subaru x reader jealousy

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Yay vampires!!! enjoy this guys.

            subaru pov~

I told y/n to meat me at the park in about an hour and she said okay so i took a shower and started to walk to the park. Me and y/n have been dating for three months now and it's been great she calms me down when i'm angry and just makes me a better person in general but when i see her with other guys i get nervous. I'm afraid she might leave me for some other guy and that's why I asked her to meet me so that I could tell her how I've been feeling before it's to late. I saw her looking around and i was sitting at a picnic table and waved her over to me. She smiled and hugged me then sat down. "hey y/n there's something we need to talk about" I said and she looked at me confused. 

          3rd person pov~

"yea what is it subaru" she said and just as subaru was going to say something a group of guys walked up and started to flirt with y/n. "hey beautiful why you hanging out with this guy when you could have some real fun with us?" one of them said. "because he's my boyfriend now go away were trying to have a conversation." y/n said and held Subaru's hand. "ah come on this guy probably isn't even any fun has he even kissed you yet doll?" another one said. Subaru squeezed y/n hand. "leave us alone" y/n said and noticed subaru stand up. "she told you to go away, are you stupid or something" subaru said and stood in front of y/n. "what you jealous dude maybe she doesn't want you man." another said and walked up to subaru. "you should leave now" subaru said and the guy punched him in the stomach hard and subaru fell to the ground coughing up blood. "subaru!" y/n said and the guys left laughing. "I'm okay y/n" he said still coughing blood. "no your not subaru here let me see" y/n said and checked the wounds. "fine..." he said still full of rage and jealousy. "alright your fine but it's going to hurt for a few days there should also be a bruise"she said. "i'm a vampire remember it already healed" subaru said. "oh i forgot about the whole healing thing sorry subaru" she said. "its fine" he said trying to calm down. "i guess some guys don't understand that girls in a relationship don't want them" she said looking at subaru. "yeah clearly" he said. "hey subaru why haven't you kissed me yet? I mean we've been together for three months now." she said. "well i-i wanted it to be really s-special so i was waiting  for the right time." he said and scratched the back of his  neck while blushing and smiling. "well what if today is a day i thought was special" sh said and smiled. "cause its our anniversary" he said smiling. "yea" she said. "then i guess today is the right day huh" he said. "yea" she said and giggled. He slowly moved closer to her and they shared there first kiss and smiled. "I love you"he said blushing. "I love you too"she said also blushing. 

the end

sorry this was so short guys but i hope you liked it!

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