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" I'm dying! " Jongdae snapped at Jongin who blinked innocently trying to process the words Jongdae yelled . From beside Jongdae , Baekhyun face palmed as he sighed into his palms .
The reason Jongdae is dying? Well...he's sick and tired of literally everybody asking ,why he has yellow patch on his neck ?
" that's the bloody reason . They gave me a sticker so I would feel better !!" Jongdae exclaimed frantically .
" H-huh?" Jongin is utterly confused on what's going on . For all he knows he only asked why Jongdae has a sticker on his neck but the response he got was slightly violent ...according to Jongin ,of course .
" No your not . You dumb shit ! Stop snapping at people . He just asked cus he's curious . Be nice !" Baekhyun said while showing a half eaten sandwich into Jongdae's mouth . Jongdae muttered something inaudible as he munched on the sandwich .
" I'm sorry Jongin , he's not dying . He's just on his man period " Baekhyun explained to a ever lost looking Jongin .
In the background you could hear Sehun and Chanyeol snickering and Jongdae's muffled protests . Minseok just decided to stay quiet because of the reason that ,cranky Jongdae is whiny Jongdae and whiny Jongdae is no-good Jongdae , he learned the hard way .
" Chen , please stop whining about it . This was your only option anyways " Chanyeol reasoned .
" only option ?" Minseok asked curiosity evident in his words.
" uh...yeah , Jongdae is suddenly concerned about the dengue epidemic .you know spray and cream are sticky and stuff" Baekhyun mumbled gibberish trying to steer their attention to a non-existent epidemic in South Korea at the moment .
Sehun raised an questioning eye brow at Baekhyun and his quite dumb explanation . Sehun's not dumb and neither is Minseok and they knew instantly that Jongdae's man period habits isn't the reason for the repellent sticker .

curiosity didn't waver down and neither did Jongdae's whining .

Baekhyun isn't exactly sure when he started liking the name but he's pretty sure he likes it a lot now since he decided to call one of his best friend that name .
The name was present in his mind constantly , short after Chanyeol bit him . Sometimes in his dreams the name was constantly whispered . Sometimes even if he's dreamlessly sleeping the name was a constant remainder . He didn't exactly understand what it meant but he gradually liked the name and he had a urge to use it almost all the time . But he never did . He didn't have anyone to use it on . So he kept his strange urge locked up .
After he lost control over God knows what and bit Jongdae , out of nowhere started calling Jongdae , Chen .
At first it was quite odd but then they got used to calling Jongdae - Chen .
What they didn't know was that every time the name was passed around a small squirmy feeling settled in the pit of Jongdae's stomach . In beginning he thought it was weird but later he knew it was just that small feeling you get when someone calls out to you , it's almost unnoticeable . It doesn't mean anything .

Baekhyun was in the middle of reading when a knock on the door interrupted his concentration . Standing up to answer the door he made his way to do so . He was greeted by a pale and sweaty Jongdae .
" hyung I don't feel so good" Jongdae said between breaths .
" Jongdae what happened did you eat anything unnecessary ?" Baekhyun asked worry evident in his voice .
" hyung I'm thirsty ..." Jongdae slumped into Baekhyun's arms . After Baekhyun helped Jongdae on to his chair , he presented the younger with a glass of water . Jongdae gladly accepted it but it didn't do any good .
" hyung water doesn't seem to do it . I don't know what's wrong with me . I clearly need water ." Jongdae said desperately . Baekhyun stepped back as the situation made sense to him.
' he needs blood ' thought Baekhyun . As soon as he was dawned by the sudden realization , he held his wrist to his mouth and bit into the flesh drawing blood .
" Chen open your mouth " he said while holding his bleeding wrist to his dongsaengs lips .
" hyung what's wrong with me ?" Jongdae said his eyes closed .
" Jongdae-ah you need blood " Baekhyun said softly . No reply , Baekhyun was greeted by silence ,no whimpering , no soft moans , no whining , just silence .
"...No..." The reply finally came ,before Baekhyun could argue .
" I don't want to ! I don't want to be a blood thirsty monster . I don't want to have blood lust ! I don't want- don't want to ...want to be . You " Jongdae rambled on barely conscious .
Baekhyun looked like something smacked in the face . Hurt ...that was what Baekhyun was feeling .  He knows Jongdae is as good as drunk right now but he couldn't convince himself to think that Jongdae wasn't in his right mind and he was just mumbling bullshit .
" Jongdae please . I'm begging you ! Please just drink my blood . Just this once ." Baekhyun pleaded .
"No! I won't . Even if I die I won't !" Without warning Jongdae raised his wrist to his Mouth and bit down drinking his own blood . Baekhyun tried to pry Jongdae from doing it but the younger didn't budge . It wasn't long until Jongdae started coughing violently .
" Jongdae that's not going to help . Your own blood could be more poisonous than anything . But since we have healing it would not effect you first but if you keep doing this it could hurt and ...and Jongdae please listen to me!" Baekhyun's desperate voice bounced off the walls . Jongdae seemed to have fallen unconscious or he was just plain out ignoring everything  . Baekhyun did what he could only think of that at that moment , call Chanyeol . He whipped out his phone and called Chanyeol to tell him to get there as soon as possible . Baekhyun waited for a while until Jongdae started to squirm and mumbled something under his breath .
" why hyung why ? Why did you make me like this ? Do you want to see me suffer ? What did I ever do wrong ? Tell me hyung ? Do you hate me? Is that why you did it?" Jongdae asked his line of questions . Baekhyun knew he was going to hear these words sooner or later it was so similar to the conversation he had with the younger a day ago . Jongdae whimpered softly and Baekhyun felt guilt and dread take over him . His sweet little Jongdae was suffering so much because of him .

