12- Into The Portal

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      Mabel's POV (inside the portal)

I landed with a thud on a dirty ground, leaving my hair a tangled mess and my clothes dirty and torn. I opened my eyes, revealing a smoky sky. I shot up into the air. "NonononononononoNONONO! DIPPER! GREAT UNCLE FORD! GRUNKLE STAN!" I shouted, looking around frantically. "DIPPER?! STAN?! Ford?" I cried. I sunk down to my knees, feeling the tears running down my face. "What did Bill do?!" I sobbed. I grabbed my knees and tucked my birthday sweater over them as I felt tears streaming down my face. "Where am I?" I asked to nobody in particular. "Who's there?!" a harsh voice shouted. I felt myself shaking as I pulled down my sweater. I saw a strange person dressed all in black with a large gun pointed at me. "Oh my god. GUYS! IT'S A LITTLE GIRL!" he shouted. Just then, a group of people came rushing over to me. All of them had on dark clothing and hoods over their heads. "She's bleeding!" a female voice shouted. She was wearing dark clothes like the rest of them, a gun slung over her back just the same. I looked at my sweater and saw some blood on my sweater. "What's your name?" the woman asked gently, kneeling in front of me. I backed up a bit, but she took off her hood to reveal a friendly face with a scar on her left cheek.

"M-Mabel," I stuttered. "Where did you come from, Mabel?" she asked me. "Gravity Falls," I answered. "I don't recognize you though," she replied with a questioning look. "I came out of a portal," I answered. "Another dimension then?' she asked. I nodded. "Wow," she admired. "I'd give anything to visit another dimension," she continued. "Why?" I asked. "Well, this isn't the best place to live," she answered. "Where am I?" I asked her. "This is Gravity Falls. Well, in this dimension, I guess," she smiled. "Who are you?" I asked her. "My name was Kristen, but people back at base call me Scar," she answered. "Base?" I asked. She was about to answer, but a large bang sounded. "I'll explain when we get there," Scar answered, helping me to my feet. Gunshots sounded and as we kept walking, they grew louder. "Keep your head down," she whispered. She pulled me behind a car and I covered my head as a window shattered. She sneaked a peak around the car, but pulled back just as a gun was shot at the car.

"Base is just in that building over there." Scar pointed to brick building that looked to be an apartment building. "How do we get there?" I questioned. "Can you shoot a gun?" she asked, pulling out a pistol. I shook my head. "I'll cover you," she said, pulling off her large gun. Scar aimed her gun at a man that looked to be part of the Time Paradox Avoidance Enforcement Squadron and fired, causing him to land with a thud. My mouth fell open and I tried to hide it to be sincere, but Scar saw it. "You get used to it," she responded, giving a shy smile and a shrug. "Let's move," she said loud enough for me to hear. Scar ran out into the battlefield, heading for the building. I was right behind her. We kept running, making it just inside the building. I launched myself in since I wasn't fast enough and I skidded across the floor. Two people closed the metal doors behind me and Scar, letting off a loud clang! Scar extended a hand to me, helping me to my feet.

"Come on," she smiled, leading me up a flight of stairs. We stopped after two floors, entering a room full of people from ages of what looked to be ten through thirty-eight. "Everyone, I'd like you all to meet Mabel," Scar announced, placing her hands on my shoulders. Everyone's eyes were on me. Or, what I assumed were their eyes. They all had on a pair of goggled. "H-hi," I greeted shyly. I was normally energetic around new people, but I was talking to people in a war that was happening right outside. "Sup," a boy around my age greeted me. He was wearing a dark cloak with the hood up, black pants, combat boots, and a pistol in his belt. "Where you from?" a girl a little older than me, maybe seventeen, asked, standing in front of me. "Another dimension," I answered. "Is it better than here?" she asked. "There isn't a war there," I responded. "Caleb, come show Mabel around the apartment building and have her fitted into a uniform. Oh, and check for some injuries. She was bleeding when we found her," Scar told the boy around my age. He nodded and led me out of the apartment.

"So, your name is Caleb?" I asked as he led me up the stairs. "Yeah. Twelve years old," he answered. "We can talk about me later. You're the new gal," he said, looking at me. "My name's Mabel Pines. I'm twelve," I said shyly. He took off his hood and lifted his goggles, looking over me. His eyes were a light blue, but had a tough look in them. They reminded me of ice. "I knew someone with the last name Pines. Strong guy. Lost him from the enemy," Caleb sighed. "Know anything about war?" he asked. I shrugged. "I was in an apocalypse for a little bit. I accidentally came here when me and my family tried ridding him from our dimension," I explained. "That's a little how this war started," he replied, putting his goggles and hood back. "What's your last name?" I asked. "Akors," he answered. "Caleb Akors," I said aloud. We kept walking up the stairs until we found a large room with tally marks scratched onto the wall, shelves full of random items, and a desk with an old radio. "Well, uniforms are in here," he gestured, entering the room with me right behind him.

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