Chapter nine- Mysteries Left untold

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I hope you guys enjoy my new chapter, the photo above is to help imagine the eyes of the characters!!!! :D

*unknown P.O.V*

As I walked down the cold dark hallway the bottom of my shoes leave a echo sound traveling through the corridors enforming any wolf of my location. I kept my head up and my eyes forward, not daring to look in the iron doors windows, learning my mistake the last time. The horrendous memories still haunt my dreams from time to time but I dont allow it to show, of course unless I wanted my weakness to be my demise . I continue walking down to my destination till I see a light slowly creeping out from a upcoming door to my left, I already know what is to come next.

As the door opens more my ears are met with a ear renching scream filled with nothing but despair that makes my heart tighten. A body attempts to slide out of the room as fast as it can before to much noise is let out, as the figure begins to close the door behind them, the womans scream slowly turn to sobs of pain that bounce off the basement walls.

But as fast as it had begun the crys are ended by the closing of our sound proof doors, as I now reach the door I am met with the sad eyes of our pack docter Dr. Emmit. I lay my hand on his sholder which causes him to slouch against the door and run a hand through his messy brown hair. He lets out a long a tierd sigh.

"How is she?" I ask him after allowing a moment of silence surround us.

"She's trying to take in the information, but the pain from losing a cub is a very devistating thing for a female." He told me as he begun to get angry " I knew sending Bailey was a bad idea, I had told him he was to young and there was no way of him returning alive! Damn it!" Dr.Emmit began to rant before punching the wall which hurt his hand, they werent kiddin when they said that these were werewolf proof.

"Hey, hey" I grab his shoulders and forced him to look at me, hes was a ok looking guy probably around 5'10 with brown shaggy hair and small rectangke glasses over his grey eyes, he also was one of the good guys, one of the ones who haden't turned. "Look were all upset about losing Bailey, hell no ones more upset then his mother but we have to go on, if we dont then ehats the point of living? We just need the right moment ok?" He nodded his head and looked down obviously not completely encouraged. "Well make it through this, we always do." And with that I left him needing to go on to my original plan, but im glad I saw Emmit he need someone to talk to him before he did something stupid .

After about 5 more min. of verious twist and turns , I had reached the large wooden door with two gards standing in front of it. I tried not to look at them, but I cant help not looking at its red eyes... so dark and so empty.

It obviously got mad at my look because it let out its horrible growl, "State your buisness here mutt" really its calling me a mutt? I thought snidely before anwsering.

"I have come to see my father and Master" I tell it respectively, it lets out a smaller growl before looking blankly ahead, I assume asking the master if I was indeed called apon, the hell obviously, I mean why the hell else would I want to be here?

The creature who spoke like a man, and looked like a man, but was nothing of the sort, gave a nod to his pal and the doors were slowly opened. As I step into the area it reveal a dark room with no widows but simply a long oval, wooden table with lether chairs surrounding it, but no one was sitting in them. There was a projecter protruding light onto a near by wall, next to it stood to men, one hunched over looking over a map, and the other arms crossed allowing the other man to figure this problem out for himself.

As I approched the table their heads snapped to me, two sets of eyes were staring me down, one held exhaustion and relief while the other held annoyance and anger. As I reach the table the man also known as my father, brought me close and hugged me, he always worried when I wasent with him since Master said if he were ever to do a bad job he would kill me when he least expected it.

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