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Aimlessly walking . That seems to be the only thing that Minseok has been doing for the past hour . His classes ended earlier today so he thought it would be a nice experience to take a walk .
Minseok's mind starts racing when he wonders around aimlessly .
Unlike Jongdae he isn't afraid to think , he's not afraid of his mind grabbing at scenarios and possibilities. He definitely doesn't think the 'what if'
questions to be dreaded , though some people might object .
Truthfully speaking Minseok enjoys thinking about the 'what if' questions.
He imagines scenarios where things could have happened a different way , he wishes and imagines about the past ,in which where Jongdae seems to fret over what may happen in the future.
The loss of his family and best friend effected him greatly so he thinks 'what if his mother didn't die ? ' ' what if his brother checked before crossing the four lane road? ' ' what if he knew about Luhan being abused? ' would the outcome be different? Of course , but would the outcome be good? He didn't know . Many lives have been taken from him and those were existence he cared for .
While Minseok seemed to be lost in thought and walking with no sense of where he was going , something snapped him out of his trance ... A whimpering sound , a soft whimpering .
He looked around to find the source but he was deemed unsuccessful until he heard it again but this time the sound was a mix between a whimper and a whine . He crouched down to look under one of the benches that was situated near him . Looking under he sees a small figure curled to itself shivering . Minseok knows the little creature means no harm so he reaches out stroke it . The shivering mass seems to flinch at the proximity of Minseok's hand . Emitting gentle cooing whispers Minseok reaches out again to get a hold of it . Finally scooping up the small bundle of shivering and whimpering fur ball , he nestled it comfortably onto his arms to give the adorable thing some warmth .

As he gently strokes its head he observes the puppy in his arms . Brown hide covering its bare skin and big adoring dark brown eyes. The puppy ,who is now eagerly teething Minseok's fore finger
Yipped happily at him wagging its tail then resumed biting Minseok's finger.  It doesn't hurt , it's just a soft nibble
If anything it tickles him a bit .
Gazing down at the puppy a wave of affection hits Minseok as he cuddles it closer to his chest to provide more warmth . The shivering decreased as the puppy seems to be comfortable in his arms .

" hey little guy . Don't be scared I'm not going to hurt you " he says as he hears the whimpering stops as if the puppy understood and believes him .
After a swell amount of time in the same position with the puppy , Minseok pushes himself up to leave and placing wriggling puppy on the ground . Even though he has to leave the puppy thinks otherwise, as it latches it self on to Minseok's leg .
Not having much of a choice he crouches down to pat the puppy's head before softy saying " I have to go now and I can't take you with me . I'm sorry but I think you should go back to your mom " finishes gently before getting up yet again to be latched on the leg .
Sighing he takes the stray puppy which he has discovered is a male puppy on to his arms before heading off to the direction of the dorms .
Animals aren't allowed in the dorms but nobody really obeys the rule ,most of them do have pets which are tolerable inside the dorms and trusted to keep quiet.

As he sneaks the puppy inside the dorm room he noticed that Jongdae isn't present . Confusion overtaking his mind he gently placed the puppy on the floor to check the bathroom to see if Jongdae was there . No sign of Jongdae. Minseok shrugs it off concluding that Jongdae might have gone to meet Baekhyun or Chanyeol .
He makes a fluffy bed for the puppy to sleep in . The puppy knows how to keep himself busy as you can see right now he's biting the living daylight out of one the soft toys Minseok has placed on his bed . He takes the toy abc the puppy which is not letting go of the toy and keeps the puppy on the makeshift dog bed made out of rolled up blankets and and pillow cases . He continues to watch the puppy wrestle the teddy toy as a ghost of a smile looms over his expression .

It doesn't work like that  (xiuchen,Kaihun)Where stories live. Discover now