Capítulo Nueve (CHAPTER IX)

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Capítulo Nueve

I entered the house with Rizal and his family. I was amazed by the sight. Typically, from outside it is the classic Filipino house in Spanish times, like the "bahay na bato"you can see in places like Vigan, Iloilo and Batangas. The ground floor is made of stone tiles, while the second floor is made of wood planks. The roof shingles made with the usual Spanish tiles. The bricks and blocks discernible through the exterior ashen paint coating. The windows are made of Capiz shells. We entered the arched door of the house. I can see that the interior walls are unpainted, probably just stained to display the natural beauty of the wood. There is a grand staircase leading to the main hall in second floor. The living room is spacious and has tall shelled windows. The cool night air drifted into the house and Rizal's sisters started lighting the oil lamps hanging from above and the ones on the table. They had a special tool for lighting them. It looks like a long stick with a burning cloth wrapped at the end, probably drenched in oil then lit on fire. The ceiling is high placed. The wooden floors are polished to shine, and the flickering lights glimmer from them. It is all so beautiful that I feel like I had been caught in an enchantment.

"Dinner is almost ready." One of Rizal's sisters announced.

"Ate Neneng had been excitedly laboring tonight's dinner since this morning!" A girl exclaimed. I think she is around 6 years old.

"And have you been a good girl, Choleng?" Rizal asked her with a smile.

"I helped her all day!" The little girl frowned at him and crossed her arms in front of her.

"Is that right? You mean you helped eat the food?" Rizal teased with a laugh and ruffled her hair.

"I did not!" The girl defended herself.

"I know, I am only teasing you. I have missed you, Choleng. Come here and give your kuya a hug." Rizal said and kneeled beside her. She jumped into his arms. Everyone laughed at them. My heart softened at the scene. They have a close family, something that I always dreamed of.

"Who is she?" The girl asked and pointed a finger at me. I felt everyone's eyes shifted to my direction. I awkwardly waved at her.

"Do not point, Choleng. She is Señorita Valentina Yures, my dear friend." Rizal told her and introduced me.

"This is my sister, Soledad or better known as Choleng." Rizal smiled at me. I gave another awkward bow.

"Is she your wife?" Choleng asked him. Everyone laughed in unison and I felt like a boiling brass kettle. Rizal chuckled but didn't answer her.

"But you are still too young to get married, kuya!" She cried out and buried her head in his neck. "And you have been gone for a long time. I still want to play with you."

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