"Oh Jongdae poor poor Jongdae . I'm so sorry . Jongdae, hyung loves you so much, hyung would never want see you suffer . I'm so sorry Jongdae you don't deserve this , you deserve so much better ,So much better . Please Chen . Look at me Chen ." Baekhyun said tears streaming down his cheeks .

A scream ripped through the air . Jongdae held his head between his palms while screaming his lungs out.
Baekhyun had no idea what's happening ,he just stood there paralyzed ,too shocked to do anything .
The screaming subsided and it was replaced with heavy breaths . Jongdae finally looked up and opened his eyes .
' his eyes ! What's wrong with his eyes !?" Baekhyun panicked . Jongdae's eyes weren't its usual warm dark brown colour neither were they red as it should if your blood deprived . They were a brilliant colour of gold . Gold with a tinge of darkness to them . The more Baekhyun stared the more drawn he felt as if the it's trying drag him down ,make him bow down . Baekhyun was so  occupied in staring into Jongdae's eyes that he didn't notice the sinister expression that was masking Jongdae's face . Jongdae slowly got up and cracked his neck .
" well hello there~ what a privilege to meet you ~" Jongdae's cheerful voice rang in Baekhyun's ear as he stared at the boy .
" what ? What are you staring at ? Is my face that beautiful that you can't seem to move "  Jongdae asked in a sickeningly sweet voice .
" well if you excuse me I have to leave " Jongdae said as he tried to walk past Baekhyun but he held Jongdae in place preventing him from moving . Jongdae's cheerful expression darkened as he glared at his captor .
" Move!" He demanded as he tried show Baekhyun away but Baekhyun was always stronger than Jongdae .
"What? Jongdae-" Baekhyun couldn't finish as he was interrupted .
" guess again Baekhyun-ah" Jongdae smiled as he grabbed Baekhyun's arm tightly and flung him towards the wall. Baekhyun hit the wall so hard that blood splattered out of his mouth . Still hurt by the impact he almost didn't hear what Jongdae said .
" oh and it's Chen ~ not Jongdae .see you later ,love~" he said as he walked out of the door . Beakhyun sat there nauseous and hurt trying contemplate what happened when two tall figures  barged into the room . As soon as Chanyeol saw Baekhyun on the ground blood trickling down from the corner of his lips he rushed over to help him up . Chanyeol settled Baekhyun on the bed and Yifan offered  him a glass of water .
" what happened ? Who did this ?" Chanyeol asked carefully .
" it hurts so much " Baekhyun whimpered.
" Baekhyun , where's Jongdae ?" Yifan asked him calmly .
" he did this - Chen did this " Baekhyun whispered loud enough for the other two to hear .
"Jongdae!? Jongdae did this " Chanyeol asked shocked to learn the new information.
"No...not Jongdae , Chen he did this ...Chanyeol , Jongdae isn't who you think he is now . He's different , he's Chen " Baekhyun said before he fell unconscious .

So here it is guys the new chapter ! Finally something interesting happened or I hope it's interesting . Sorry for the grammar mistakes if there are any . And sorry if there's any misplaced inverted commas . I hope you enjoyed !
Don't worry more drama is coming up .

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( you know I live for those )

Over and out
- Maaya

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