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Alone ,again...

Sehun's whole body ached but more than his body his heart pained . He knows it's not Jongin ,he knows that Jongin wouldn't dream of doing something like this but he can't help but feel betrayed and violated . He was so sure that once he found his mate that he would be safe that he would be relieved from this never ending threat . Yes, Sehun has encountered situations like this but not this bad . Being a omega has its ups and downs but mostly downs , considering the way omegas are treated in his pack . It's true that omegas are rear and very useful but they are still treated very differently from the other two dominant classes . Sure you get some amount of equal treatment but at the end of the day you are the homemaker,  the breeder , the omega.

Being ranked as an omega and labeling your self as an omega is another way of saying ' congrats ! Your a baby making machine!' Since Sehun was a child he always had to go through hardships of trying to be not seen , laying low, always the quite kid . But all his hard work of trying to be invisible washed away when he was 14 .That was the age the whole pack knew that Oh Sehun was an omega .
betas and omegas are determined around the age of 12-13 and that is when they start releasing pheromones . Alphas normally are born with rank but there could be instances where a alpha is ranked later it's normal but rare . For omegas there first heat come around the age 16-20 or later . No Sehun hasn't had his heat yet.

As told before this 'threat' was common during his childhood as well ,making it the soul reason that Sehun never made any kind of reputation for himself . He was timid , kind ,humble and a very passive boy , this type of behavior did catch  a lot of alphas and betas  attention but that's what he most definitely didn't want . He was too modest and passive for his own good . On top  passive and gentle personality   he was also extremely beautiful . Someone once told him that boys aren't supposed to be beautiful but he was . Gorgeous, breathtaking even.
When he was a young child he was so adorable and just way too cute .But Sehun didn't want that , he didn't like knowing that people lusted after him . He wanted love not lust . His parents loved him but sehun wasn't sure if they understood him. They always told him to be careful ,not to let other alphas or betas touch him unnecessarily until it's his right time .

Age 8
"He's so adorable . I'm sure he's going to have a lot of people trailing him" one of Sehun's  father's friend exclaimed as he studied Sehun.
"He doesn't talk much does he?" One auntie asked Sehun's parents .
"No not really . I don't know why but he only talks when spoken to . Very different for a child . Wonder what his rank is" Sehun's mother said.
"Probably beta or omega . I just can't imagine him being arrogant and fighting people for no reason  " a beta present in the room declared .
"We are not arrogant and we certainly don't fight for no reason  " Sehun's father tried to save some pride for the alphas .
"Sure y'all don't " muttered Sehun's mother who was an beta .
" well it's not a big problem all children are different  . Sehuna can you please go out side for a bit and play with Luhan hyung ." The uncle from before told him as he was smiling kindly at the small boy.
"Okay" Sehun replied softly as he started towards the front door.
Outside in the garden he saw Luhan hyung and another boy sitting on the green grass talking .
Sehun slowly reached them trying not to disturb their conversation.
Luhan noticed the petite figure nearing them so he turned to gesture him towards them .
"Sehuna ~ come here will you?" Luhan said in a very light voice . Sehun obeyed his hyung and slumped down next to the older boy .
"Sehuna this is Jongin . Jongin this my little Sehun ." Luhan hyung introduced as he slung an arm around Sehun's narrow shoulders .
"Hi" said the boy in front of him . He had light bronze skin which wasn't very prominent and warm brown eyes crinkling as he smiles at Sehun . His dark hair gently swaying at the comfortable breeze .
"Jongin is the head alpha's son" Luhan explained further.
"Oh?" Sehun finally said something .
"Yeah... Sehuna don't be scared he's not scary like the head alpha . He's way nicer " Luhan said giving Sehun a teasing look.
"I'm not scared hyung . Why are you like this to me " Sehun whined as he squirmed out of Luhan's grasp and sat cross legged between Luhan and Jongin .
"Jongin-" Sehun was interrupted
"Hyung . Jongin hyung he's a year older than you sehunnie" Luhan corrected Sehun .
"Oh...sorry, Jongin hyung . Hyung why are you here?" Little Sehun asked Jongin curiously.
"Mom and dad are inside with yours . I'm just waiting cus they old me to" he answered .
"Why are they here?" Luhan asked Jongin ,curiosity evident in his tone .
"Dunno" Jongin shrugged . And they heard someone calling Jongin.
"I gotta go. Nice meeting you sehun" Jongin smiles before he gets up to leave. Sehun returns the gesture with a kind smile that lingers a bit longer than intended , it was not on purpose  but Luhan takes this as an  opportunity to tease Sehun.
" wah wah Sehunnie look at that smile" he says with a cheeky grin sehun swears he hates .
"Be quiet hyung-"
"Why ? Why should I be quiet ? " Luhan pesters in a obviously fake questioning way.
" hyung no, don't you go talk about that again  . You always talk about me marrying everyone I meet . So mean you are" Sehun finished with a pout . For his age it's hard to identify what's teasing and what's not and in his age marrying and mating is gross , he doesn't want to talk about this let alone be the butt of a joke that's related to this.
"Oh I'm only kidding Sehun ,anyway what if you do marry Jongin ?he's really nice and he's the alpha's son . He's also an alpha and I can tell he's a really strong one at that " Luhan ends with a slight nod .
"If he's so go marry him" Sehun turns from Luhan and pulls his knees to his chest to rest his chin on them puffing his lower lip out. He really didn't want hear his favorite hyung (probably only hyung) talking about Jongin like he's the best thing that happened after bubble wrap and 13 year old Luhan loves bubble wrap (a.n. no not bubble tea it's not discovered by the young ones yet).
"Nah I'm not going to marry him and I ain't letting you marry him either"
"And why is that ?" Sehun says still sulking .
"Because I'm going to be the one marrying you " Luhan says extremely close to Sehun's ear. When the hot breath reaches Sehun's ear he squirms away and starts shrieking when Luhan tackles him by tickling his sides.
" Ahahahahahahahaha hyu-ahahaha sto- hahahahaha . Hyungggg st-ahaha-op"
"Fine , fine " Luhan lets Sehun's sides go.
"Yeesh hyung don't say stuff like that . Don't joke about things like that " Sehun scolds Luhan before getting up to dust himself off and leave.
Looking at Sehun's retreating figure Luhan's current cheerful expression dimmed down .

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2016 ⏰

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