Chapter Seven, Part One - Situational Comedy

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Ringo hadn't phoned. And, Charlie refused to wait around for a call. But, she hadn't left Wanda's apartment. She busied herself tidying up and started picking up in the living room and made her way into the adjoining kitchenette.

She wanted to make up for rude comments to her friend. But, it was easier for Charlie to make a gesture of appreciation instead of apologizing for her behavior.

As a peace offering, Charlie decided to cook to dinner. It was soothing for her to immerse herself in the act of preparing a meal. Her mind would be occupied, and for the moment, Charlie forgot about Ringo.

"Dinner?" Wanda spoke up and stood in the kitchen doorway.

"I didn't hear you come in." She stirred the pot. "I made soup with the leftover chicken in your refrigerator. If you're hungry, it's ready."

"You cleaned the kitchen and the living room?"

"I just picked up." She replied modestly.

"You didn't have to -"

"I did." Charlie grabbed a couple of bowls and filled them with the hearty soup.

"I wasn't asking you to leave." Wanda sounded apologetic. "I just want you to help out if you're going to be staying here."

"And, I am." She replied defensively and placed the bowls on the table. "I'm going to repay you too." She grabbed a couple of spoons from the utensil drawer.

"I didn't say anything about that."

"I am. I will pay you back. I'll figure something out."

Wanda slowly walked over to her. "You always do." She stated softly and placed her hands on Charlie's shoulders.

However, Charlie wasn't too sure of herself.


It was pandemonium backstage at Carnegie Hall. The lads hadn't had a moment of peace in their dressing room, guests were coming, and going as they pleased.

Ringo worried the hotel stationery with his hands. The number to reach Charlie was written across it. He wondered why, he felt nervous, Charlie had given Annette the number to give to George with the knowledge that Ringo wanted it.

There was a phone in their dressing room. But, George had taken possession of it, and it didn't appear to Ringo that his chatty mate would ring off anytime soon.

He'd grown inpatient. They were set to go on soon. Ringo stood up from the chair and strode across the room. He tapped George on the shoulder. "I need to use it." He mimed holding a phone.

George turned to him. "Alright," He spoke into the receiver. "Ringo needs to use the phone, love. I'll call you after the second show. Bye." He placed the phone back in the cradle. "It's all yours." George grinned, "Are you going to call her?"

"I would if you'd leave me alone." He gruffly replied.

George chuckled and patted him on the shoulder. "I'll leave you to it." He lowered his voice and leaned in. "I hope you'll have better luck than those two." He cocked his head into John and Paul's direction.


After dinner, Charlie tried to relax in front of the television. But, Patty and Cathy's attempts to bake a cake failed to amuse her. Wanda, on the other hand, laughed animatedly.

The phone rang shrilly, Charlie leaned over the armrest of the sofa to grab it off of the end table. She hadn't given any thought to who was on the other end of the line. "Hello?"

"Charlie. It's Ringo."

"I know your voice." She guardedly replied.

Wanda shushed at her.

Charlie stood up and grabbed the cradle. She walked into the adjoining kitchen and stretched the phone cord to its limit.

"I hope it's alright that I got your number from George through, Annette."

Charlie lowered her voice. "If it wasn't I wouldn't have given it out." She heard a voice on the other end in the background, "We're on in five minutes lads."

"Could I see you tonight? I'm leaving in morning."

She felt let down that tomorrow he'd be gone. Charlie thought it was odd to feel about a boy she didn't know.

Ringo continued, "If you've got other plans already -"

"I don't." She answered quickly and regretted what she felt made her come across as desperate.

He chuckled. "I'll call you when we get back to the hotel." The noise level suddenly increased on the other end of the line. She pressed the receiver closer to her ear, Charlie didn't want to miss anything he said.

She thought she heard Ringo say, "I've got to go." It was possibly followed by, "Come on, Ringo!" The call abruptly ended without a proper goodbye. She stared at the receiver for several moments before she placed it back onto the cradle.

"What's wrong with you?" Wanda asked and appeared genuinely concerned.

"Nothing." She absentmindedly replied. Charlie had mixed feelings about seeing Ringo tonight. One evening out with the boy, and she had a curious interest in him.


After the second show, plans were made back at the Plaza for one final night out in New York City. Ringo declined the offer to join them. He phoned Charlie, after a quick shower and a change of clothes.

Ringo was slouched down on the chair. He nervously drummed his thigh, a lit cigarette pressed between his middle, and index fingers. His earlier phone call with Charlie left him feeling a bit nervous that she didn't want to see him and was only tolerating him. But, Ringo felt that in Charlie's personal life, she wasn't the type to go along for the sake of making things pleasant. He sat up straight when the line was picked up.

"What?" Charlie sounded tired and cranky.

"Hello?" He replied hesitantly.

She yawned.

Ringo continued, "I woke you up?" He stated apologetically.

"I was just resting my eyes." Her tone was abrupt.

He wasn't bothered by it. Charlie's words reminded him of what his mam. Elsie would say to her Ritchie, when he caught her dozing off on the couch, "I'm not sleeping. I'm just resting me eyes."

"How long did you rest them for?" He asked teasingly, using the same response he did with his mam.

"Not long enough."

He laughed and took a long drag off of his cigarette. And, it was then that something incredible happened. Ringo heard the sound of Charlie laughing quietly on the other end. It brought a smile to his face. She yawned again. "If you're too tired to see me -"

"I'm not." She replied quickly.

His smile broadened. He felt like he had a chance with her, at what, Ringo didn't know.

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