Chapter Three, Part Two - Getting To Know You

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"I just got back from England. They loved us over there. We'll probably go back -" Charlie corrected herself. "We will go back. Howard's arranging a summer tour for us." She rolled her eyes and flicked her cigarette to the pavement of the sidewalk. "Summer tour? Who are you trying to fool, girl?" She looked up at the rundown brownstone across the street.

She didn't understand what brought her back here over and over again. But, after the meeting Howard insisted the group have that morning, Charlie ended up in the neighborhood she previously called home. She crossed the street and walked up the steps of the apartment building and let herself in through the broken door. Charlie stopped at the first door in the hallway and hesitated before she knocked.

Charlie could hear the sound of the television through the door. A booming voice called out, "Hold on." followed by the sound of a phlegmy cough that put the young woman on edge. "Who is it?"


She listened to the door being unlocked, but the door remained closed.

"Door is open." The voice spat out.

Charlie hesitantly reached for the knob and slowly opened the door. She stepped inside and watched her grandmother, Ida shuffle over to her armchair. She was a heavyset short woman but had a commanding presence. 

"I just got back -"

"Close the door. I'm not heating the entire building." Ida snapped and settled down into her armchair. 

Charlie immediately closed the door. 

"Still slamming my doors?" Ida asked irritatedly.

"Sorry, Ida." She continued to stand near the closed door. Charlie had learned not to approach her grandmother unless the older woman beckoned her over. She hadn't received that signal yet, and sometimes she didn't.

"What're you doing back here? I thought you were going to be a big star in Europe?" She laughed and leaned forward to the T.V. tray and picked up her smoldering cigarette from the ashtray groove. Her laughter turned into another loud cough that made Charlie wince. Ida grabbed a balled up tissue from the arm of her chair and coughed into it.

"Are you okay?" Charlie tentatively stepped forward.

Ida shooed her away with her tissue and took a long drag off of her cigarette. "And, now you're back right where you started." She smirked.

"The shows were only for the month of December -" Charlie couldn't admit to her that the group wasn't any better off than when they'd left. "The English audiences liked us over there."

"You're in New York. What good does that do you here?" She pointed out.

"Howard's arranging a summer tour for us in Europe." Charlie lied.

"Summer tour?" She asked skeptically.

She nodded. "I brought you your Christmas gift. I know it's a bit late -"

"We're only at the beginning of February." She replied sarcastically.

"I've been busy with the Debutantes." 

She focused her attention back on the television.

Charlie pulled the envelope from the pocket of her coat. "Performing at clubs and doing interviews. It's picked up for us since we've been back home." She lied once again in an attempt to save face. "We've made some money, and I thought you might need a bit of it." She held up the envelope.

"Are you going to stand and hover around me all day or sit?" She took a final drag off of her cigarette and stubbed it out into the ashtray.

She knew that was the closest she was going to get to an invitation. Charlie walked over to her and set the envelope on the T.V. tray and sat down on the sofa. 

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