17- Just Because I Don't Have To, Doesn't Mean I Won't

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Your P.O.V
My stomach twisted and turned inside of me. I was feeling extremely guilty. I had just lied to Dipper while we were on a date. If he found out what I was hiding, would he be angry? There was a knock on the door to my room, and I jumped, my heart speeding up to practically unhealthy speeds.
"W-who is it?" I called, trying not to sound nervous.
"It's Mabel." I let out a breath of relief, happy I wouldn't have to try to act normal around Dipper.
"Come on in." Mabel opened the door and smiled at me, sitting on my bed. I had already changed back into sweatpants and a tee-shirt, and had been comfortable, with the exception of my gnawing-inner guilt. Mabel offered a bright smile and sat down next to me.
"I heard that you went on a date with my brother!" She practically squealed out the sentence. I rolled my eyes, but a smile graced my lips.
"You seem very excited about this. It wasn't even your date," I laughed. Mabel began laughing, too, and we were both soon breaking down in a fit of laughing. As soon as we stopped laughing, Mabel spoke again.
"You know, you're really special to Dipper. You're the first girl he's ever had a chance with, no offense to my brother. He's liked one other girl in his life, and she was way too old and too cool for him. At least, I thought she was too cool for him, but now that he's gone out with you, I guess if she were younger, he could have had a chance."
"He liked an older girl? That's crazy!"
"Yeah, her name was Wendy."
"Are you seriously spilling about my embarrassing past?" We both looked over at the doorway to see Dipper standing there, leaning against the frame. I chuckled and smiled at him.
"Oh yes. She was about to tell me all about when you were really young."
"No, Mabel! Don't you dare bring up the lamby dance." He came over and got his sister up off my bed and pushed her out of the room. He shut the door behind him and sat down on my bed. His face went from happy to serious, however, speeding up my heart rate once again. "(Y/n), we need to talk, right now." I swallowed hard and looked at him with trembling eyes.
"What's-what's wrong?"
"You're working with Bill, aren't you?" I was taken aback, and nearly fell off my bed.
"How did you figure that out?"
"You've been acting really suspicious since after you met with Bill. He one time took my soul out of my body and possessed me. Tell me, (y/n): what did he do to you?"
"Dipper I swear, he-" Dipper looked at me with suspicious brown eyes, and I let out a deep sigh. "He showed me... that you... would die... at the end of our adventure... so I made a deal with him... that I would work for him... and you would be safe..." Tears quickly formed in my eyes, and I tackled him into a hug, wanting to hold him to make sure he was here and okay. "But I swear, Dipper, I wouldn't let him do anything bad to anyone, and I won't let him get the rift." I began bawling, and Dipper wrapped his arms around my waist, comforting me.
"(Y/n), you lied to me."
"Dipper," I managed to choke out between sobs, "trust me. If I had a dollar for every time I lied to you, I'd be poor. And I meant what I said back there, at the water. I really like you, Dipper. You're so much different from every other guy I've met. Please believe me when I say I did this because I want to protect you, and I'm keeping a close eye on Bill." I snuggled closer into his embrace as the tears slowed. There was a cackle, and the world turned to grey-scale. I knew Bill was here. I didn't turn around.
"Guess you know her secret now, Pine Tree. What are you going to do, hmm? Don't forget, she's my property now, so if you hurt her, I'll pound your face off." I could feel Dipper getting angry.
"Your property?" He growled. "(Y/n) is no one's property! She's a person."
"Petals is only part of a human now. She works for me, so she has quite a bit of dream demon in her. So I ask again: what are you going to do?"
"I-I... I'm going to help her in protecting the rift and the new portal from you. And I'm still going to love her, just as I did when I met her. This changes nothing, Bill. She did this to try and save me, and that's noble enough to keep her with me." Bill cackled evilly.
"You're very determined to keep each other safe, but it might be your undoing. I'm warning you, Pine Tree. If anything bad happens to Petals, I'll set your fate right back to where it should be. I'll be watching." The world went back to normal, and I cried into Dipper's chest once again.
"I'm so sorry all of this has happened! I made a huge mistake!"
"Hey... hey..." He stroked my hair affectionately. "We all make that mistake at one time or another. Bill is really tricky, and he's good at manipulating people. To be honest... it's kind of hot that you're doing anything you can to try and protect me."
"And because you're doing anything you can to protect me, I'm going to do the same thing for you. (Y/n), if you ever need anything, tell me right away. You're welcome to be around me anytime, if it makes you feel safe. I love you, (y/n), and now I'm going to protect you." I sniffled and looked up at Dipper with affection in my eyes.
"Thank you Dipper. You really don't have to do this." He kissed my forehead.
"Just because I don't have to, doesn't mean I won't. I'm going to protect you from Bill. I promise." I snuggled into his arms and fell asleep within moments.  

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