact, exist, and I will never, in my life, take up such a boring job. My mother acted like she knew me best, but she really didn't. I tore open the next one with a heavy chest.
It's pretty clear to me, at this point, that you are not coming home. Your life in Gravity Falls is clearly better than any one I could give you here. If you are truly going to stay there, then I hope you prove me wrong and find some monsters you can capture. Just never forget that I love you more than anything...
... are my letters even reaching you?
Your mother
I could barely finish reading the letter, there were so many tears in my eyes. However, I decided to be brave and write back. I tip-toed into my room and grabbed a sheet of paper and a pen. If I messed up, I could always cross it out. Ever so gently, I slid out the chair from the kitchen table, sat down, and began to write.
Mom, I'm really sorry I haven't written since I came here. Someone, though I'm not sure who, was hiding these letters from me.
I had just written a blatant lie. I knew very well who was hiding the letters from me.
That's not important, however. What is important is how I'm doing away from home. Things are pretty good. I met a nice pair of twins my age, and I'm currently staying with them. They're quite into the supernatural themselves, and we've even found quite a bit themselves, and we've even found a large bit of unnatural beings, like unicorns and Dream Demons.
I decided to skip over the detail that I had sort of become one myself.
I think if I keep living here, I'll be able to make a pretty steady living. I'm really sorry, but that means I won't be coming home anytime soon. Now that I know you're sending me letters, I promise I'll write more often. I'll come visit as soon as I can.
"What are you writing?"
I practically jumped fifty feet in the air, and ended up throwing my pen to who-knows-where. I looked up from the creamy piece of paper to see Dipper, hair a mess and looking slightly groggy, leaning against the kitchen door frame. Before I could do anything with it, Dipper strode over and snatched the paper from the table. As he read, his face fell more and more. Once he finished, he looked up at me with sad eyes.
"I'm guessing you found the letters?" I sighed and looked at him with slightly angry, (e/c) eyes.
"Why were they hidden from me?" Dipper picked up one of the ones my mother had written to me and shrugged his shoulders. I furrowed my eyebrows.
"I have no idea." I crossed my arms, not believing him at first.
"Are you telling the truth? Who else could have done this?" He shrugged again.
"I'm not sure... I know Mabel really loves having you around. Maybe she-"
"You found them?" We both whipped around to see Mabel standing there, looking as if she were on the brink of tears.
"Mabel," I approached her delicately and placed a hand on her shoulder, "were you the one that hid the letters from my mom?" She nodded sadly. "Why did you hide them?"
"The letters wanted you to go home, and I didn't want you to leave! You're here with Dipper, who you love, and... I've never really had another girl around, except for Wendy, so when I came back and found a girl my age, I was so happy." I smiled and Mabel and hugged her tight.
"I promise I'm not going anywhere, Mabel. I love this place too much, and there is nothing that would make me want to leave."
"Do you promise?" She sniffled and wiped the just-forming-tears in her eyes.
"Yes, I promise." There was a rapid knock on the door, and I walked over to answer it. As soon as I did, the person standing on the opposite side practically tackled me.
"(Y/n)! Thank God, you're alive!"
Panic filled me quickly as I took in who they were.
Uh-oh! Cliffhanger! Who is the person standing at the door? An old friend or foe? Bill? Who could it be?

*Visage: French for face

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