Chapter Six - The Phone Tree

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Ringo yawned and tiredly rubbed his face. The Beatles, their entourage and the press that traveled with them to D.C. were headed back to New York. 

The young man slouched down into his seat and closed his eyes. He thought if he pretended to be asleep the press would leave him alone. 

For the moment, Ringo had his fill of being the favorite out of the four of them in the States. He still couldn't figure out how that happened.

"I called her," George stated, his voice sounded upbeat.

Ringo opened his eyes, George was standing in the aisle. His mate was grinning at him. "That's fab, man." He returned his smile with one of his own. At least one of them had a chance with their bird.

"And, you?" He sat down next to Ringo.

"What about me?"

"You haven't changed your mind about trying to get in touch with Charlie?"

He patted George's shoulder. "I always leave them wanting more." Ringo replied good-naturedly.

"Wanting more of what?" George asked in a deadpan manner. 

They stared at one another for a moment and erupted into raucous laughter. 

George continued. "Not me. I want to see her. We didn't leave things between us on the best of terms, but she didn't sound cross with me when we spoke on the phone. She agreed to see me tonight after the last concert." He answered.

"You two go together well. You know, from what I've seen when you're around each other. Maybe, you can sort out what happened between the two of you." 

George hadn't gone into detail about what happened between them, and he didn't know if it was possible. He nodded. "Maybe, I can't imagine not knowing Annette, now, that we've met. You know? I'm sure you must feel that way."

"About, Charlie?"

His eyebrows momentarily knitted together. "Maureen."

"She's nice," Ringo replied flatly. He didn't feel that way about Mo. And, he didn't know when or why his feelings for her had changed. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?"

"That's what they say. Who they are I don't know, but they say these things." He replied jokingly. 

They both laughed.

"Can't imagine not knowing her?" Ringo met plenty of birds, even more after he'd joined the Beatles. But, the majority of them hadn't left an impact on him.

However, he hadn't been able to place Charlie into that category. He wanted to know what his life could be like with her in it. She wasn't the kind of young woman you could forget. And, now, after they shared a night together, Ringo couldn't imagine not knowing her.

George nodded. "It'd be odd if she wasn't in my life. It just wouldn't feel right without her." 

He found himself relating more and more to what George felt. But, he didn't know if he could say it out loud. There wasn't any doubt that his friend would understand. George was good about that sort of thing, just listening to what he had to say without taking the piss. "You've got a good feeling about seeing her?" 

George nodded. 

Ringo continued, "Does she have a number," He leaned against him and lowered his voice. "To reach, Charlie?" He didn't want anyone to overhear. But, he was a bit embarrassed as well. Ringo felt he shouldn't need help with birds and did just fine on his own.

George grinned and playfully elbowed him. "I'll phone Annette when we get to the hotel and ask her."

"Alright, alright." He abruptly replied. Ringo didn't want George's enthusiasm to draw any attention to them and their conversation. Ringo looked out of the window. He thought it might be nice to try and sort things out with Charlie. 

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