Chapter seven- I can Hide but can you Seek?

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OMG I have over 7,000 reads!!! YOU GUYS!!!! I LOVE YOU! I can't believe this book is going somewhere to people, and to think this was all just thought on the road :) I Hope I can keep you all entertain with all the twist and turns I'm planning!!!! If I take a while to write again its because I got food poisoning but I got to finish this chapter sooo... ENOJY!

~Alexis' P.O.V~!

Oh. my. god. Im running from my mate. AN ALPHA MATE, why do I let my cockiness and stubbornness get in the way of common scene.

"How dare he make it seem like he could contain me!? Mate or not! I am a powerful wolf and I can not be leashed! It doesn't matter if his wolf is strong, powerful, beautiful, smart, sex-"

" OK... what happened to ranting about how much of a dick he was back there?" I asked my ranting wolf as I dodged trees and hurtled over bushes. After about 20 min. of running I heard a warning howl from Damien that the chases was on but that was 3 hours ago, ever since then my wolf has been complaining on how his wolf and him treated us and I just wished she would shut up but her being angry was much better than being lustful.

"I know but I cant help it. Sure I'm pissed on how his wolf challenged me and my boundaries but having to get permission to leave his side? I do not remember hearing about this from Serena! She her self should know she-wolfs, especially me, would not agree nor obey to these ties with mates!" Wait a second...... who's Serena?

"Who's Serena" I say voicing my thoughts over my wolfs. As she halted her mumbling I could feel her nervousness coming off in waves. I automatically halted my running and sat down ready to hear whatever came from her mouth.... or snout, muzzle, thoughts. You know what I mean.

While I waited for my wolfs answer I took notice of my surroundings. I was resting in a medium sized clearing next to a crystal clear lake, the tall oak trees branches broke in small areas allowing some moon light to glisten threw and onto the lake. Small daisies circled all around the clearing making this probably the most beautiful place I ever seen. And to think a couple more leaps and I would have completely missed this place all together.

"Are you sure I said Serena? um I don't think I said such thin- ..... wait do you smell that?" My wolf said suddenly highting my senses beyond even werewolf standers, right now I had the senses of an Alpha. 

I lifted my nose to the air and took in a whiff, strange this smells like I've smelt this sent before.... it was like home but mixed with danger and...blood. I was extremely confused until I heard growling in the bush next to me, spinning quickly towards the noise I sent out a warning growl to show itself to whatever was in there. 

 After a few seconds two male wolves slowly walking out of their hiding spots with haunches high and canines barred. The bigger one was a rusty colored wolf  with black eyes and a black snout and under belly to match, while the smaller wolf was dirty blond with yellow eyes like a real wolf had.

Rouges? I wondered but after smelling the snarling beast from afar all I could smell was the same sent on both. I lowered my self in a defensive crouch as the two began to circle me, not once did I allow them my back, its like asking for a death wish. The rusty colored wolf, lets call him Fred for giggles, looked at the blond wolf, lets say Bob, and gave a quick nod before charging me and leaping at me.

For a regular wolf he was fast but not fast enough for me as I ducked under his black belly and clawed his stomach. Fred gave a yelp of pain and surprise as he tumbled to the ground whining, This angered Bob making his charge me like Fred accept not leaping. Bob clamped his teeth on the back of my neck and threw me into a tree. The echoing sound of my impact was heard around the forest as I stumbled to get back up before another hit. Bob went over to check on Fred who was now up, almost healed and VERY angry.

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