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Age 3-6

Jongdae was a happy child , you would see him with a smile most of the time . He loved to smile , laugh , make others laugh , basically be happy  all the time . But this cruel world and life didn't always allow that to happen . Jongdae was cared for by his father a lot ,his father loved him very much . Yet he never allowed Jongdae to go outside the house alone when he was little not even to the garden. Jongdae asked his father the reason but his father would reply with 'it's too dangerous out there ,your safe here ' . Jongdae didn't understand why it was so dangerous he saw other kids playing in the open world , why couldn't he . That was until he was old enough to go to kindergarten. He was so excited that he finally would get the chance to converse with other human beings that he got up so early that even his father wasn't awake .

His father dressed him in a uniform that morning. Mr.Kim commented that Jongdae looked so adorable in it he might squish him by hugging him too hard .

When the father and son finally arrived at their destination. His father bid him goodbye not before he kissed his son on the cheek .
Jongdae was literally jumping up and down when he walked into class . So many unfamiliar faces but he was eager to befriend all of them .
The teacher finally walked in and she looked kind and gentle . She politely asked each and everyone to introduce them selves and share their interests.
Each child took there turn until a boy with the brightest smile he had ever seen got up and started talking " hello everyone, my name is Byun Baekhyun and I love to smile and laugh and make others laugh I wish I could make you all laugh so we could be really good friends " the bright boy exclaimed with so much enthusiasm that jongdae felt like he wasn't exited or jumpy enough to match Baekhyun. Next was Jongdae's turn and he got up and gave a toothy smile and bowed " hello everybody my name is Kim Jongdae and like spend time outside and talk to people and making new friends I hope we all could be friends. "
After Jongdae was another boy who looked less happy than everyone else but nevertheless he smiled after he stood up . He wasn't jumpy like Jongdae or Baekhyun. " hello everyone my name is Wu Yifan , yeah I know it's not a Korean name because I'm not Korean I'm Chinese , we just moved here ," he finished . Jongdae wanted to remind Yifan that he forgot mention his hobbies or likes but before Jongdae could say a word the next boy got up and introduced him self .
At the interval Jongdae took out his packed lunch and scanned the room for some company to eat lunch with . He spotted Yifan eating alone minding his own business. He walked over to the boy and set his lunch on the table before he took a seat " hello Yifan. Can I sit here? " Jongdae asked offering a smile . " yeah sure go ahead " Yifan replied .
They ate in silence . It wasn't a uncomfortable or awkward silence , but calm . Jongdae noticed that Baekhyun was going around talking with everybody and some were laughing at what he was saying . Jongdae smiled at the sight .
Baekhyun reached the table the two boys were eating at . " hi guys , you're Jongdae and Yifan right ?" He asked " yup that's me and him " Jongdae replied " good can I sit with y'all " he asked pleadingly " yeah sure have a seat " Jongdae replied with a smile . The three boys ate and talked .
Later onwards , like after a few years they were best of friends. Even with such contrasting personalities they remained friends .

Age 14-17

Jongdae was having lunch with Yifan when Baekhyun rushed to their table with another tall boy , almost as tall as Yifan " guys I want you to meet my new friend and neighbor, Chanyeol , Park Chanyeol ." Baekhyun introduced the tall boy who had a similar bright smile matching Baekhyun. " hello , nice to meet you .I hope we can be friends " he said , Jongdae was shocked to hear his voice . It was deep and very masculine, his voice was a contrast with his baby like face . After the introduction of the new addition to the group they engaged in a lighthearted conversation. Apparently Yifan and Chanyeol had a lot in common, they both loved music but i guess all four of them have that in common, but they were both really good at rapping just like how Jongdae and Baekhyun was gifted with beautiful and musical voices. The two taller boys had more in common but it would be a lot to name .

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