Soul x reader

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"My first story ever please don't hate me"~admin

        Souls pov~
"Why is it I can never act cool around her" he yelled at himself in his head while looking at the beautiful girl sitting next to him in class. "I hate this maybe I should just tell her how I feel?" He thought he looked back at the teacher aka stein. "This is boring we always do the same thing so not cool..." He said out loud without noticing.

      Readers pov~
*haha he's so adorable but I could never tell him that he would reject me I'm just the average girl he's to cool to be with someone like me" she thought. Then she looked over at him the one and only soul. He was looking at her and blushed when she saw him staring. "I-is he blushing?"she thought to herself. 

    3rd person pov and time skip~
It was the end of the school day and ___ and soul were going to hangout at souls place. He had decided to tell her his feelings tonight and was really nervous about it. They were walking to his place because it was closer to the school than ___'s. She was so happy to be with her best friend and she was hoping that maybe one day they could be more. What she didn't know was that is what he had planned.

    Souls pov~
"So your joining the swim team I hear" he said out loud. She replied "huh oh yea I-I wanted to s-swim it's been a long t-time since I last went s-swimming" she said shyly. Soul blushed hearing her stutter like that he thought it was adorable along with her perfect looks he couldn't wait any longer to tell her so as soon as they stepped in his house he yelled "____ I-I love you" he had said it there was no turning back now. He closed his eyes tightly and was blushing a bright red.

Reader pov~ "___ I-I love you!" was all she heard him say before he closed his eyes and was blushing bright red. It was silent for a minute then she stuttered out "s-soul I l-love you too" she was now looking like a tomato a blushing mess.

   3rd person pov~
They had both said how they feel and were standing there like they didn't know what to say or do until soul decided to kiss her on the lips. After a few long seconds she kissed back making him smile into the kiss. He thought her lips were so soft and she thought the same thing about his. he pulled back."___ will you go out with me please." He asked and she smiled and said "yes!" In a happy and cheerful voice as she hugged him tightly.

"Ok sorry if you don't like this I'm new and hoping to get better at this please don't hate on my first try. I hope you enjoyed this." Admin~

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