Chapter Eight, Part Two - Smoke Gets In Your Eyes

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Mal looked over at Charlie. The young woman was staring out of the car window. She'd joined him in the backseat of the chauffeur-driven Cadillac, and hadn't spoken a word to him. But he wasn't bothered by the coolness she displayed toward him. There was a worn powder blue Samsonite suitcase between the two of them on the seat. She held a small travel bag against her chest.

Mal wasn't an inquisitive person and tended to mind his own business. However, he couldn't help but wonder what happened in the time she'd went to pack her things that soured Charlie's mood. It struck him as odd. Birds were usually made up to be invited back to the Beatles hotel rooms. It was the shuffling them out afterward that ruined their cheerful mood.

In his opinion, Mal thought the young woman resembled many of the girls he'd been tasked with letting down easy for the lads over the years. "I've never been to Miami before." He waited for Charlie to respond, but she remained quiet. "It'll be nice to get out of this cold weather." He exaggeratedly mimed blowing into his hands and rubbed them together. "I should be used to the cold and I am but it'll be nice to get out of it for a bit."

His simple words struck an untouched chord within Charlie. She knew he was making polite small talk, but he'd made her think. She was running out on Wanda and the rest of them to get out of the cold. Charlie knew that iciness was inside of her and a change of climate couldn't warm her up. "The cold doesn't bother me, but it seems to bother everyone else." She dryly remarked.


"Mo?" The connection was terrible, and for a moment Ringo thought he'd lost her.

"Ritchie," Maureen's voice sounded tinny over the transatlantic line. "I'm still here."

She was always there for him and that had been a source of comfort for Ringo amid the madness of being a Beatle. But, the young man no longer wanted her as his steady. He frankly stated. "I think we should finish." There wasn't a response, only the sound of static.

She abruptly replied, "Oh, you think we should finish?"

Ringo thought she sounded flippant.

Maureen continued, "Until someone changes his mind."

He tiredly rubbed his forehead, Ringo didn't want to argue with her. He'd done this before, but this time around, Ringo was sure of his decision to call it quits. He replied, "I won't."

Ringo didn't see the point of going into specifics and hurting Maureen. But, he needs her to know it was truly over this time. "It's done. Us." His words were followed by the sound of a click on the other end of the line.

Ringo sharply exhaled. He knew she'd rung off without saying goodbye, and Ringo wasn't bothered by her abruptness. He could hardly blame Maureen for her less than receptive response to being dumped. He placed the receiver back on the cradle.


In the dark, Charlie stood at the foot of Ringo's bed. She found him asleep and spread out on his back. She could walk out on him, but she didn't want too. However, Charlie's argument earlier that evening with Wanda made her second guess herself.

She'd had a thing with John and to a lesser extent Paul. She was allowing herself to be passed around. She always was and always would be fast and loose, and that defining character trait was ingrained within her.

Charlie kicked off her heels and slipped out of her dress. She walked over to the empty side of the bed, pulled back the comforter and joined Ringo in bed. She aggressively kissed him.

"Charlie," He sleepily mumbled against her mouth.

She palmed Ringo's dick through his pajama bottoms.

He grabbed hold her hand and placed it into his chest. "I tried to stay awake, but -"

She tried to silence him with a kiss, but he pulled out of it.

"Early start tomorrow." He warmly embraced her. "Miami." He dreamily stated, beginning to drift off to sleep again.

She was left confused by his desire to be close to her without it being about sex. Charlie stared at him, waiting for him to surprise her with some sort of advance. And when Ringo didn't, Charlie felt it was safe to close her eyes and fall asleep.

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