Shikamaru x reader. Happy new years!

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Friend at school requested this so yea hope you enjoy!

           Shikamaru pov~

Ugh what a drag choji is forcing me to ask ____ out on new years eve I still don't understand why I mean me and her are close friends she's just going to reject me. Yet again she could say yes I mean she's surprising like that sometimes. Gosh now I'm worried cause if she says yes It might mean she likes me but that's just going to make me hopeful because to be honest I really like ____ but I don't think she could ever like a guy like me. This is everything that was going through his mind as he was walking to her home to ask her the question.

           3rd person pov~

Shikamaru walked up to her door and waited for her to answer because he knew she lived alone. She opened the door with a small smile. "come in shikamaru"she said as he stepped into her home. She closed the door and led him to the living room. "so why'd you come over shikamaru?" she asked. He looked at her and blushed a bit "well I just wanted to know if you wanted to come with me choji and a few others on new years eve. were all going to watch the fireworks at midnight." he said. She blushed and smiled. "of course shikamaru" she said happily and sat on the couch and patted next to her for shikamaru to sit next to her. He walked over and sat next to her still blushing a bit. "so what do you want to do for the rest of the day" he said. "how about we watch some movies." she said and they ended up watching movies all day and they both fell asleep on the couch next to each other.

           time skip~

He woke up first and saw her sleeping peacefully. She looked beautiful and happy laying there holding his arm. He shook her softly to wake her. "hey its morning you need to get up" he said and giggled a bit. "hmm five more minutes" she said quietly and hugged his arm tighter. He blushed. "you need to get up____ its new years eve we need to go meat up with everybody else." he said quietly and shakes her again. "okay okay I'm up now stop shaking me..." she said and opened her eyes and looked into his. He blushed and stood up. "I'll pick you up at 10pm see ya then." he said and left.

           time skip~

He knocked on the door and was dressed in a nice button up shirt and pants. She opened the door and was wearing a dress that looked casual but still elegant as well as some nice flats. "you look very handsome shikamaru" she said blushing. "you look absolutely beautiful ____" he said smiling and blushing a bit at her complement. "thank you" she said as she stepped out of here house and they started walking to where they were supposed to go. They got there an hour later so it was 11pm and everyone was there and they all said hello and complemented the two of you. It was now one minute till midnight and you and shikamaru were sitting down in the grass as everyone else was getting ready to kiss there boyfriends/girlfriends. Then just as the first firework was sent into the air shikamaru kissed ____ softly and she kissed back. "will you go out with me?" he asked and looked at her. "of course I will" she said and giggled.

      The end

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