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3. three

adrien: so how did you get my number in the first place?

The weekend had finally come around and Adrien didn't have a photoshoot until later. Nino has texted him but their conversation had fizzled out and Nino hadn't responded in ten minutes. Nino also did have a date that night with Alya so Adrien assumed his friend just forgot to say goodbye.

anon: your best friend's out too?

adrien: how'd you know?

anon: because you told me you only text me and your best friend Nino.

adrien: you've become a friend too.

anon: I totally forced you into this friendship.

anon: sorry.

For some reason anon wasn't acting like herself. He was kinda worried.

adrien: are you okay? I like being friends with you.

adrien: I just wish I knew what you look like.

anon: I'm fine and dandy!

anon: you do know what I look like :)

anon: and I'll answer your question. I was walking home from school and a piece of paper hit me in the face. It had your number on it and then the next day I heard you wanted a real friend. Sorry I already know you but I thought if you didn't know who I was, I could offer you a real friend.

Adrien blushed. He was actually blushing. This sounded like the anon he barely knew. He was relieved she was back to normal.

anon: sorry if that sounded weird!!

adrien: not weird at all :)

He was hesitant putting the smiley face, he'd never done that especially to a girl.

anon: aw! you put a smile in the message. so cute!

It was so worth it. His smile grew. His phone buzzed again.

anon: I'm definitely feeling better just talking to you.

Adrien was too.

anon • adrienette auWhere stories live. Discover now