15-Things Are Officially Getting Complicated

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So I'm going to do something I NEVER thought I would do before: I've decided I'm going to use the fan character known as Bill's Human Form. He's like the Linkle of Gravity Falls! (Lol, Linkle sounds like Tinkle. Sorry, Link, love you!)

Y/N's P.O.V
The vending machine practically slammed shut behind Dipper, causing me to jump a mile high. Dipper chuckled and I looked back at him.
"We just escaped from security robots that could have killed us, and you're afraid of the sound of the vending machine closing?" He teased.
"Yes, don't judge me." I paused and took in a breath, then spoke again. "Thanks again for the save back there. You saved my life. I have no idea how I can repay you."
"You really don't have to." His smile made my cheeks get warm. I was grateful for the lack of light that could hide them, or at least make them look like it was part of the lantern's light. "But if I think of anything, I'll let you know." We descended down the stairs and made our way to the room with the portal. The doors opened and I saw Mabel standing there, picking up pieces of debris opening the portal had created. She was now wearing a bright sweater that looked like a Picasso painting, with plain, washed jeans. I walked over to her and smiled. She did the same, and I noticed how perfect her teeth were.
Did she ever even need braces? I thought to myself.
"What was it like inside the portal?" I found myself asking. "Sorry if that was an odd question. You don't have to answer if you don't want to."
"It's fine." Her laugh sounded much like Dipper's, but more feminine. "It was like something from a science fiction novel. Everyone was wearing steampunk-like outfits, and they all had futuristic weapons, and everything was dark and desolate. There were little children fighting for their lives, and elderly people who were on the brink of death, firing guns and trying to defend the people. There was a part of it that was enchanting, but at the same time, terrifying and sad."
"It sort of sounds like this dimension. People are always standing up for each other, no matter how old they are."
"That's very true... but that world was both a dream and a nightmare."
"Both a nightmare and a dream..." I sighed and rubbed my forehead. "Anything created by Bill should just be a straight up nightmare." Mabel looked at me, sadness behind her cheerful brown eyes.
"It was a complete nightmare, (y/n). Everything was terrifying and sad. I was surrounded by death. But a nightmare is only a bad dream, right? That made it both a dream and a nightmare."
"Mabel, you just made part of my brain melt out my ear," I joked. At that moment, Dipper walked into the room, and my heart did an odd fluttering thing.
Why am I feeling like this? I thought, though deep inside, I knew the answer.
"All right, Mabel. The rift is officially sealed away. If Bill somehow gets into the shack, it should still be safe."
"Somehow gets into the shack?" I was deeply confused. "Shouldn't it be easy for him to get in?"
"No. There was this whole debacle with unicorn hair, like the one we got earlier, and now there's this barrier protecting us from Bill."
"Celestabelleabethabelle is dead to me..." Mabel muttered under her breath, causing me to laugh.
"Damn Celestabelleabethabelle," I sighed, then made a joke. "That's quite a name. Should we submit it for competing as the world's longest word?"
"Well, how many letters does it have?" Dipper asked seriously. I counted them in my head.
"Twenty three... Sadly, not enough."
"How many does the longest word have?"
"One-hundred-and-eighty-nine-thousand, eight-hundred-nineteen." Dipper smiled at me.
"You remembered that?"
"Yeah. I know, I'm such a dork." Dipper shook his head, causing his chocolate brown hair to shake and fly everywhere.
"No, that's super cool. I would never be able to remember a number that large, let alone that it belonged to the world's longest word."
"It's not that impressive, considering I don't remember what the word is."
"All right then, if you're so adamant on not acknowledging how gifted you are, then you just lost ten smart points."
"That's fine. I had a negative score to begin with." At this point, both of us were laughing so hard that I barely noticed the tattoo on mine and Dipper's arms glowing a faint yellow until Mabel pointed it out.
"Hey, Dipper, (y/n)?" We both stopped laughing and looked at her, noticing her pointing to our arms. "Should your tattoos be glowing like that?" We both looked down at our arms, then snapped our heads back up, concern lacing our expressions like ribbons.
"Bill's coming." I could feel my heart rate increasing and my breathing getting shorter.
"Hey, hey, (y/n), relax." He pulled me into a hug, but that only caused my pulse to quicken more. "As long as we stay in the shack, we should be safe, all right?"
"No, Dipper. He's not going to go away until we deal with him." I looked him in his deep brown eyes, and I melted a little. "Whatever he wants, we have to refuse."
"But if we do that, he'll just keep nagging us until we agree."
"Then maybe I'll just have to agree."
"What? No! (Y/n), you can't do that! If you agree, you could become Bill's slave for the rest of your life!"
"If it gets rid of him..."
"No, (y/n). We'll find another way to get him to leave us alone." He grabbed my hand and I blushed red, then led me outside. We stood outside the perimeters of the shack, and stood there, his hand still linked in mine. After only a few seconds, the world turned to grey scale, and Bill appeared before us, in his handsome human form rather than his usual triangle shape. I looked him in the eye and felt ferocity build up in me.
"What do you want Bill?" Dipper snapped, the grip on my hand tightening, causing my heart to flutter again.
"Hahaha, nothing from you, Pine Tree. I only want to speak to Petals." He snapped his fingers and Dipper disappeared from the landscape.
"Dipper!" I cried, looking around. I angrily turned to face Bill and was ready to destroy him right here.
"What do you want, freak?" I spat, resisting the urge to punch Bill.
"Calm down, Petals. I just wanted to make an offer to you."
"Let me hear it. The more I know, the easier it will be for me to refuse."
"You might change your mind after you hear this." He sat on the ground and gestured for me to do the same, and I complied. "I can tell that you and Pine Tree have feelings for each other. As cute and sickening as that is, I can tell you that it won't end well."
"What are you talking about?"
"If you keep going down this road, one of you is going to die."
"That can't be possible."
"Oh, but it is, Petals, and I can assure you that it's Pine Tree."
"Oh yes. But I'm willing to change that for a small fee."
"Just hurry up and tell me what you want."
"I want you to be my assistant."
"What does that mean?"
"It means I'd make you a Dream Demon, and you'd help me whenever I call. In exchange, both you and Dipper's lives would be saved, and you could happily live together, yadda, yadda, yadda." I was still skeptical.
"How do I know that if I don't accept, Dipper will die?"
"Trust me Petals. I would never lie to you, ever." He held out his arm and blue fire glowed. "What do you say."
"Show me how he dies!" I spat out quickly.
"Pardon me?"
"Show me how Dipper dies. I want solid evidence." Bill sighed.
"Fine, but you're only harming yourself." He made his way over to me, then placed his hands on my head. In a moment, I was standing there, looking at Dipper, Mabel, and myself. The three of us were coated in blood and guts for some reason, and we all seemed worn out. Out of nowhere, Dipper was snatched off the ground, and was dropped into the jaws of a monster, like something from an anime I once saw. I screamed and dropped to the ground, and was brought out of the vision. I screamed and fell back, away from Bill, and looked at him.
"All right, all right, you've proved your point."
"So, Petals, is it a deal or not?" He once again held out his hand, blue fire blazing. I looked down at the hand, then back up at him. I sighed. I had to protect Dipper, to keep him and Mabel together, but who knows what Bill would do to me and them.
"Deal." I shook his hand.  

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